
Josiah Knight's page

Organized Play Member. 31 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Scarab Sages

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I created a online conversion tool to convert from 3.5/pathfinder to D&D 5 monster stats. Hope it helps:
Auto-Monster Converter

Scarab Sages

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This post assumes that the synthesist class needs to be reduced in power in certain ways. Please do not respond with posts about why this assumption is incorrect.

I like the synthesist class, but after debate decided that for my homebrew campaign it would need to have some specific house rules to lower it's strength. I would love comments and suggestions about how I have done so.

Synthesist Houserule Summary.


Summarized adjustments:

  • Eidolon natural armor/armor bonus may not exceed the creatures natural armor bonus (and never above +10)
  • No improved natural armor evolutions.
  • Ability improvements may only be applied to Strength.
  • Shield spells will not work with the eidolon.
  • Mage armor does not stack with the eidolons natural armor/armor bonus.
  • While merged, a synthesist gains only half of the Eidolons hit points as temporary hit points.
  • While merged, a synthesist cannot cast spells (other than healing spells and cantrips). If the Eidolon has not been dismissed, then it may be suppressed as a swift action (thereby allowing spells to be cast, but gaining no eidolon benefits) and re-merged as a full-round action.
  • If the merged form has higher physical Ability Scores than the summoner alone, then any improvements are considered Enhancement modifiers (and thus do not stack with other Enhancement modifiers like Bull Strength). The merged base form may only a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution 2 higher than the summoner's (for example, a Summoner Str 10 merging with a Biped Str 16 would have a base Str 12. Ability score increases after this work as normal.

Scarab Sages

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Here are the Rules I'll be using (based on combining many of the ideas provided by earlier posters). I'd love any suggestions beyond this:

Every level, a caravan not only receives a feat, but an attribute point as well.

Guard Job: +1 AC or +1 to attack.

Advanced Caravan Jobs: These jobs have a requirement of 6 skill ranks in the relevant skill, ability to cast 3rd level spells, or +6 BAB. All bonuses listed stack with related job (listed in parenthesis)

Chef (Cook): +1 Resolve
Coachman (Driver): +1 to Security checks
Warrior (Guard): +1 to damage rolls
Navigator (Guide): favored terrain (specific): +1 to caravan Security checks while in this type of terrain
Doctor (Healer): while in combat, fast healing 2 to the caravan
Hunter (Scout): favor enemy (specific): +1 to caravan attack, damage, and Security checks vs this creature type
Battle Mage (Spellcaster): gain the benefit of the Advanced Caravan Job you are acting as
Merchant (Trader): may spend 1 additional cargo unit during trade (and gain gold for each cargo unit)
Engineer (Wainwright): make upgrades to caravan while away from a settlement. If this is a Hero, this enables the Battlefield Repair Hero Combat action to repair during a combat.

Masterwork Wagons are available from the start of the adventure (stats are in the last AP)
Masterwork Wagon
Cost: 1,200 GP Hit Points: 40
Traveller Capacity: 6 Cargo Capacity: 6
Limit: None Consumption: 1
Special Benefit: +1 bonus to AC

Caravan attack is now removed, and replaced by the Hero Combat action described below. If no heroes are present, the caravan gets one attack.

Caravan damage increases at the same rate as that of a rogue’s sneak attack extra damage dice. At 1st level, 1d6, at 3rd 2d6, at 5th 3d6 and so on.

The caravan rule for the spell “Create Food and Water” is removed and the spell works normally.

Hero Combat actions: DC is set to 10 + the encounter level

Attack: The Hero may make a caravan attack against the enemy AC, up to four heroes may take this action.
Defend: The Hero may make a caravan attack roll against DC, to aid the caravan in repulsing the next attack, providing a +2 AC with an additional +1/ 5 points exceeding DC.
Rally: The Hero may use Diplomacy, Intimidate or Magic to rally the caravan against DC, granting a +1 Resolve check, with an additional +1/ 5 points exceeding DC.
Battlefield Repair: The Hero can cast a spell that repairs objects (such as make whole or fabricate) to provide the caravan with 1d6 hp per spell level (minimum 1d6). A Hero in the Engineer Advanced Caravan Job can use the appropriate skill to provide the caravan with temporary hp equal to the check result.

Summarized here