Captain Josper Creesy

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

How would you incorporate (or how have you incorporated) Occult Adventures into this AP? I haven't run it yet and I'm looking for ideas.

How do the Deep Ones presented in Bestiary 5 fit into the existing Golarion lore?

What's the difference between the deep ones in this book and the previous conceit that the skum were the "deep ones" of Golarian. How do the two fit together in the same campaign setting?

Just found this thread. Maybe he'd be an Investigator now or Occultist?

That's mighty kind of you. Thanks!

Can you run the mythic monsters right out of the book or do I need the Mythic Adventures book?

On the product page, a number of products, including Ultimate Combat and Inner Sea Magic, are available "late July." When will these actually ship if they are pre-ordered?

My subscription order came pretty fast, so I was just concerned. I'll check my mail box later this week. Thanks again.

My order was shipped last Tuesday, 12 July and it's now Wednesday 20, July. How long does it take to ship from Seattle to San Diego?

I'm relocating to San Diego for the summer and I'm looking for an open spot in a Pathfinder-Golarion game while I'm out. I'll be living downtown, but traveling in the area isn't an issue for me, depending on the day of the week.

I'm coming in July 10 and leaving September 10. I'll also be back every 6-8 weeks for work after that.

When does this ship to subscribers? I am making a seasonal move on July 10 and want to make sure I don't change to my new shipping address too early.

Since the gith aren't Open Content, I've been struggling for coming up with a "replacement race" for them. This is a good idea!

deinol wrote:
But if Lovecraft isn't your thing, just substitute githyanki for any references to the Denizens of Leng in the regular APs and move on. I'm sure after Carrion Crown Paizo will have had there fill for a while.

I'm asking mostly about being able to run Pathfinder without my physical books, which weight a lot. Is there enough info in the PRD and Hero Lab to do this? My initial impression is yes, but I want to be sure.

So, I have to head out of town for two months in the summer. My gaming group still wants me to run the Pathfinder campaign, but over Skype or online. I have limited space/weight in my luggage, so I was wondering if it was possible for me to run my campaign from far away using just my Hero Lab software and the information on the PRD webpage. What do you think?

Thanks! I'll try to check that out.

In my campaign, one of the guys is a Mwangi human rogue that was raised in Korvosa. I was wondering if someone had art (either Paizo, Wizards, NWN/Baldur's Gate portraits, etc.) that would work for this character...basically a bald, black man with a longsword, dagger and cloak: Samuel L. Jackson in rogue attire, if you will. Thanks.

>Sigh< Haters gonna hate...

I don't know what it's made of, but it bears a placard showing this disclaimer:

"WARNING! This area may contain a chemical or chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Since converted 3.5 NPC's CR are one level lower in PFRPG, does that mean that the pre-PFRPG Pathfinder Modules are meant for one level lower player characters? Example, "Hungry are the Dead" is "suitable for 6th level characters" in 3.5/OGL. Does that mean it's meant for 5th level now?

For the most part, you should be able to do that yourself with the free conversion document provided on this website. I have a lot of those books and haven't really needed to worry about it too much since it's about 90% compatible.

TerraZephyr wrote:
Will this book include 3.5 rules updates from other books besides the campaign book, like the Companion book on Elves? If not, is there any plans for such an update? A pdf that updated all 3.5 to core pathfinder rules would be greatly appreciated.

I bought both this set and the Allies set. I was wondering if there would be an electronic version available. I have Hero Lab and would love to be able to use these pictures on the character sheets. Maybe they would be available through Hero Lab?

If I get the Advanced Player's Guide, do I need the free Traits PDF anymore?

Does the book have any optional rules on spells per day? I'm still trying to deal with the old "15-minute adventuring day" issue for spell casters (where they use up all their spells for one day during a the first 1-2 encounters of the adventure).

How long does it take to run this module?

Adam Daigle wrote:
I'm glad folks are excited about this. The team is clearing up the last bits of the book this week and then it should be in Master Pramas' hands.

Format-wise, will it be identical to the d20 companion?

From Green Ronin's Twitter today:

"Looks like the serpent man is out of the bag so allow me to confirm. Yes, we are doing a Freeport Companion for Pathfinder."

I had FASA Trek and the Prime Directive RPG that came out in the 90's, but unfortunately I sold both years ago.

I recently bought a brand new, full set of Decipher Trek RPG books based on a post at this site:

Decipher Star Trek Books

(which incidentally is a great little blog on Star Trek RPG'ing in general). If you have the Decipher books, chances are you know about this site, which has some support for the system:

CODA Star Trek Support

I've read that Decipher used some of the same developers that worked on the LUG/Icon version.

I haven't had a chance to dig into the system too much, but from a quick skimming of the rules, it looks decent. The only think I'll say is that the Player's Guide is not organized very well, as far as character generation is concerned, compared to say, the Star Wars Saga RPG. Other than that, I got 6 hardback books and a GM screen for a good price, so I'm not complaining.

The True20 Adept's Handbook might help you out there.

daddystabz wrote:
Well, I have most of the stuff for True 20 Revised and I am reading through the Pathfinder beta right now. My players want to start a Pathfinder game soon but honestly I'm finding the system to be very crunchy, bogged down, and kind of tedious from what I'm reading so far. I am considering pitching the idea to them of converting Pathfinder into True 20 since it is more my style but I am not sure even with the conversion documents I have how I would convert certain spells, cleric domains, etc. Any ideas on how to convert/handle these more specific aspects of the Pathfinder rpg?

Now that Pathfinder RPG is wrapping up, might there be a chance for d20 Modern to get the same treatment?

