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![]() Greetings everyone, I'm asking this question before it comes up in my region. For the reward of Salvage Operations, this is the wording: Salvage Operations Reward wrote: Randomly choose a type of boon other than loot. Each character draws a random card of that type from the box. From the wording, it sounds like the players should draw from the game box and not from their class deck box. If it's drawn from the game box, then it would let the player choose the card they want based on the level of the card. If it's from the class deck box, it's just a random draw. Which box is this intending the players to draw randomly from? Thanks! ![]()
![]() So this conversation is being triggered after a long discussion this weekend with a player who felt that the players will have a very difficult time encountering a card higher than a B for several months, so I'm asking this question to the boards. For those of you who typically run a group of 4 or less through an adventure, do you hear any complaints about having the character add on deck included in your box? How have you handled those discussions? On that same note, I'm going to put put together a spreadsheet showing the distribution of cards per boon type, just so I can show my player that the C deck doesn't change the percentages too much. I enjoy spreadsheets/statistics, so it got me genuinely curious as well. I can share it if people like once I complete it. ![]()
![]() Good morning Pathfinders! I wanted to let everyone know that we're going to be adding the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Organized Play in our regular schedule. We will be hosting PFSACG at The Basement to start with every Thursday at 6:30 PM CST, starting with the 16th. We'll try to get one to two scenarios in each night, based on how fast each scenario plays out. If you would like to join us, we're using our PFS Warhorn page to help organize games which is at this link: https://warhorn.net/events/kcmopfs The Basement is located at 5908 NW 63rd Terrace - Kansas City, MO, US 64151 I'm talking with other stores in our area to see if they would like to host games at their stores as well and I'll update this thread with any updates. Thanks everyone! ![]()
![]() Good morning everyone, I figured I would post my question here since there's no mention of GM Stars in the PFSACG Guide. We ran two sessions last night and I reported the scenarios this morning and noticed that it increased the number of credits for my PFS GM stars. So, here's my questions: 1. Is this supposed to happen? I wasn't sure if the PFSACG games are meant to count as table credits in regards to determining your GM stars. 1a. Is there any plans in the works to make a similar GM Star system for PFSACG? 2. In regards to convention support, one thing that I'm noticing that is lacking on the reporting form is a field to indicate WHO ran the game. It automatically defaulted to my PFS ID Number as the person who ran the table, but I'm going to be hosting PFSACG at a Con in November. I'm going to be trying to be the main reporting entity for the PFSACG side of this con as our local VL. Is there plans on adding a field to the reporting page to give credit to the person who ran the game? 2a. Even though I haven't received the official update to my account yet, is there any convention support that is being planned by the development team, such as prizes, special boons, etc. for the PFSACG side of things, similar to PFS? (Addendum: First, I apologize for bursting any bubbles for bringing up table credits and if any questions are unclear or seem to ramble, it was a late night last night with our first PFSACG game and I haven't had enough coffee yet...) ![]()
![]() Greetings Team! Sorry to bug you once again, but there was two questions that came up with my order. 1. I noticed my card was authorized for $30, but my total purchases was way over that. I was curious when a second authorization might be coming through or what could be triggered to make sure my order gets shipped out in a timely fashion. 2. Also, I noticed that the PACG mat is being shipped out by itself. Is that a normal thing or is it possible to save me some shipping by putting it into a box with the other items, even if I have to change shipping options. Just looking to explore the possibilities. Thanks for all your help! ![]()
![]() Greetings everyone! I'm just posting this to see if this is possibly a typo or if it's meant to be this way. On Jirelle's Pirate Queen Role Card, one options you have is below: Role Card wrote: {} You gain the skill Diplomacy ({} and Craft): Charisma +3 My question in on the bolded portion. Based on the wording, you gain craft and it's linked to your charisma dice, but following the trend of other cards, shouldn't it be tied to Intelligence? The other characters in Shackles have the craft skill linked to Intelligence is the reason why I'm asking. Thanks in advance! ![]()
![]() Greetings customer service, I'm not sure this is the best place to post it, so feel free to move it if you like. As you can probably tell, I'm a PACG subscriber and I was curious if I was to preorder some other items, such as the class decks, if that would get included into the cost of one shipping to possibly get free shipping for having over $100 in one order. Basically, I'm just looking for ways to maximize my money. Thank you very much in advance, ![]()
![]() Greetings fellow Pathfinders, I wanted to let everyone know in case they were going to be in the area that we are hosting a Pathfinder Society Game Day at Tabletop Game and Hobby, which is in Overland Park, KS. We are doing a sign up VIA Warhorn, so please go to Warhorn PFS Game Day Sign-up to reserve yourself a seat. Our schedule at the moment looks like the following (All times CST): 11 am - 4 pm:
5 pm - 10 pm:
If there's a high demand or need for more tables, we'll be more than happy to expand and have more tables as needed. I've included the address on our Warhorn page and it's also listed on the Paizo Event Page, so if you're going to be in the area, we would love to have you there. If you have any questions or have difficulty signing up, please send me a private message. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Greetings fellow Pathfinders, I have recently decided to pledge myself to the pathfinder society and the ways of the Decemvirate. As I have not gone on any missions yet, I am looking to do so soon, but that leads me to a few questions that hopefully a fellow pathfinder can answer. I am trying to find an online group/game to join on the weekends and I am curious if there's a good place besides the forums to look for said games. Also, is there a good way to just put your name out there and see if a GM needs an extra player? Any suggestions would be great as this is my first delving into the world of pathfinder society. Thank you in advance, ![]()
![]() Greetings everyone, I figured an introductory post might be called for in a situation like this. I have been playing pathfinder campaigns in my home group for about a year or so, but been playing D&D and other campaign settings since 1999. In my current main group, I'm GMing Council of Thieves, so I was very surprised when I heard about Pathfinder Society and thought I might give it a try. I must say, it's a little intimidating getting outside of my home group, so I was looking for a little advice on how to get started. I've read all the PFS books and guides, but I was curious on if I should try the online or in person settings when starting out and if there's anything a first timer should know beforehand to not bog down the table upon arrival for the first time. Thank you for all your help in advance. |