"Well then... I suppose we won. Fantastic," she says with clear relief despite the sarcasm in her voice. Julia's body still ached from the fallen manticore's claws but that did not stop her from peering over at Moffis and seeing if the man was alright.
"You're Moffis, yes? Are you uninjured? We have a cleric who can heal if you are. You don't have to fear us."
With her grease spell having faltered to the manticore's still sharp instincts, Julia switches it up when it comes to magic and attempts to assail the beast... with laughter of all things.
Standard Action: Casting Hideous Laughter on Iron Lash. DC 14 vs. Will.
"Thanks Val. You're a life saver always," Julia manages to get out to her old friend even as her wounds still ail her. Clutching her side, the bard attempts to end the manticore's blind rampage by leaving it prone and immobile with a grease spell. Focusing through the pain she manages to belt out a pithy yarn about a arrogant knight who meet a ironic fate when he slipped to his doom on account of a well-greased floor that sudden becomes a reality for the Iron Lash.
Standard Action: Casting Grease on Iron Lash. DC 14 vs. Reflex.
"Gah!" Julia could barely stop herself from screaming out as the Iron Lash slashed her with its formidable claws leaving her armor sundered and her flesh torn. Knowing full well that another swipe like that would surely be the end of her, the bard once more called upon her magics and created an auditory illusion that mimicked her screams some feet away from her actual location and the others while she backed away.
Standard Action: Casting Ghost Sound. DC 13 vs. Will save to disbelieve. Move Action: Backing away as far as possible from the Iron Lash.
Knowing the odds of them besting such a fierce in combat was slim, Julia fellows Lope's example and tries her hand at hampering the manticore with magic. "I might be able to blind it with a spell. It's a risk but I if manage maybe we can kill it... or abscond with Moffis. Either sounds rather arguable to me," she quips even as she mentally prepares her lyrical incarnation.
One moment Julia was ruminating on the vulgar morality of the hunt she found herself participating and in the next she was watching her quarry be chased down by an honest Shelyn manticore. "Gods be good! The beast is real. We need to get that poor man before the beast does," she billows, trying to settle her own nerves as she watched the chimeric creatire bolt towards them. To improve her courage and that her compatriots, Julia quickly went into magical song about a troupe of brave hunters who together felled a rampaging hill giant. Given the circumstances it felt more than appropriate.
Move Action: Moved a couple squares Standard Action: Bardic Performance - Inspire Courage +1
Everyone gets a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.
Ah, the halfling race as opposed to the race of halflings. Got it. I was worried I had written something that was misinterpreted.
Yep. That was the intention. Sorry about the miscommunication there Triphylla. I should have double checked the language there.
Julia decidedly half-heartedly participates in the cruel farce of a hunt. With Valeria beside her she tries to track the prisoners if only so they could find them and actually discover if they're guilty of anything behind attracting the Count's apparent sadistic streak.
Julia bleaches once Count Bartelby reveals the quarry of their morning hunt. Once the initial shock of it fades though she finds herself struggling to hold her tongue.
The halfling race was disgusting but this was beyond the pail. The bard effectively says as much to the others in her party the first opportunity they are all away from the other guests and their assigned guide. "I don't care how monstrous these men's crimes were," she says in a low whisper. "We can't possibly engage in this madness. There was to be way we let them escape without losing favor with Bartelby... or arousing suspicion."
Julia gives her brother a knowing smile as she prepares to face the day. "I must admit that I prefer cities to the countryside but the latter has a rustic charm that I can probably get used. But what of you? Get enough sleep? Or was mind filled with the image of racing halflings? The sight certainly left an impression on me."
Later, at breakfast, the bard steels herself as she eyes the live eels being served. Suffice to say, the choice of meal doesn't agree with her and she looks around for important someone to talk to provide an excuse as to why she isn't digging in.
Julia arrives in her rooms she all but collapses to her bed. Her extended "performance" at the Count's party might have been the hardest in her career, having to constantly hold her tongue and lie to ingratiate herself with so many conservative nobles. Still, she supposed it had been worth it. At least the two barons seemed to have been won over and perhaps the others had gained the favor of even more notable locals. Altogether it was a good showing but Julia wondered if she might be able to do a little more before sleep over took over.
