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![]() Stumbled upon this one a bit late, but reading this, and the Liberty's Edge one I'm smelling a conflict between them and the Sovereign Court. Primarily due to the secret ex-noble thing from the previous post. It would be awesome to see a mission in which the SC players would have to gain the alliance of said ex-nobles while LE would have to thwart them. ![]()
![]() SeeDarkly_X wrote:
Thanks, I'll certainly look into it :D ![]()
![]() Snorri Nosebiter wrote:
As I said, I'd probably end up using it as a supplement. I'll try to dig out the threat, thanks :) necromental wrote: Odakle si? Osijek :D D20DM wrote:
I didn't go into much detail there, but that's what I'm actually aiming for, since pretty much every intelligence can be applied in some way if you're creative enough, it'll make learning more engaging and thus increase the interest to learn. The focus of the MI aspect of it is exactly what you're saying - different people are more/less interested in different things, and RPGs can cover a lot of ground here. I'll see what I can do about the book.. It's highly unlikely I'll be able to get it from the local library :P LazarX wrote:
You'd be surprised how much I already got from here ;) As well as from /rpg, /TEFL, /education on reddit. Regarding your debate with necromental; whatever floats your boat man. It's as simple as that, as long as something is keeping you interested, and you're paying attention, both can be good enough. I actually started with English the exact same way. I watched CN for hours on end, and I'd say it got me pretty far :P For kids you want things to be flashy and colorful, while adults will prefer something more serious. Also, regarding what you mentioned earlier: Quote: For the most part, roleplaying games don't by themselves help in teaching the language any more than any other form of casual immersion does. If anything, it may confuse the issue due to the concentration of gamer-specific slang which isn't used in general life. If you're looking for examples of people intentionally structuring games to facilitate language learning, that's going to require casting a much tighter net. You're forgetting about the communicative aspect, problem solving, social interaction, possible cultural aspects, etc. These are all invaluable when it comes to teaching and learning a language. If a word or phrase is too complicated for the age/proficiency level, I'm pretty sure I can allow myself the lenience to do without it ;) Also, just because I'm posting on a Pathfinder forum, doesn't mean I'm only focusing on fantasy. The title is PnPRPGs, not fantasy PnPRPGs. This replies to what Christopher Van Horn said as well :) Irontruth wrote:
Already go that tip from someone on reddit, but thanks, I'll definitely look into it. BigDTBone wrote:
And I'll make sure I let you know if I do take up the offer :3 If nothing else it might be some sort of questionnaire, but we'll see when the time comes. My main focus for now is gathering resource material. The Shining Fool wrote:
This is a new one for me, thanks! The problem I have with the traditional roleplaying used in classrooms is that I always found it stale, unimaginative, highly artificial, and lacking any real involvement (the ones found in books at least). This is from my days as a learner of course. ____________In case anyone's interested, here are the links to the reddit discussions Spoiler:
http://redd.it/2ayr2u http://redd.it/2alfua http://redd.it/2ayoub Also, please, if you know anyone that might be in any way interested or could contribute, do let them know, every bit of info helps :) Thanks everyone! ![]()
![]() Jurassic Bard wrote: In all seriousness, Morgrym, you have very good English. :-) After so many years of learning, it damn well better be ;) BigDTBone wrote: http://theflatearthsociety.org Found out that thing existed just a week ago. I excremented building material. _______________Seeing as how this is getting quite the attention, I thought I'd elaborate on what I'll be trying to do with the thesis. In one of my classes we mentioned something called the Multiple Intelligences Theory (http://bit.ly/1jP5GKd) and the way in which adhering to as many aspects of intelligence can greatly influence the learning process.
Now, don't get me wrong, this is still very much in its initial phase, but I'm hoping to do as much of the reading as I can as soon as possible, because the thesis isn't going to base itself completely on theory. The hardest, but possibly the most fun, aspect of it will be the experimental part. My mentor and I agreed that we need to test the theory. I'll get two groups of English learners, all of the same proficiency level and age (hopefully), and have one group learn English the classical way, and the other the PnPRPG way. My initial idea is 12 to 15 year-olds, because I think they would be proficient enough to use the language to a certain extent, while still having a lot to learn. I'm still at odds with myself on whether they should only be learning English through the games, or if I should use them as a supplement. I'll probably end up with a bit of both, explaining what needs to be explained the old-school way, and using the game for examples, practice and revision. I'll do my best to answer any questions anyone has, even if I am a day or two late. If people are interested enough, I'll find a way to document how things are going when we start the experimental part, and of course, I'm open to any advice/criticism anyone has. I'm still thinking of a way to progressively track the learners progress, probably through some kind of a questionnaire. Also, in case anyone was wondering, my first language is Croatian, but the thesis itself will be in English. This is all still highly theoretical, and I'm aware that a lot of people might be skeptical, but I do firmly believe there is a lot of sense behind what I'm trying to do here. ![]()
![]() The thesis isn't due for more than a year, but this will require a lot of work and preparation, so I decided to get a head start. Anything and everything related in any way to the topic is welcome, from links to theses. In case anyone is wondering, my first language is Croatian, but the thesis itself will be in English. Thanks for everything so far, as I said, anything and everything related to the topic in any way will be helpful :) ![]()
![]() Greetings oh wise and all-powerful messageboard. I come to you seeking aid. The grandmasters of the University, in which I am studying the art of teaching the glorious language that is English, have entrusted me with a quest of the greatest importance. To write the thesis of all theses, one thesis to rule them all, to boldly thesis where no thesis has thesised before! Through long and arduous contemplation and consultation with my mentor, we have agreed that the topic shall be the implementation of joyous activities involving presuming the roles of creatures and persona other than oneself through the media that is the quill and parchment in the process of transferring the knowledge of the English language. Here is where I require aid! If any of the good souls that dwell upon this place has any ethereal connectors to a scroll or tome of ancient knowledge or research regarding the said topic, I would be eternally grateful to anyone who provides me with the materials I need. the tl;dr/wtf are you talking about version: