Aredil Sultur

Karl von Kernstein's page

No posts. Organized Play character for The Friendly Lich.

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Let‘s talk about stat blocks and character sheets.

Here is my personal wish list for PF 2E:

I hope that PF 2E stat blocks will follow the same basic layout as PF 2E character sheets. This would make it much easier for novice players to figure out what is where when they are handed a stat block for the first time (e.g. a summoned creature).

I want to see at first glance which feats on a stat block provide an active ability (e.g. a special kind of attack that is not repeated anywhere else on the stat block) rather than just a passive bonus to something (which is already factored in in other parts of the stat block). Something to help novice (or lazy) game masters to prepare encounters, and make sure they are aware of all the special capabilities that a creature has.

Related to the above, I would like both character sheets and stat blocks to show both the innate statistics (based on class, levels, feats, etc) and the current statistics (including temporary effects from gear, spells, raging, etc.). Today, Paizo tends to give some plain text notes as part of the stat block (something like „the statistics above assume such and such spell has been cast. If not use the alternative statistics below...“). This is already very helpful to figure out if an effect has already been incorporated, but I am hoping for a more elegant and less verbose solution. Also I noticed at my own games that players often forget where a certain bonus came from and whether it is still active or not.

The vigilante can start each day in either of his identities, referred to simply as social or vigilante.

This causes a bit of ambiguity to me, where I'm not quite sure what the word vigilante means as a rules term (similar to how the word "level" might mean class level, character level, or spell level, depending on context).

It seems that the word "vigilante" alone usually means "vigilante class", whereas the other thing is referred to as "when he is in his vigilante identity". But I'm not quite sure, especially since the quote above seems to contradict that ("referred to simply as ... vigilante").

In general I would prefer two different words used for the class and the identity, to clear up any chance for ambiguity.

I'm very eager to have one of my characters change from Grand Lodge to the Scarab Sages. Especially now that it is official that the faction will be led by my favorite dragon jewel sage. At what point in time will I be able to take my free faction change?

Can I do it right away?

Or do I have to wait till season 6 officially starts?

Or do I have to do it just before I play my first season 6 scenario?
(I.e.: if I'm going to play "The Paths we choose" in August, do I play that for my old faction or for my new faction?)

On June 15th I asked you to cancel my campaign setting subscription, before the map folio.
On June 28th I received an email from customer service confirming that my subscription was cancelled.

Despite that, today I received an order confirmation for that subscription.

Please cancel that order immediately!
I did not order that product and do not want it!

For example: "grappled" and "pinned" (from the grapple rules) are conditions (listed in the appendix under conditions), but "tied up" (also mentioned in the grapple rules) isn't a condition in itself - it merely "works like a pin effect".

Also, the tables for attack roll modifiers and damage roll modifiers list liberally mixes conditions (dazzled, entangled, ivisible, ...) and non-conditions (behind cover, concealed, squeezing).

Are there any mechanical effects that distinguish between conditions and non-conditions? (e.g. anything that can affect conditions but can't affect non-conditions)

Are "non-conditions" even a thing? Or would it be okay by RAW to call e.g. "squeezing" a condition, even though it isn't listed in the appendix?


on May 15 I ordered a Campaign Setting subscription (to be started with Occult Mysteries).

On May 16 I received a notification that there was a problem with my payment method.
(When I originally ordered, the website only asked me for my credit card number, but not for the type of credit card - visa or master card - I assume that was the cause of the problem)
I went back to the website and re-entered my credit card data (this time it did ask me for the type).

Since then I haven't heard back from you in any way.

On May 22 I sent you an e-mail concerning this - but didn't receive any reply.

On my subscriptions page, Occult Mysteries shows up as "currently pending" under Example Subscription Shipments, but as "Payment method declined" under My Subscriptions.

Can you confirm that everything is okay now with my order?
When do you think Occult Mysteries will be shipped to me?

Scarab Sages

Is taking human ethnicities and languages always legal?
Or do I need to bring "additional resources" (i.e. the Inner Sea World Guide) to make such a character legal?

Example: My character is a Human Barbarian from the North.
He has 3XP now, so I am allowed to rebuild him before playing him at level 2.

I would like to make him a Kellid who speaks Hallit, because it fits thematically. But if that means I would always have to bring the ISWG to any table where I want to play him, I would probably let him stay a Human who only speaks Common.

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

A natural 20 on an attack roll always hits, even when the result is lower than the AC.

A natural 20 also is a critical threat.

But can you confirm a critical threat with a natural 20, even if the result of the confirmation roll is lower than the AC?

This is what the CRB says on the matter:

If the confirmation roll also results in a hit against the target's AC, your original hit is a critical hit.

Is the phrase "a hit against the taget's AC" supposed to imply that you have to beat the AC to confirm the critical?

As in: "you must hit by matching the target's AC to confirm a critical threat - hitting with a natural 20 alone without also matching the AC is not enough to confirm the critical, even though it hits."?

The black monk looks like he could be a really spooky encounter.

But how do I explain what happens when he attacks?
Is he like a floating stick that hits you with his whole body, without moving the limbs?
Or does he grow ghost limbs of some sort?

Everything I can think of would make him appear goofy.
Anyone has any idea?

According to the Acrobatics skill description, you can make an Acrobatics check to avoid taking an attack of opportunity when moving through a threatened area.

This check:
- does not cost you an action
- can be made untrained
- doesn't have any other costs (if you accept the +10 DC for moving at your full speed)
- has no penalties for failing (other than that your enemy gets to make the AOO)

From the skill description it seems to be a no-brainer: whenever you can make an acrobatics check to avoid an AOO, you should always make that roll.

But then again, the Combat chapter has a whole section on AOOs (which cross references several other rules that interact with AOOs) - and it doesn't mention this at all.

Its almost as if Acrobatics is this obscure loophole in the rules that gives you an extra chance not to get hit, but only if you know about it. (as a reward for having studied the skill descriptions?)

Is the Acrobatics check to avoid an AOO really that good? Or am I missing something?

Is there any reason why that Acrobatics check doesn't happen automatically, as part of resolving the AOO, whenever the provoking character qualifies for it?

I don't like the illustrations in the playtest document at all.

The iconics don't look at all like how I would imagine mythic characters. They look like super heroes. (And I don't like super heroes)

Why dos Mythic Ezren have to have more muscles than Mythic Valeros?

Why is Mythic Kyra dressing sexy all of a sudden?

Why is the only difference between Mythic Merisel and normal Merisel that she has even more daggers stapped to herself now?

I'm a big fan of pathfinder illustrations in general. They are probably the number one reason why I am playing this system right now. But I feel you are about to drop the ball here.

Iconic illustrations should make me go "I want to play this character!" - the ones in the mythic playtest are doing the exact opposite for me.

There is this illustration I once saw, but I can't find again on the internet:
(definitely RPG related, but most probably not Pathfinder)

It is a black and white illustration showing the same wizard several times at different levels. It started with a level 1 character on the left, and ended with a high level character on the right. He was growing more twisted and sinister as he leveled up.

Does anyone recognize this illustration and can tell me where I can find it?

Thanks in advance!

Lets say my players are ready to graduate from the Beginner Box and move on to the full Pathfinder rules. Lets also assume they want to keep their characters.

What do I need to do to convert their characters?

I assume I have to give them 1hp or 1skill point per level (favored class bonus - according to the BB PFS Guide that bonus is not yet covered by the BB).

Am I missing anything else?