
Justin Norveg's page

390 posts. Organized Play character for BigNorseWolf.


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Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

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NobodysHome wrote:

Oooh... alternatively, I could have the kids move in...

You might be better off with the rats.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

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Syvis wrote:

From the description, it sounds like the party is running damage control as some cultists from Aucturn are running around Absalom Station looking for babyfood. You aren't stopping the baby from coming, just from wrecking the nursery.

Over a whoosh of flames while dodging gunfire, a mass of tentacles, and negative dimensional space, the limp form of a cultist goes flying across the room.

"Get the binky! for the love of the gods GET THE BINKY!

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

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"Skill focus profession babysitter was a waste of a feat they said. How many credits is that going to be they said.. HAH. who's laughing now.... "

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Taja the Barbarian wrote:
I'd just like to point out that donning armor isn't a 'mental action' so a hologram character in its 'natural' form couldn't actually put diminutive armor on in the first place...

Would not be the first time dressing party members.

For many, many reasons...

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

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"Or that could be the Spacepony that preceded the pegasus and they look very similar."

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

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"It's not like we don't take half tested prototypes into dangerous situations to test the other half of them..."

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

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John Mangrum wrote:
Hmm... The second half-page illustration I recognize, but anyone have any (spoilered) guesses what the first one might be?

One of the planets had a really nasty Virus that messed with the ships autopilot and crashed us. fortunately our pilot was too inexperienced with real ships to realize anything was wrong and it was not the first time I'd lept out of a ship with a roll of duct tape to fix something.
Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

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loki.the.mischievous wrote:
So the cell phone healing won't work on PFS2 characters (unless they equip themselves accordingly when entering the SFS2 world) or Cognates who attempt to avoid tech solutions whenever possible. Got it.

"I carry extra datapads specifically to give to primiti..erm. technologically declined helpful aliens when I land on their planet. very few locals will follow you into the dungeon, but if they get to keep a datapad and a few terrabytes of off world music and a few seasons of The Necromancer they'll gladly translate for you, explain local customs, and let the other locals know you come in peace over Video. Can't cast share language on EVERY local you want to talk to... "

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Arutema wrote:

And yes, magic is the problem-solver here, if you can convince someone whose language you don't speak to let you touch them with a charged spell.

We developed three methods for doing this.

1) Was the n +1 mechanic. You turn to your fellow starfinder, demonstrate the handshake. Then demonstrate a second hand shake with a glowy hand.

2) You can try to literally slap some sense into someone in combat.

3) Knock someone out cast the spell on them (its harmless so i think they still count as willing) then get them back on their feet.

Most random people you meet for a first contact won't come along with you but, BUT if you hand them a datapad with star sugar heart love on it and some cookies or medicine most will translate for you

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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"Sign me up for the Dr. of Sevaile. We do far more public relations and fixing our reputation than an archeological society should have to. I think I've had to use my camera more than my shovel"

"People don't realize that when they sit down and read the pretty picture book about renkrodas that in order to get that information someone had to sit their butt out in the woods, getting fed on by the national bird of uklim, the mosquito, and actually record that information. Starfinders do far too much big game hunting on the way to the treasure, overlooking the value of the beings right in front of them. metaphorically. And literally. Literally literally, not literally like grandparents use it to mean nothing."

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

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Thurston Hillman wrote:
The setting changes and their impact on mechanics are absolutely some of the most exciting elements of discussion for the team. :)

pokes the universe with a stick

"damned gap ripples...hold still! Someone tell the time travelers to stop messing with the butterflies."

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

"Things are always going to need fixing now you can explore what else you can do too"

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

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"Time travel forward is definitely possible and relatively easy. Back is legendarily difficult and not understood but it HAS happen.. "

another White mouse in a tattered cloak, eyepatch, and full of mad max armor appears.

"NOOO don't tell hi... crap. There goes this timeline. "

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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players will often encounter Olive and Violet leading Fitch’s children on a heist through the kitchen

"I work as a babysitter for Fitches way of getting starfinders to pay for her daycare the master of stars learning center, and often rush from work still covered in engine grease babypowder oat meal finger paint by various artists glitter ribbons and something glowing blue gunk the chemanalyzer only identifies as "No"."