Stepping out of chambers she looked around her small area of the palace for anything noteworthy.
Not sure if Baroness Voinum is back in the ballroom but I'm gonna assume she is since the halfling race is over. Hope that's alright.
While the others went about their business, Julia once more tried to win the favor of Baroness Voinum. Finding her again in the crowd of local nobility, the bard causally moved beside. "I couldn't help but notice that you disappeared while that... race was happening. Not that I can blame you for that. I can't imagine that spectacle was very traditional or that even if it was its a tradition worth having."
Julia happily took Lope's hand as they moved to Lotheed Duchess and watched as she saw her brother deftly charmed the women. She also acknowledged Valerie's need for some air as the cleric seemed just as nauseated by the race as she was. Reminded then that both Barons Onara and Voinum also less than enthused about it, she looks across the ballroom for any sign that either had returned.
Julia replied to the seneschal in a low tone to match his own. "True enough, good sir. But I wonder if perhaps the other lords and ladies of the county encouraged the count to let such traditions die for the sake of appearances he might be moved on the issue. We don't want the other regions of Taldor to look down us for such vulgar entertainments now would we," she argued.
Once the halfling race thankfully ended and dancing starts, Julia immediately recognizes the newest arrival to the festivities and quickly tells Lope about it in a whisper. "The newcomer is Duchess Veleto Lotheed. Bartelby’s aunt and Duke Lotheed’s wife. Given the look on Bartelby's face it seems he's rather unhappy about her being here. I wonder why?"
Though she tries her best to stay in-character Julia can't help but subtly cringe at the count's newest 'entertainment.' She had thought such demeaning spectacles were the domain of places like Cheliax but she supposed that was only wishing thinking on her part. Taldor was hardly immune to small-minded prejudice. Thankfully Triphylla was around to witness it.
Interestingly it seemed she was not the only one uncomfortable at the event as she spies Sir Gusairne, Baron Onara, and Baroness Voinum either try to hide their distain or conveniently leave. The two barons leaving does not shock her Sir Gusairne is another story entirely...
Seeing a chance to make a connection she approaches the seneschal right as the race is about to begins and formally introduces herself. "Greetings Sir Gusairne I don't believe we've formal met. Julia Betony," she says, giving out her hand for him to kiss. "You spoke to my brother Lope Betony during that dreadful attack in the gardens. A ghastly thing indeed. Though I must admit this... race isn't helping to numb my disgust despite its lack of blood. I think were of like minds in that regard, no?"
Some time later once the confusion and chaos was mostly resolved, Julia followed the other guests to the palace's ballroom for the banquet only to rather quickly find herself forced to endure the rather unseemly company of one Lord Titus Lotheed-Casava. While the others manage to put the braggart in his place in their own special ways, the bard can't help but add to the sly retorts. "Oh how very observant of you, Lord Titus. Very insightful indeed. I have one of my own if you wish to hear it," she says with an innocent smile that doesn't reach her eyes. "Your attire is a few seasons out of fashion in Oppara and honestly isn't the best fit for your frame. I'm sure my brother could show you something more trendy... if you asked him nicely, of course."
Julia gave Lope a knowing look and hoped he'd be able to read behind the lines. "This Night Swan seems like a capable and powerful woman. One with a great many talents. It would be a great boon to find out how she is... so she can stopped of course."
Knowledge (History):1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Turning to the Baroness she says. "Honor, duty, and historic precedent would demand that he commit some kind of action. An attack on his person is bad enough but a rogue attacking nobility is an affront to everyone of our class. If he did nothing but brood... well, it would certainly make his stewardship of Birdsong look feeble at the very least."
Julia's eyes go wide as the very count she was just trying to undermine suddenly has his thigh impaled for all to see. While her instincts scream that should fall Lope's example and reach for her weapon, she instead decides that getting control of the situation would best serve everyone involved as well their group's interests on establishing themselves as some kind of authority.
Diplomacy:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
"The Count has been struck," she calls with authority to the guards and just about anyone else who could be of some help. "Guards secure the area. There may be an assassin amoungst us. Have any healers, alchemists, or clerics in the Count's service come to treat him. Guests, countrymen! Do not panic. A rush would only bring disorder and give those responsible time to escape. Stay where you are so we can sort out this mess. We are Taldans not wild animals. We do not panic."