I ordered a download of Hungry are the Dead yesterday, but it appers the My Downloads section of my account is dead or down.

Good book overall. I'm just glad that no space wasted on diety stats. As much as I liked FR Faiths & Pantheons, I think stats for dieties was a bit much.

I've hated energy / level drain since OD&D.

This is from the Succubus entry in the True20 Bestiary (I've tweaked it a little for d20, since True20 doesn't use stats just the stat bonuses -5 through +5 and beyond):

Kiss of Death: A succubus drains life from a mortal it lures into some act of passion, or by simply planting a kiss on the victim. If the target is not willing to be kissed, the succubus must start a grapple. The succubus’ kiss or embrace drains 2 points of Constitution and 2 points of Wisdom from the victim. The kiss also has the effect of a use of the Suggestion [spell?], asking the victim to accept another kiss from the succubus. The victim must succeed on a DC 21 Will save to negate the effect of the Suggestion. The save DC is Charisma-based.

In the same book, energy draining undead have a power called Drain Vitality, which basically is a fatiguing effect.

Anyhow, just two ideas.

Heathansson wrote:
I saw it yesterday when I took my kids to Clone Wars. It looks guh-rooooovy.

Was Clone Wars as bad as everyone is saying it is?

Is there any reason to get the Gazetteer if you have the Campaign Setting?

Maybe Green Ronin could publish a Pathfinder True20 Companion as some kind of licensed product?

Based on some earlier conversions of RotRL that were made for True20 and an earlier thread about Freeport in Golarian, I was wondering if there are there currently any plans for Paizo and Green Ronin to team up to produce a series of True20 conversions of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting. I'd love to see an official Pathfinder True20 Companion, for example.

You might want to give True20 a look. I think it would work well for this kind of setting.

David Fryer wrote:
I considered Alternity but most of my players are only familiar with D20 and don't want to learn a new system. D&D was never intended to be used for modern genre games but D20 Modern doesn't allow you access to psionics and magic at low levels, which is what my players want.

Well, I hope this means more Green Ronin love/support for True20 (including some Pathfinder conversions). Mutants & Masterminds has been getting a lot of products lately, but not so much for True20. I like both systems, but for different reasons.

I haven't been contacted about this refund, to my knowledge. Can you just add a credit to my account? That would be the easiest way, I think.


Vic Wertz wrote:
Hmm. Yep—it's been missing since we created that PDF over a year ago, and you're the first one to report it! Unfortunately, we can't add it in anymore. I've added a note to the product listing, and I'll have Cosmo contact you about a refund.

That's good news. I didn't want to have my core 3.5 books out with my PRPG, simply due to lack of shelf space. The sooner I can pack up the old books, the better.

My Order #973432 included "Dungeon Issue #90 with Polyhedron #149 PDF," however the zip file did not include any of the Polyhedron files. I ordered it only for Pulp Heroes and now I don't have it.

Very nice indeed. :-)

David Jarvis 54 wrote:

Hi everyone,

First off, I want to thank you all for your interest!

I really appreciate it, and I hope you enjoy what we'll be bringing to the table for Shadows of Cthulhu and the followup supplements!

I'm offering up a (Cthulhu approved) sample of what the interiors are going to look like for the (Full color no less) Shadows of Cthulhu book.

Keep in mind, the book is NOT ready for release. We're still working on it.

That said, enjoy this little sample of things to come.

Cthulhu sample layout

Sorry, last question: will there be a True20 pdf offered for any of the "Indulgences?"

Nicolas Logue wrote:
True 20 pdfs will be offered for every Dark Vista and Dark Horizon. The fun thing is that if you buy one version, you'll get the others free anyways. So buy a print book of True 20 and you'll get the OGL 3.5 compatible as well as Runequest and other systems as I acquire the licenses. If you buy Razor Coast and I get new licenses, I'll do updates of it later and send you copies of those pdfs too.

The d20 Call of Cthulhu book that WotC published is the benchmark for me in terms of what a d20/OGL Cthulhu book should be. Will Shadows of Cthulhu be similar in style and quality?

David Jarvis 54 wrote:

These books will be in both print and PDF. As far as sanity goes, I believe he's working on his own system, though I agree with you. The sanity rules on the True20 Companion are great.

I'll talk to him and see about adding them into the back as an appendix for optional sanity rules. That way it's the best of both worlds. It allows Russ and Tim reed to develop their own stuff, but you, the reader, can choose which ones you like best.

I took one look at the announcement and then my bookshelf full of 3.5 and OGL books, then I LOL'd. After that, I bought all the True20 books that I could (prior to Paizo's announcement about 3P).

Sorry, no 4E for me.

David Jarvis 54 wrote:

Thanks for your interest!

Russ Brown of the werecabbages is writing the first book, Shadows of Cthulhu."

I hope to have that come out in June.

Will these be PDF or print, or both?

Do any of rules, like Sanity, come from the True20 Companion / True20 Revised chapter on Horror campaigns? That is a pretty decent system.

Nicolas Logue wrote:
True 20 pdfs will be offered for every Dark Vista and Dark Horizon. The fun thing is that if you buy one version, you'll get the others free anyways. So buy a print book of True 20 and you'll get the OGL 3.5 compatible as well as Runequest and other systems as I acquire the licenses. If you buy Razor Coast and I get new licenses, I'll do updates of it later and send you copies of those pdfs too.

Thanks! That sounds very cool indeed.

I read on your website that your "Dark" lines would support Tru20 via PDF. Can you explain how this works? Will there be a separate PDF for each product in it's True20 version?

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