male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
The only hole big enough to step through is to the west, you can wiggle through the hole in the middle ish of the wall. Who goes first, second, etc. Any special precautions?
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
Peeking through the holes in the wall, you see a rubble filled room with lots of yellow fog. Looking alongside the wall (the north wall of F1, or the south wall of F2), you see various pieces of paper stuck to the wall via pins or tape. From your angle, you cannot see them without going into room F2. You hear shuffling in room F2, and you can occasionally see the vague shape of a person moving about slowly.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
JP looks stylish in his flashy new bangles. bracers of armor +2
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
As a note, since you will check, the old woman has a pair of sparkly wrist bangles (that look like cheap jewelry) that are magical.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
JP will, indeed, silence her. She falls to the ground, unmoving. Out of combat time. You are in room F1 of the second floor map link (in my posting title bar). The table has some cards on it, along with a scattering of copper coin. There is one pallet toward the west (the Bag Lady's). Holes in the northern wall allow yellow mist to flow into the room, and it swirls about, although there is no wind.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
I believe 19 is a crit threat for a dagger... confirm crit: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16, which confirms so I will just double the damage to 12. The Bag Lady shrieks in pain and cries out in a booming voice Ulver! Tatterman! They come to kill you! She punches back at the wee warrior. attack Lazare: 1d20 + 7 - 4 ⇒ (15) + 7 - 4 = 18, which misses. Players are up. The Bag Lady is the only opponent standing and she is pretty badly damaged.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
The last cultist drops! Lazare is up! JP (everyone) is flanking because Mouser is in her square, doing that Mouser thing (or at least as I understand that Mouser thing). Underfoot Assault (Ex): At 1st level, if a foe whose size is larger than the mouser’s is adjacent to her and misses her with a melee attack, the mouser can as an immediate action spend 1 panache point to move 5 feet into an area of the attacker’s space. This movement does not count against the mouser’s movement the next round, and it doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. While the mouser is within a foe’s space, she is considered to occupy her square within that foe’s space. While the mouser is within her foe’s space, the foe takes a –4 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks not made against the mouser, and all of the mouser’s allies that are adjacent to both the foe and the mouser are considered to be flanking the foe. The mouser is considered to be flanking the foe whose space she is within if she is adjacent to an ally who is also adjacent to the foe. The mouser can move within her foe’s space and leave the foe’s space unhindered and without provoking attacks of opportunity, but if the foe attempts to move to a position where the mouser is no longer in its space, the movement provokes an attack of opportunity from the mouser. This deed replaces opportune parry and riposte.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
The cultist and Bag Lady remain standing, although they are both wounded. The cultist stabs at JP attack JP: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16 The Bag Lady tries to punch Lazare! attack Lazare: 1d20 - 4 + 7 ⇒ (13) - 4 + 7 = 16 but both miss. Players are up!
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
JP's opinion is that the protection is a spell similar to protection from arrows, but he cannot be certain. She did not appear hurt by the daggers. Trevor puts down another cultist; one more yellow robed man and the Bag Lady still face you. JP and Lazare get to go.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
@ JP .... Make a DC 15 spellcraft check to identify the type of protection that is being used. Trevor hits one hard in the shoulder, probably dislocating it, but the man is still up. He stabs back at Trevor with a dagger. attack Trevor: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6, missing! Lazare puts one down; the second one clubs at him! attack Lazare: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21, hitting for 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 The Bag Lady moves in next to Trevor, handbag slung over her shoulder, punching at Trevor! attack Trevor: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14, missing. Players are up!
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
Trevor kills the one he is facing, and Lazare whirls, stabbing another in the calf. This happens to be the one he backstabbed to start this whole mess. JP shoots the Bag Lady and hits - but the bullet seems to do no damage. The three cultists charge in - 2 on Trevor and 1 on Lazare. the Bag lady moves up to support but is behind their row of fighters. Get'm Boys! she hollers out. attack Trevor: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3, missing
attack Lazare: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7, missing The players are up. The fight is in a line across the room. Three cultists facing Trevor and Lazare. JP and the Bag Lady are each 10 feet back from the line.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
Lazare moves to flank the cultist by Trevor, who is pretty dinged up. The one in front of Trevor swings attack Trevor: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 The other 3 cultists hurl bottles at the halfling! bottle attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Everything is a miss! The cultist in front of Trevor is flanked. The Bag Lady pulls a dirty bottle out of her handbag and takes a long swig on it, pulling it down with a smile and a smack of her lips. Players may go.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
OK, someone give a rounds worth of actions for Lazare.....