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

dead wrote:
T. I was asking at what rate would tech reasonably advance on Golarion?

We wouldn't know the rate because we don't know what year it is in the universe relative to golarion. Best Guess is it would have been at the same tech level as the other pact worlds: On your scale that looks like a 9.5 (level 9 stuff is normal, level 10 stuff exists but is weird) Except spaceflight which is 10+ (because a Triune god of technolgy said here's the plans for a hyperspace engine have fun exploring the universe!)

Fictional fantasy societies tend to advance much slower than earth technology. Either because magic makes people not bother with technology, or some disaster or another keeps resetting society back to the dung ages. Or because writers want to have archeological mysteries without the 800 year old elf in the party go "The missing lost king of Xeryn? You mean Uncle Bob?"

I think the gap exists partially to not have to bother answering that question. So the answer is that there isn't an answer.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

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1) Golarion has vanished. Its a big mystery in the setting. All that the most powerful divinations will reveal is that it's somewhere, it and the people living there are safe. We know Torag (Grand pappy of the dwarven pantheon) is there looking after it.

There is a gap in the universes collective histories that starts roughly 323 years ago , goes back at least a thousand years, and then history picks back up again. Some speculate that the gap and Golarion gone missing are related. Others speculate that Golarion just happened to vanish during the gap and are only surprised pathfinders didn't blow it up before then.

Whether its been stopped in time, put into its own pocket dimension, shunted 4 widdershins dimensionally, moved to the far corners of the galaxy or what no one knows. The big deities aren't talking and the smaller ones seem to genuinely not know.

So we have no idea how far tech on Golarion has advanced.

2) Most aren't as prolific

Elves are originally from Castrovel (pulp novel Venus) , they magic gated to Golarion so they have a homeland. However, many of them were alive during the gap so they came to as fully grown adults with fully intact memories. They got kinda paranoid about it and really don't want to talk to anyone else. Most of the adventures you see are considered a little odd.

Dwarves took to mining the asteroid belts. Their relative numbers seem to have been reduced a bit.

Gnomes: Gnomes seem to have diverged into two sub species during the gap. On Golarion, a gnome who got bored would turn white and "bleach" losing their color and eventually sanity before giving up on life and dying. There are now happy go lucky wheeeee gnomes and serious dour bleachling gnomes. They're a fair bit rarer than when Golarion was around.

Humans: Definitely fell a few steps down the galactic food chain in the pact worlds. Sorry about your planet (but we highly suspect they're the reason its not around anymore). They however have a population on Akiton (mars). They are also the dominant species in the azlanti star empire. Apparently just before a meteor took out the azlanti empire, some of their explorers took a portal off world to who knows where. They not only survived but thrived/ Being humans they thought the universe owed them an empire and made one.

Orcs have a large population on Apostae where they're an oppressed underclass.

halfings: reduced in prominence a fair bit since they tended to live alongside humans.

3) Lashuntas are native to castrovel. They're more psychic than magic, so didn't make quite the impact on golarion as elves

Kasathans arrived on a generational star ship. Apparently when they left they were planning on just taking over a primitive planet but by the time they got here everyone had caught up. So they parked their ship in orbit and live there.

Androids are manufactured by many species. When a mind artificial or biological, becomes complex enough it attracts or develops a soul and becomes truly sentient. They were relatively recently declared free sentient individuals but echos of android slavery still persist.

Vesk: vesk are from a different solar system. they conquered that one, tried to come and conquer this one. Fighting them off is what formed the pact worlds into the pact worlds. Then the swarm (killer bugs from outer space ala starship troopers) attacked both, so the vesk and pact teamed up.

