Bahor (Glorio Arkona)

Kerrandrax's page

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What happens if you crush someone with this?

As a standard action, you can push or pull a 5-foot cube of earth or unworked stone within 30 feet, moving the cube 5 feet in any direction. You can create raised platforms, stairs up a cliff, holes, or other useful features. This doesn’t cause the earth to float in the air, although in areas with plenty of earth, you can move a cube upward, creating a short pillar. If you move the earth beneath a creature’s feet, it can attempt a DC 20 Reflex save to leap elsewhere and avoid moving along with the earth.

First case: What happens if an npc is occupying a 5ft-square stone corridor, and I shift a wall onto them?

Second case: What happens if an npc is (somehow) enclosed in a 5ft stone cube, and I shift a block into it?

I had always assumed this couldn't be applied to Monk unarmed damage, but I recently found it in the feats of a monk npc (Nata Tuata, pg 248, PFCS), specifically designated as applying to unarmed damage. I haven't been able to find any recent rules threads on the subject, and the different rules texts are conflicting to say the least.

Any ideas?