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
The bullet clips the bag lady in the shoulder. She shrieks Get 'em, boys, or I will get you! but she doesn't move from her position, rather she rummages in a tattered handbag. The cultists kick back their chairs, ready to fight. The one next to Lazare swings a short truncheon at the halfling. attack Lazare: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4, missing One other charges Trevor! charge Trevor: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23, hitting for damage to Trevor: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 (this one's AC is 9 due to the charge, the others are AC11 The other two spread out, readying weapons and snarling at the players. The players are up, Trevor and Lazare are engaged. Lazare's is wounded, and the Bag Lady is wounded.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
Wow, what a poor damage roll! The cultist is stabbed but not dead. Trevor is up! He is a move action away from the action.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
He makes it behind one - go ahead and make a stab for him!
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
Give some orders for Lazare. He has made a move action and is positioned as described.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
Guys - we have to pick up the posting pace or call it quits. We agreed to at least one post per day.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
Lazare runs up the stairs and around the corner. At the table, in each of the 4 seats, is a cultist. To the back, standing next to the northwest pallet, is an old woman who has been described to you as the Bag Lady. What does Lazare do? In one move action he is at the top of the stairs to the east of the F1.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
Just so I understand the plan - Lazare runs up first (any weapons out? Stabbing at the first person he sees? something else?) - Then Trevor runs up? What weapon does he have out? - Then JP runs up - pistols at the ready? What else am I missing?
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
The norther stair is choked with rubble, but the southern stair is clear. As you head up the stairs, you hear talking at the top - normal sort of tones in general, discussing food, how cold it will be tonight, etc. In the background, you hear a more sinister muttering, sounding like an old woman mumbling and complaining, but the words are horrid - someone should have an eye put out, make a cup of tea with that, or use it as a scone? and similar You hear this and stop out of sight, down the stairs a bit. The map link should be in the character line under second floor
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
He describes a lady that looks like Bag Lady She is....was...a patient here. She has a history as a blood thirsty killer, known for torturing them and killing them, and putting a bag over their head. Ferocious here. The medications calmed her, but she seems to be a zealous follower of Zandalus
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
Bad guys. The fanatics, followers of Ulver Zandalus. Maybe Zandalus himself. He seems to move around unseen sometimes. He shudders The Bag Lady
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
You can make your way over to the stairs in the cultist camp. Any particular things you want to do before you head up those stairs?
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
Both Trevor and Lazare observe the fog, and realize that this ... thing ... was a source of the fog, but not the only source. While it has dissipated quickly in this room, and even lightened a little outside, the level of fog has stabilized in the outside environment. Looking out one of the broken windows, you see the remains of some second story rooms to the east. You believe you could access them via the stairs near the hospital tent were you met the doctor.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
The thing seems strangely flexible and fluid in it's weird posture. Your impression is that it isn't human anymore. However, the critical hit does apply - and the thing's neck takes a solid shot, and the head bounces free of the body in a spray of blood and goo. The fog ceases to spew from its mouth. The room begins to lighten, the fog density lessening noticeably in a short amount of time. As you look around the room, you see that it is indeed used for storage. Windows ring the room, but most are broken. You believe it was letting smoke pour from this room into the region surrounding the asylum. Anyone who wishes can make an intelligence check, or knowledge planes check (which you still don't have), or even knowledge magic. DC10 for some info, DC15 for other info.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
As JP moves to draw his pistol and aim it toward the smoke spewing man, the fellow shifts suddenly, arms swinging at JP (this is effectively a melee situation - JP can take a shot vs. AC10, and then the fellow goes, and then all the players go)
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
It does not appear to be a haunt. It does radiate magic - something related to some other dimension. It does look a lot like the doctor you saw in the office on the first floor - except that she had multicolored smoke wafting out of her - it was not yellow, nor pouring with the gusto of this person. As you stand observing him, he rotates his position slightly, shuffling his feet, in order to place JP directly in front of him. You make a knowledge (planes) check if you wish as well.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
Trevor moves through the fog, once barking his shin on a low table. Cursing, he pushes it aside, then looks up at a man looming out of the fog. The man stands there, in the robes of a patient, head tilted back and mouth wide open, yellow fog pouring from his mouth. He does not move as Trevor gets close. (Trevor is in melee range, although he is not in melee).
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
Again you enter the yellow fog filled room. You can barely see your hand in front of your face. Listening carefully, you think you hear something shuffling somewhere off to the left?
