Karn the Viscous's page

No posts. Organized Play character for jalroy.

The Exchange

I am uncertain how this will effect those arriving, but this news could impact those leaving through the airport. Saw this on the news this morning and wanted to share the video/article

https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/weekend-sea-tac-security-lines-extended-to -airport-parking-garage/951267924

The Exchange

Am looking forward to this one. Want to check out Aethera!

The Exchange

Looking forward to this. Have a Kuthite Kineticist who is great fun to play and pondering a shadowcaster wizard. Love Nidal. Praise the Midnight Lord!

The Exchange 4/5

Am a bit vague if this can be done. What to play a Kineticist, water bender, but strictly use blood instead of water. Blood bending seems legit and intimidating, but it's also reskinning the power. Is this allowed?

The Exchange

Just thinking about this the other day, and was considering the movie Equilibrium with Christian Bale, and the Gramiton Clerics, and the Gunkata, and then considered how cool it could be to have a class archtype for Monk that is like this.

It's easy to play a monk and take the feat to use Guns, but thought it could be more fun to exchange Ki and Grit abilities somehow so to better combine the two classes. I am still mulling it over how to do this, but figured someone out there has either thought of this idea before (possible) or could give some suggestions.

I only started think about this yesterday so really haven't figured anything out yet. Anyone else out there think this could be a good combo?