
Kayakers6's page

Organized Play Member. 14 posts (123 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters. 4 aliases.


So who knows what is going on. Did the game fizzle out?

"My earliest memory was being found washed partially ashore, about 5 years ago, by some followers of Ragatiel. I guess they had a sense of humor to name me Walter when they found me in the water.

As for what I am looking for... Items that will help with healing are preferred, followed by protection, lastly a weapon."

"I'm Rory, perhaps we could exchange some knowledge.

I found the pictures on facebook a while back and figured if it will attack like a large cat I'll make it a cute one. At least until it starts eating enemies.

I suppose I could revamp the character to be similar to Agnes from Despicable me "It's so fluffy I could DIE!!" since we haven't started

I hate not having the cables I need for my electronics. I hope it is misplaced at your house and not tied up at your work.

I could as long as I can copy paste charles

You don't think a high Charisma paladin can cut it?

I like Phalanx soldier for guardian. would 1 level of paladin work then back to Phalanx soldier?

for guardian, I would probably make a Druid with a tank reverie.

both are human for me as well.

I have a Paladin in mind, a tiefling (spitespawn) looking to serve penance for his nature, Charles Krupt.

He washed ashore on the Razor Coast adorned in the battle raiment of Ragathiel, but bears pale markings of waves and horses. Every time there is a death in the Razor Coast Charles finds himself waking half submerged in water (bathtub, ponds, ocean).

is it possible to retrain feats by spending the appropriate amount of starting gold? (ultimate campaign)

Sounds interesting. Rogue what are you thinking of making?

Titles: The Ever-living, The Story Collector, The Youngest.
Domains: Community (Family), Healing (Resurrection), Death, Knowledge (memory), Repose (ancestors).

General Personality and Attitude: (N)
Nimeton is very inquisitive, always trying to watch and see what is going on. Nimeton is always looking for a new experience, ever passing from one life to the next.

Nimeton is very nearly a Deity. It is passing always from one mortal life to the next. Nimeton exists as the spark of consciousness in all things, because of this it has married, divorced, murdered, and gave birth to itself. Nimeton is neither male or female as it hasn't chosen a form. It has only to experience life as every being on the planet to be raised to full Godhood, however many are left (gm's discretion).

For Nimeton time is not linear, as Hexavos may send Nimeton from a 43rd century soldier to a gatherer in a pre-historic hunter/gatherer society. With every incarnation Nimeton is able to recall more of its previous lives, from mass murderers to peacekeepers.

With Nimeton nearing its raising, it has become aware of the other deities in the universe.

(I will create the alias when I get the go ahead from the GM)

im in i usually make a caster or a rogue. rolls were 14, 12, 14, 16, 17, 15. are we able to place them as we see fit or go with them as rolled

Kiinyan wrote:

So you know you can only pick one favored class, so you have to pick cleric or sort, you can't have both.

I picked sorc because i will need 3 levels of sorc vs 2 of cleric either are valid choices those were my thoughts at character creation

Take combat reflexes at level 3 and go straight druid possibly pack lord archetype from ultimate magic, to get multiple minions. I would personally move the +2 str (human) to con, you will need the hp for tanking.


Can a raging barbarian perform combat maneuvers, such as trip, disarm, overrun, and sunder, in society play?

"while in a rage a barb. cannot use any cha. dex. or int. based skills (except acrobatics, fly, intimidate, and ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration." - core rulebook p32