Kassata_K |
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Shalissa smiles, she is starting to enjoy the strange way Kassata has to talk. The elf picks up the map and tries to orientate herself "So, we will be walking ahead of the main expedition I do understand. Can the mates bring at least part of the supplies with us?""Also... how ahead in days are we going to walk? And how do we contact you if we need to give you alert or advise on the steps ahead?"
"I think you should make all haste to reach Tazion before our rivals might do. I have provided you with a group of pack mules to carry some tents and food. This should allow you to get by without need to forage until you reach Kalabuto. There my contact will await you and discuss what will be the best way forward." You are given name of the contact, but since this is at least a month in the future I will look it up when it gets relevant.
"Try to leave messages along the way with the people you find. As long as you follow the road we will find them and receive their messages. to be sure I have also provided Shep with a cage of carrier pidgeons to convey more urgent or risky information."