While Julia certainly hears the baroness's waspy tones, she can't help but think that her mention of the Stavians sounds rather wistful. As if she grieves at least a little for crumbling House. Putting that theory to the test, the bard keeps chatting about the royal line. "We can only hope that despite recent... misfortunates that the Stavians are still strong. They have lead Taldor for centuries and achieved much for themselves and the realm. It would downright disastrous if they were to fall, no? Losing everything they once had to fools and usurpers. Like lovely Birdsong..."
Recognizing at last that Baroness Voinum was a not woman who could be won over with simple flattery, and seeing that Triphylla's speech had struck a powerful and influential cord, Julia happily nodded along and joined the baroness to the palace gardens. Once there and waiting for the musical performance to begin, Julia made mention of the palace's long history.
Knowledge (History):1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Alas... it wasn't exactly the most indepth history lesson. "I heard that the Stavians once possessed Birdsong as one of their holdings. A shame the royals lost control of it. Imagine they would have had the funds to get us better wine."
Though the baroness snapped at her once again, this time Julia was able to sense something beyond her acid tone and disgust.
Shelyn be good. She's almost honestly more angry at the wine than me, she realized.
Having just had a sip of it herself Julia could understand why. The vintage was quite poor for such high-class festivities. It was a mistake that Julia decided to use to her advantage.
"Count Bartleby's wine isn't to your refined tastes, my lady," she asks innocently despite fully knowing the answer. "Well, I can't blame you there. The man pulls out a joust and trucco but decides to skim on the wine? Whatever was he thinking? Perhaps he doesn't do much thinking at all?"
Though Julia practically feels the baroness's snide disapproval she doesn't falter in the wake of it and instead stands her ground and thickens her painted on smile. "Rotten is it? A shame that but a little bit of rot is hardly a reason not to try and make the best out of a bad situation. For instance, whenever I'm tragically bored at a party I try to find good company and a fine drink to make the best of it," she says in between taking a sip from one of the goblets. "I've already achieved the latter. Will you help me with the former or will I have to find another fair woman to help me finish off this wine."
Julia nodded along as she absorbed Cyrene's information. Winning over Stachys would obviously help them win more of the county, as would fixing a local pump or slaying a manticore of all things. Baroness Voinum being a lush though...
After thanking Cyrene for her information, the bard will move towards Baroness Voinum with a smile on her face and two goblets of wine she took from one of the party servants moving about. "Hello there! Baroness Voinum I take it? I'm Lady Julia Betony. Charmed to meet," she says brightly while offering the baroness one of her goblets. "I had you were one who enjoyed a good drink, which makes you a woman after my own heart. As the Caydenites like to say, a party isn't a party without a good drink to enchant the festivities, no?"
Julia gave the departing baron a respectful curtesy and a thanks for the good conversation before immediately turning towards nearby Cyrene and telling her in a whisper, "I think we've made an ally of the Baron. He's conservative but has no love for Pythareus and his scheming. He also isn't likely to move against us when it comes to Birdsong. What about you? Heard in juicy secrets?"
Julia internally makes a sigh of relief as Okerra seems to accept her reasoning. "Indeed, lord baron. Indeed. Birdsong would be the perfect for it now that the Senate is tragically out of reach. But do you think its current master Count Bartleby would be willing to allow such a conference to take place at Birdsong?" she asks innocently. "I've only recently met the man and do not know his politics or whether he even has any. Is he the sort of man willing to take a risk to bring about peace, I wonder?"
While still engaged with the Baron, Julia can't help but turn her head to bare witness to the activity coming from the tilt pavilion. Knowing the joust is open to all, she weighs whether participating would help win the people of the county over or risk blowing her cover.
She also spies Dame Crabbe head towards the trucco field for seemingly less physically-demanding activity than the joust.
