
Keith S.'s page

Organized Play Member. 1,607 posts (2,290 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 8 aliases.

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male Human? pbp GM / 1 current map ; second floor

You head to the north. As you walk north, you pass two rooms on your right; they appear to be storage rooms, thought the shelves have fallen into a tangled mess and they look to be thoroughly looted.

As you get to where the red X is on the map, you hear some humming.

Everyone needs a stealth check at this point if you intend to be stealthy.

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I am so used to the take the average hit points. This reminds me of the old AD&D days! Which is pretty cool

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I am looking for 4 players for the Reign of Winter Adventure Path.

Plan on 1 post per day (that is about all I will be able to do as GM).

Core races only.
Classes from the core book or advanced player's guide, but no gunslingers (no firearms in this campaign).
20 point build. Two traits, no drawbacks.
First level, 150 gold for equipment.

Please supply a character concept and rough back story for consideration.

You start the campaign in Taldor in high summer. So no meta-gaming please with snowshoes and ice goggles.

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@ Carl: I see you are using the advanced class guide for a swashbuckler; I initially assumed you were using the rogue archetype.

I am not such a big fan of the advanced class guide swashbuckler; it seems a bit overpowered (+11 to hit / 1d6+10 damage with a rapier seems excessive for 4th level).

In general, I am not a big fan of the advanced class guide.

I prefer to stick with the core book and the advanced players guide for character options.