
Kassata_K's page

6 posts. Alias of Kulko.


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Shalissa wrote:

Shalissa smiles, she is starting to enjoy the strange way Kassata has to talk. The elf picks up the map and tries to orientate herself "So, we will be walking ahead of the main expedition I do understand. Can the mates bring at least part of the supplies with us?"

"Also... how ahead in days are we going to walk? And how do we contact you if we need to give you alert or advise on the steps ahead?"

"I think you should make all haste to reach Tazion before our rivals might do. I have provided you with a group of pack mules to carry some tents and food. This should allow you to get by without need to forage until you reach Kalabuto. There my contact will await you and discuss what will be the best way forward." You are given name of the contact, but since this is at least a month in the future I will look it up when it gets relevant.

"Try to leave messages along the way with the people you find. As long as you follow the road we will find them and receive their messages. to be sure I have also provided Shep with a cage of carrier pidgeons to convey more urgent or risky information."

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It aktes a few day to collect replacements for the supplies burnt in the fire, but finally Kassata has asked you to visit her on her ship once more.

"Ahoy maties, I hope ye finished yer preparations and be ready t' weigh anchor. Thank ye once more fer meetin' with Nkechi, I be sure he will be a valuable member o' th' expedition."

"I have gathered an large expedition t' carry our tools and supplys into th' jungle, but we will move only slowly, we'll keel-haul ye, by Blackbeard's sword! I believe we both think somebody be workin' aginst us, so its probably better if ye move ahead smartly. That way ye can also clear th' trail o' unexoected dangers and obstacles."

Kassata than hands you a map of Sargava and the southern Mwangi.

"First ye should strike fer Kalabuto. Shiver me timbers! Its th' largest City in Sargava and th' Gate t' th' real expanse. Walk the plank! Splice the mainbrace! th' fastest way t' get there be th' barnacle-covered Trade route which travels betwixt th' Bantu Hills and th' laughin' Jungle, to be sure. Its not used much these days with most trade flowin' further south throught th' river, but it should be much faster. "

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In the next days you continue your preparations for the expeditions, purchasing supplies and better equipment.

Three days later you meet Kassata once more in the Plump Mermaid a sailors tavern at the harbour.

"In th' last few days we had trouble findin' supplies and porters. It seems like other people be also about t' start an expedition. "

"I believe 'tis best if we make fast fer Kalabuto t' get in front o' any competition. Aarrr! Therefore I would suggest we strike o'er land."

"But we still need a few days t' prepare. In this time ye could do somethin' t' give us a better chance. We need better Knowledge about what we will face. One o' me lubber knows about a hermit who could help us. I think ye should use th' days we have t' visit im and convince that scurvey dog t' come with us."

"We will have t' discuss this, once we be knowin' more about th' options. For now lets start collectin' th' necessary supplies and men, which will take a while."

"I will also send 4 o' me men o'er t' yer place, and dinna spare the whip! And one o' them will be able t' cook." She adds smiling at Davor. "whar be ye stayin'?"

After the initial Pleasantries have been exchanged, Captain Lewynn cuts right to the chase.

"Word be, ye be lookin' fer a hidden city in that jungle. I reckon ye need an expedition fer that and that means financin', we'll keel-haul ye! And swab the deck! I can provide this and we share th' wealth we find. "

"yours be an interestin' story, but have ye any way t' prove it? ye spin a tale o' compulsion and betrayal, so mayba ye will want t' betray me, if I let ye on me ship."

"as far as I be knowin' ye be th' famous Shiv vampire!