Shirren: speaking of the swarm... some of them broke free of the hive mind and came to value independent freedom and choice. They came to the pact worlds asked for and received sanctuary from their nomnomnomicidal space locust relatives.

ysoki Were known as "ratfolk" on golarion and Akiton before the gap. I would be careful tossing that term around if you don't want someone decoupling your radiation safe guards while you're sleeping. We're not actually A species so much as a group of species that look enough like the rest of you to be lumped in together. Not surprisingly since we have like six kids at once, we've recovered from the loss of golarion with gusto and spread everywhere. Besides akiton there's no "ysoki planet", but we're 10% of the population EVERYWHERE including the idari, taking up jobs and living spaces no one else can fit in.

4) Indvidual items can fuse magic and technology. Magitech is a category of items, and a category of cybernetics. Lore wise, in the process of making it either magic or technology will be used in manufacture: whichever is more efficient. Like "remove all chemicals except water" is 56 chemical processes depending on whats in it, but just one easy spell you can put on an item. You can (and should) go to S Mart and buy a perfectly ordinary semi auto hand gun, and have the weird guy in the back with the crystals put an enchantment on it the same way you could get a key made. Magic items are consumer level goods. DR/magic is pretty useless, and ghosts aren't happy peasants can take them out now.

The fusions have less number crunching mechanical effects and more utilitarian bent. There's no generic +1 to hit, (there is some that helps if you're aiming or making an AOO), but mostly they disguise the weapon, return when thrown, appear in your hand with a whistle, or really hurt when they crit, let you use it as a grenade launcher etc.

5) "Pact worlds" would be the local solar system.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

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"I still can't believe they let humans out of the lorespire complex without taking sufficient measures to mitigate their night blindness problem. You know what's dark? 99.99999 percent of space. You know what else is dark? the 99 percent of the planet that isn't surface. You know what ELSE is dark? the part of the planet that IS surface half the time. or half of the planet all of the time You know what sees in the dark? EVERYTHING except human and short human. Everything with big sharp pointy teeth. I swear humans must have evolved on the burning archipelago or something. Why are they even alive otherwise? "

"Oh a flashlight. Good idea. Lets let everything in a 5 mile radius know "help me, I'm mal adapted to my environment and delicious". What could go, lie on the ground wriggle around and make sounds like a squeeky toy. Predators LOVE that. "


BNW In many years of gaming. I haven't noticed darkvison change anything for a party. Individual scouts need it if they want to do scouting yes, but buy and large creatures don't live in environments where they can't see. People come in with a light source. If the entire party doesn't need a light source, you still have sir clanks a lot. If you don't have sir clanks a lot, you still have 5 stealth rolls going on. You will ring the dinner bell one way or another. As my snarky and slightly less fuzzy self pointed out, Darkvision isn't really a special ability because everything but you has it.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

6 people marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:
Chk Chk babysitting his brother around in larva jar raises so many questions about Keskodai's family situation :D

"There's a species that doesn't use older siblings as free babysitting services?"

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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Avor Stelek wrote:

"So I wouldn't worry too much about Sarmak and the information embargo yet." [/b]

"I know as a group the Jinsul are a bunch of slathering, murderous, tentacle brained idiots, but they do manage to make space ships. ONE of them is going to be bright enough to subscribe to the newsletter of the people they keep fighting and see him plastered all over the front page. Our pay wall can only hold them back for so long."

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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Whistle "Down here. No. down. Doooowwwwwwnnn...."

"How pray tell are we going to PUBLISH any of our findings on Izzlegun culture if we're still under an information embargo about them? We can't exactly get peer reviewed on a species that we haven't told anyone else exists."

"For that matter doesn't an Izzlegun first seeker complicate that particular matter? "

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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Vote Dr. Heldin Sevaile.

Have a research and exploration society actually research something!!!

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Qaianna wrote:

Use a ship terminal that simulates such things. I'm assuming that while a ship has portholes, the gunners aren't actually leaning out the windows and sighting down the barrels of their coilguns.

try getting the Vesk to do it any other way....