Well, shit, Julia thought. She had overplayed her hand. Quickly retreating from her error, she shifted away from blunt honestly and open talk of conflict and returned to less extreme conversation to win the Baron over. "You may have a point in that, Baron. Maybe all the Princess, or Taldor really, needs are a coalition of sensible and forthright people who can openly call for peaceful negotiations to come about?" she offered, auspiciously looking toward looming Birdsong Palace. "Given just how beautiful this place is and away from the fraught capital perhaps Birdsong could serve as a fitting meeting place for such talks?"
Seeing that earnestness was apparently winning the Baron over, Julia decided to go a bit further and see whether her success continued. "We'll find no disagreement here, Baron. No one wants a war... besides Pytherous, I suppose," she says with barely concealed contempt before quickly adding, "But I've heard through the grapevine that the Princess greatly desires peace but is stymied by a lack of a proper powerbase to build her coalition. Perhaps if she had one things would quickly change for the better..."
Julia felt the a prong of guilt course through her heart as she heard the old man recall the horror of the night and the personal losses he had suffered. Regardless of whether it was a good cause and the future of Taldor she was still manipulating a man obviously still reeling from grief.
Diplomacy:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
Ashamed but still holding to her alter ego, Julia's next words were far more earnest. "Yes... we all failed to comprehend how far Stavian had fallen. You are certainly not alone in that. But perhaps we can still prevent a war?" she asks. "Maybe if Pytherous saw that enough lords and ladies were backing Eutropia that he'd reconsider his foolish course and back down? The man may be stubborn but I can't imagine he'd doom himself in a hopeless cause."
As luck or Desna would have it, Julia does manage to spot Baron Nicolaus Okerra despite getting distracted by the festivities quite a few times along the way. Approaching the rather stern looking older gentlemen, Julia briefly wonders if her older identity as Dolores Aubigini would be better equipped to deal with him only to decide that she was already in one guise and certainly didn't another... at for now.
Sense Motive:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16 Sense Motive:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Striking up a conversation with the Baron it comes obvious that past the initial icebreakers and introductions that he's a very conservative man, one who doesn't take to kindly to thoughts of revolution or shadowy undermining. Still, even with that being the base, Julia still attempts to win the man over by playing to his politics. "I'd hate to have ruin the party with talk of politics but have you heard about what's going in Oppara?" she asks with obvious contempt. "So much chaos and madness. Perhaps even civil war. And for what? So that a couple knaves can throw out centuries of tradition to make their claim to the thrown." Julia shakes her head.
"If you ask me the Stavians have run the empire for ages and replacing them now would be ridiculous. Best to allow the Princess to take the throne and leave it at that. She is after all the only trueborn child of the departed Grand Prince. Anything else would be orthodox at best and chaotic at worse and we certainly can't have that."
Once again stonewalled by some rather anxious servants none to keen on spilling the beans on their boss, Julia once again switches techniques and focuses more on getting in the good graces of an individual rather than the masses. With Lope already engaged with Dame Crabbe she tries to find other prominent nobles to chat with. Perhaps she'd even be able to find Baron Nicolaus Okerra...
Once the Count departs Julia gives Lope a knowing wink before heading back into the crowd and trying her hand once again at seeing if she can get some of the locals to open to her. Since the noble guests and artists aren't interested she'll reach out to peasant servants, asking courteous but probing questions about the goings-on at Birdsong and about the Count.
Managing to not find a lot of success with carousing with the guests artists, Julia opts to see if she can get the Count himself to expose his own nasty little secrets. Waltzing up to the man while her "brother" Lope engages him, the bard tries to introduce herself more formally. "Count Bartelby! How wonderful to finally see you this fine Jubilee. I hope my dear brother Lope is keeping you good company." she says with a dazzling smile before giving out her hand for the Count to kiss. "Julia Betony. Charmed as ever."
It doesn't take Julia that long to realize that the Count is a Lotheed through and through. The man is obviously an intellectual when it comes to the arcane arts with little patience for idiots... he's also rather appallingly classist even for a nobleman, which honestly makes it all the easier for Julia to help bring his downfall.