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
Trevor easily moves up the stairs and enters the upper floor. This tower is isolated from the rest of the asylum. As this is an isolated room, I won't add it to the main map link yet. The stairs open into a room filled with the same yellow fog as is outside, but it is much more dense than any you have seen so far. It reminds you of how thick the fog was in your dreams. When Trevor extends a hand, he can barely see it in front of him. Near him are stacks of boxes, chairs, folded tables, and other things he might expect to see in a storage room. All seems to be stacked somewhat haphazardly. a memory intrudes on Trevor's thoughts. He is standing in front of a frightened man wearing the apron of a shop keeper. He smiles, a hammer in his right hand tapping into his left hand So, you didn't make your payment last month. That's not a good thing. An arm or a leg? We will save the knees and elbows for next month. He smiles a cold smile as the man sobs and begs forgiveness.... Trevor is the only one in the room at this point.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
Given Trevor's apparent skills with a knot, it is a bit tricky, but you have plenty of time to move some tables to stand on, help each other, etc., and manage to climb to the remnants of the stairs that lead to an upper floor. Who goes first?
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
Trevor smashes the thing to the ground, its head crushed by a blow from the massive hammer. Out of combat time. In a few moments, Lazare is able to move. The room is as described, some sort of day room for the patients - a variety of comfy chairs, tables with simple board games (NOT Next War: Taiwan!!). The stuff is mostly trashed though. Chairs tipped over and tables broken. There is a stair that was rising to a second floor - but it has partially collapsed about from the floor to about 10 feet overhead. The stairs go the rest of the way up from there.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
One ghoul flies back, blasted by two slugs. Lazare slides past another one, and stabs it in the calf, causing it to squeal. In response, the ghoul swings at Lazare. bite: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15, missing
And a DC13 fortitude check or be paralyzed for the halfing. Players are up.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
Looking for a post (or bot) for Lazare. @ JP - you will have initiative, I am certain. Also - no repairing of the broken musket unless you want to roll - there is no one in the building that you have found that can make the repair, so it is on you. Are JP and Trevor aiming at the same one or a different one?
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
You effectively have surprise, if you want to release a volley. AC13, touch 12, plus surprise.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
Looking into the north room, you see two ghouls in tattered patients clothes, moving in a circle and looking up, sniffing. The room is some sort of day room for the patients - a variety of comfy chairs, tables with simple board games (NOT Next War: Taiwan!!). The stuff is mostly trashed though. Chairs tipped over and tables broken. There is a stair that was rising to a second floor - but it has partially collapsed about from the floor to about 10 feet overhead. The stairs go the rest of the way up from there. The ghouls do not seem to notice you, fixated by something in the overhead room that they cannot reach.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
OK. Figure everyone is rested and reset. Where too?
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
You are nearing the end of this book.....only a few more pages to go. Alas, they may be the tough ones.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
The little hafling puts the ghoul (ghast) down! Trevor recovers, but the room still stinks. Out of combat time!
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
OK, so Trevor is down and paralyzed for 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 rounds. JP and Lazare are up!
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
I believe Trevor's ac is now 19. Yell out if I am wrong. The ghast attacks Trevor! His second arm flops on the string around his neck! bite: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24, hits for bite damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
And Trevor needs to save vs paralyzation, DC15 fortitude check. Plus a -2 for the sickened. And in case you missed the link in last nights post, here is a picture of the creature. Players get to go next (Trevor needs the check vs paralyzation, probably soon, as that may affect other actions).
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
What does Lazare do? Trevor put a solid hit on the thing. JPs musket gains the broken condition after the misfire.
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
Trevor can still jump forward and attack, he is just -2 to hit and on damage. We will also assume that any shooting is done before Trevor closes to hand to hand range (we need to make some assumptions like this in a pbp game).
male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor
The door creaks open. Cracked, river green tiles cover the walls and floor of this communal shower in wavering patterns. Dry metal spouts jut from several walls, overlooking grates in the tile floor. A sizable portion of the floor drops into a shallow pool, filled with something other than water: a vile stew of corpses and blood. The smell of rot and copper fills the air in this room. Three alcoves, providing minimal privacy, run along the south well. In the center, a simple chair has been transformed into a gruesome throne covered with draped viscera and gnawed bones. The reek of the room is horrible. All need to make a DC 15 fortitude check or be sickened (-2 on all attack, damage (unless by something like a gun), skill or ability checks. A large ghoul is charging toward the door, alerted by the creaking of the door! He only has one arm, the other is cut off and is hanging around his neck on a cord. The party does get to go first, making rolls against the stench first. It is AC16.