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Driftbourne wrote:
Justin Norveg wrote:
as to that second, try cheek pouches. Either naturally or as a species graft. I flavor code mine so i don't try to stabalize the downed guy with a force blast again...
I'm picturing a cross between a yoski and a skittermander with 6 cheek pouches able to ready 12 items at one time.

you can have 10/19 items in the cheekpouches ready to go

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

as to that second, try cheek pouches. Either naturally or as a species graft. I flavor code mine so i don't try to stabalize the downed guy with a force blast again...

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

I usually introduce myself as "hi Im justin, I'll be your haste spell" because its how I start EVERY fight

haste is kinda meh on a caster. Ok, I fly 30 feet faster and that's it.

To a gunner move 60' shoot shoot or shoot shoot move 60 feet is pretty good. It lets you be around the corner for half the rounds.

To melee, haste is superpounce on steroids. You can move 60+ feet, in any direction , around corners, and full attack people. you can go around corners, you can walk around the bad guy and flank/set up a flank, you can jet pack over their head drop down behind them, and still full attack.

Once there, you can full attack then back out 5 feet, or guarded step in and full attack (meaning you're getting full attacked only half the time you normally would.) You can also dart in whack whack and then next round whack whack and dart out.

To be absolutely brutal, haste your party then slow the bad guys antagonists. Your hasted party can guarded step away from the slow critters. Because starfinder doesn't have a full action charge, the melee monsters can't even move to your party members and attack.. they have to pick one or the other.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

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UnArcaneElection wrote:

You going to just accept some random creature out of the Drift into your crew?

"I accept completely random starfinders onto my crew and guess whos gone evil, tried to take over the pact worlds, or tried to eat me more often?"

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

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"Apotheosist.stisis.. Apotheosistssss..aposthisss...dammit evolutionist"

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

That is kinda ignoring though that Luwasi did put in the veskarium relationship thing in motion in first place though.

"The veskarium is the biggest trading, cultural, and intellectual partner of the pact worlds. We're going to have some kind of relationship with them."

"If you're referring to the involvement with the Pathra, the patrha terrorists in question launched a missile attack that dropped a building on dozens of civilians as well as the starfinders themselves. Most trained combatants have the same way of objecting to that. "

Also that Gideon Authority and Marixah Republic political meddling was during her tenure.

"We are an archeological society. Not a mercenary army for hire. They requested our assistance in validating or disproving the providence of archeological ruins. That's our job. What someone does with that information is up to them, and beyond our control and thus our responsibility. "

Corporate sponsorship I guess you can argue started before it though.

"Look, I know most starfinders just get in the ship and go and collect their paycheck. But where do you think the money for the ship, the paycheck, and the ship came from? Even a baseline ship is so expensive it doesn't even COME In credits. Much less the roaving nuclear weapons platform we send out when things get serious. You want to fly to another planet to study something or fight off jinsul with a drum circle? Have at it. "

Like yeah the drop didn't happen before Datch, but the main things that Datch had point about where things she did to help Society recover after scoured stars incident.

"Someone with an infosphere troll farm can blame you for any action or inaction you did or did not take. "

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

CorvusMask wrote:

Didn't the reputation drop start during Luwasi's reign as result of the actions she took to get resources for Scoured Stars including hiring bunch of mercs as archeologists, selling out for sponsorship deals and meddling with politics?

Sets up the ovehead projector. Must be a cognate.

No, most people were fine with that. If you track our reputation and sources of illegitimate complaints and conspiracy theories it started with Datch's smear campaign.

"If you track sources of legitimate complaints or things that just went sideways on us, they all happened well before luwazi's tenure."

The objections to Zo! are a very vocal minority. Zo!s audience is enormous. And probably includes the very same people objecting to ZO!

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

"You're not doing another write in with "Datch was right" are you? " he kids! He kids! ow ow ow ow

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

"Rowan Oak. Ok we're looking for some druids..."

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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"What do you mean you don't fix foreign cars?"

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male? Star Shaman Mystic L7 | EAC 14 | KAC 15 | SP:35/49 | HP: 44/44 | Fort +3 | Ref +5 | Will +9 | Init +3 | RP 2/7 | Perception +17 | Sense Motive +8

Melissa's Litbro has a slide show on the new economy and you

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

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"Someone did NOT skip tail day..."