Deciding to use both personality quirks to her advantage, Julia turns the conversation around to history surrounding the Lotheed's and their reputation as arcanists to butter him up and target his elitist pride. "Dear Count, I may not possess my brother's knowledge of the arcane but do know something about those who do," she says flatteringly, making it rather clear that she's talking about the Count himself or at least his family. "You Lotheeds are a esteemed clan. Filled with great archmages and the like. I'm positively envious. Mayhaps you could showcase some of your knowledge at the Jubilee? I'm sure it will scare some of the peasants but those slack-jawed fools are so often scared of their own shadows." Julia gives a rather stereotypical noblewoman's laugh after delivering her jab, hoping that the distinction will appease the classist Bartelby.
Perception:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Julia is so focused on her performance that she - like apparently else - doesn't seem to notice much else going on at the Jubilee.
At mention of the haughty baron's fencing skills cracks a smile. "Shame about the temper but perhaps he and I could find some common ground gossiping about our favorite fencers," she replies chuckling.
Afterwards at Birdsong...
Knowledge (Nobility):1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Now at Birdsong proper Julia was fast to try and ingratiate herself by going around and making her presence known and hopefully well-liked while her and the group's belongings are shepherded in the Palace Apartments. To that end she quickly starts chatting with the invited guests and even the hired entertainers. For the later she uses her gift of gab to win them over and subtly get them talk about the Count, warts and all. For the former she does the same except she slips a hundred gold or so to the artists for their efforts. -100 gold from Julia's share to the assorted artists.
Julia cracks a a smile as Lope goes over the over-important Taldan pastime of figuring out titles. "Oh I'm sure lord and lady will do for our causal purposes, Lope. We can wipe out the more specific titles when necessary. Tribunes for when we have to suffer some busybody with a nosy disposition."
Knowledge (Nobility):1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
The talk of Baron Tellus becoming mad perked Julia's interest. Everything she knew about the man through the grapevine told her that he was a well-liked and kindhearted lord. Such a change in character seemed curious... and ill-timed. "A shame that the Baron is in such an ill-mood," she says, returning Triphylla's look with one of her own before rounding back to Tessa. "Perhaps we'll visit him soon time and see what's been bothering him. For sake of all you fine people, of course. After all, a baron who is not kind to his people is no baron at all."
Though Julia figures Triphylla's question is just a good-natured joke at her and Lope's curious new roles, she can't help but wonder if the halfling has different plans in mind. Either way, Julia laughs the question off and focuses on getting hew story straight with her new "brother."
Julia doesn't find any especially interesting or threatening about the countryfolk on the road and decides it best for now to leave it to Triphylla - who's already out and engaging with them - to sus out the local gossip.
After taking a look at Martella's falsified paperwork, Julia can't help but smirk. "Ha! I always wanted a brother. I'd like to think he'd at least be half as noble as you, Lope. Shelyn knows Taldor needs more honest men amongst the nobility."
Knowledge (Nobility):1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
Diplomacy:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20
While very much interested about learning more about Birdsong and its Shelynite roots, a sudden insight reminds Julia of some interesting facts and rumors surrounding Meratt County. "Meratt County borders the lands of Baron Nicolaus Okerra. I chatted with him for a moment during the Gala. He's one of the rare good highborn men of Taldor. Fair. Compassionate. He'd make a good ally... there's also talk of a vigilante of the name of the Night Swan. They've rather effectively been striking against Lotheed soldiers with acts of vandalism and theft. They might not be a conventional ally but could still be useful if we manage to make contact with them."
Julia shook her head at the Aldori. "I think your being overly pessimistic, Lope. The peasantry may not be the most forward-thinking but the traditions of Taldor have more often than not been the very thing that's oppressed them the most and kept them low," she argues diplomatically, thinking back on her lowborn theatre friends and their less than pleasant stories with traditionalist laws and those who enforced them.
"But you're right that that's a bridge we'll get to later. Right now a more practical mission is order. Like finding allies." The bard turns back to the princess. "If the other nearby nations are keeping their distance and the peasantry are divided - for now anyway - then maybe we should call upon more readily available friends? You have to have allies in the other major noble families. The Zespires are notorious reformers and the Varmias prefer diplomacy to war. They could be gettable. And there's the Lotheeds too. Mayhaps Martella can plead your case to her kin?"
"Getting the Abadarans and the merchants on our side is all well and good but we can't ignore the most critical and powerful segment of the populace," Julia begun. Her mind was going through several ideas at once while they all strategized, but one in particular held her interest. "I mentioned it earlier but the peasantry believe that either the Princess or Pythareus was behind the Grand Prince's death and the Senate massacre. We need to show them the truth. Better yet, we need to show that the Princess is worthy to rule them."
She looked towards the princess in question and gave her a piercing look as if trying to detect whether she was truly as just and forward-thinking as she seemed. "You need to win them over, Princess. By word or by deed. Pythareus only wishes to give them war but if you show them your heart through acts of charity and kindness - perhaps in concert with the Church of Shelyn - than they will disspell these mistruths from their minds and flock to your side. I know it."
A spike of guilt goes through Julia's spine as the Crown Princess outlines the sheer scale of Pythareus's mad ambition. The possibility that she had in some way encouraged the warmonger to accept Stavian's adoption scheme weighs heavy and for a moment she does not respond Eutropia's call to arms.
She would however find her voice and resolve again when she looked past her guilt and truly envisioned the world that the dogmatic general would bring about. She then looked towards the princess, a clever and lovely women who seemed to determined to make a positive change in the world but was wise enough to know her limitations. Compared to Pythareus there really was no contest.
Standing before the princess with her cavalier hat in hand, Julia made her promise. "I already swore himself to your cause before I knew the depths of Pythareus's fool plans but now that I do I feel compelled to swear to redouble my efforts for you and Empire. And so you will have it. I, Julia Rosalie Horatio Aubigni of the House Aubigni swear my life, blade, and will to seeing Taldor saved from the likes of men like Maxillar Pythareus. For all your doubts in the days, weeks, and perhaps even days to come do not doubt my commit in that, Princess Eutropia."
After listening to Martella explain the Grand Prince's likely reasons for his actions Julia couldn't not help but shake her head in disgust. "Why is that us highborn are more often that not utterly deranged when it comes to family? Seeing your own child as a threat. It's madness. Madness and stupidity... and yet so typical."
Despondent for a moment, the bard regains some of her usual sanguinity with Martella's last few words. "Now that is certainly a beautiful future worth fighting and living for. Pythareus, or whatever other scheming fools at play here, be damned if they wish to stamp it out."
Taking a long undue break from an seemingly unending evening of violence and mystery, Julia would spend most of her days frequenting her friends and associates at the troupe and organizing her increasingly complex affairs. She would of course also slip into the Silent House now and again to visit to enjoy its creature comforts and juicy gossip.
Indeed, the bard would slip some of this gossip to her more adventuresome friends and Martella once they were all together again. "Well after that first splendid night of bloody Senate hall drama, underground hijinks, and cultist entanglements how could not be interested for more... especially when thate fate of Taldor is involved," she declares in a voice that is somehow both sardonic and earnest.
"Speaking of our great nation, the rumor mill has it the attackers at the Senate were foreign mercenaries from Andoran, Cheliax, and Galt. The Lion Blades seem to realize that the Grand Prince was involved but the citizenry is mixed. Some think it was Pythareus... others the Princess unfortunately."
Julia makes a sigh of relief as the battle comes to a close and Martella reveals herself to be more or less fine given the circumstances... not that the rest of them were exactly fine themselves. "I think Lope has the right of it," she says, a sharp burst of pain from a previous wound suddenly flaring up as a reminder that she far from hundred percent.
"We should try to reach Eutropia and rally the city guard to her if we can but if we find the time to rest and restore ourselves to better fighting shape all the better."
Potion of Cure Light Wounds:1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Before Julia tests her rapier against the head cultist she makes sure to heal herself for upcoming fight by drinking her recently obtained potion.
Sense Motive:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
After feeling the potion curative effects wash over her she notices that the cult leader is looking rather weary and drained and decides to see if she push her over further. "It's over and you know it! Most of your followers are dead and so will you if you continue this madness. Give up now, free my friends, and maybe you'll make it out of here with your life."
Julia I'm not sure you can use Saving Finale that way. I believe it's meant to be used as an immediate action when somebody initially fails a save.
Not sure how Saving Finale is supposed to interact with Hold Person as an immediate action but I suppose we could handwave it as Julia using it right after Tri got hit with Hold Person. Doesn't really matter either way since she failed the save.