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

"SQUEEE a library!?"
tries to look like a much less experienced starfinder to sneak in

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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" "You are here: a guide to the Lorespire complex" "

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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"Daycare for Fitches kids. And the other kids Starfinders leave behind for missions. Its already got the baby cages set up you just need to add some plastic balls POOF, instant ball pit. "

"Honestly how different is it from school?"

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

"I'm less than certain that "the rocket you launched dropped a building on my head, and on those of innocent civilians as well" Qualifies as "political reasons". "

5.03 spoiler:
We don't have a prison anymore. We could sentence to him to work in Fitches nursery on the Master of Stars but the last time we did that Apostae objected on the grounds of cruel and unusual punishment...

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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Mike Kimmel wrote:
Just wait until you see the art for all of the other linnorm kids. They're precious angels, and they can do no wrong.

"Fitches Daycare 1.0 ? BEFORE they invented fire extinguishers. Thats going to be rough....."

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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GM Xain wrote:
Wherever will the philosopher worm contemplate the nature of the universe?

Replaces "Adamantine bastile" sign with "navel gaze hotel"


Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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"First, there ARE guidelines on that sort of thing. In the field report from Vabamius sensationally titled "it rests beneath" society field researchers are worried about not interfering too much with the local barely sentient life. As they haven't figured out that whole writing thing yet we're PROBABLY not going to scar them forever. *

Secondly, in a universe as diverse as ours having guidelines rather than ironclad rules is a good thing. I love a well organized spreadsheet as well as the next lab rat, but we come across so many weird circumstances that trying to write an ironclad rule or decision making algorithm for it is just going to get you into trouble. Sure we don't want starfinders dropping down and setting up their own religions to locals who just figured out that whole fire thing, but do we really want to sit back on the bridge and eat popcorn while a plague rips through a planet, they get a Zombie apocalypse, or they decide to larp Nuclear War head IV :I can't believe it's not cobalt?"

"Its a good directive. But I don't see why it outranks doing the right thing. ANYTHING we do can get spun the wrong way. Anything we DON"T do can get spun the wrong way too. Let the haters hate, we know what we did and why we did it. "

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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We stopped people from checking their emails.


They had to learn to add BY HAND.

People had to look up things in bits of dead tree sitting in stacks.

And talk to their relatives in person!

We're just lucky the data scourge ended before they figured out how to start a torch and pitchfork mob by rubbing two pieces of uranium together.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

""Yeah what could go wrong. Where do you think those plants are getting all that water? They need to be sucking what passes as akitons aquafier dry for 100 miles around that thing. And for all we know thats the larval form of an interdimensional kaiju....

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

"Oh good its cats or lizards. Any options where ysoki aren't an option on the menu?"

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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Kishmo wrote:

White furred ysoki all tied up with strings

"Look you look after fitches brood for more than 15 minutes and see what happens...."

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

"Wouldn't it have been easier to move stewards into the compound rather than move the prisoners out...? We hang a sign that says "under new management" and call it a "

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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CorvusMask wrote:

Never seen stone break that easily :D

"It's because laws are so easy to break.

ow ow ow.. oh come on you walked into that one ow ow ow a paper medium would be great right now now ow ow ow..."

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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CorvusMask wrote:

I do sense pattern of robo discrimination here ;D

But yeah, best form of analog media if you want something to last forever?

Stone slabs :P

"Tell that to those guys who don't know there's supposed to be 15 commandments"

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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"I do feel i have to note that the goals of analog media and accessibility seem almost mutually exclusive. There are many laudable advantages to analog media but accessibility isn't one of them. A book in a library is only available to one person at a time, and only to those people geographically close to the library.. forget about planetary distances. A digital book is available to everyone in the pact worlds or veskarium in 6 days at most and is infinitely expandable to meet demand. A lecture hall can hold 100 students, but millions can tune into a podcast on Quabarat Universities "The Great Courses of Celestial bodies.. "

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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This is a plot to open your own tattoo parlor isn't it?

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