Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() Jorrick awoke, happy and well rested for the first time in a long while. Preparing his spells and getting ready for the day, he headed down to hear Hollowe. "She's gone? Did anyone see anything?" he asked. ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() "Well, this is the nicest place I've seen in a long time, it would be a shame to let it fall apart because of some lizard person," Jorrick stated, "So this eye only recently appeared, did it? There was an old woman wearing the symbol outside, said something about it judging our shortcomings." ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() Hollowe wrote:
”Speak for yourself,” Jorrick said, before he starts ravenously wolfing down the food provided. ”So, who is this high priest anyways? I hear he’s gone and barricaded himself inside his temple?” Jorrick asked, between bites. ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() Jorrick takes his seat at the table. So, I hear there's been some sort of trouble around these parts recently. Something about snake men snatching people in the night? he asked the woman when she returned, sounding worried. ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() "Him? You mean the high priest is the one turning into a monster? What sort of monster? How long has this been going on?" Jorrick asked quietly. Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() Jorrick looks around the village, a little awed by the size of the place compared to his previous home. Spotting the old woman, his expression changed to one of concern, and he asked her, "What's wrong?" After all, if the people of this seemingly secure place seemed to be so frightened of something, perhaps he too should be worried. ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() DM Nation wrote: I am leaving tomorrow to work at scout camp for two weeks. The availability to internet will be spotty to non-existing. I can guarantee at least two posts during that time period. I am hoping that this is not a game killer as I have this world fleshed out pretty well and I am very excited at the possibilities that the settlement has to offer. Hopefully this will just be regarded as a hiatus for you and we will return to enthusiastic game play when the two weeks have ended. Sounds good, this seems as good a spot as any for a pause anyhow. ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() Jorrick took the chips. ”Well, I suppose it would be best for us to stick together till we reach the settlement. Safety in numbers and all that,” Jorrick said, ”I can take the last shift.” He gave a concerned look at the mourning dwarf, but, well, what could he possibly say to the man that wouldn’t just be pretty lies? So, he just silently helped him find stones to cover the corpse, before slumping down on the ground, weariness etched on his face, the events of the day having left him both mentally and physically drained. ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() Jorrick draws his dagger and quickly moves to finish off the two unconscious creatures. After all, no sense in leaving survivors that might decide to follow them. "Well, we may as well..." Jorrick said, looking uncertainly to the rest of the group. After all, what were the alternatives, wander aimlessly around the wasteland? Stay here and wait for more of these creatures to come to try and kill them? ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() Jorrick moves ten feet forward and casts color spray, trying to catch as many of the enemy as he can in its area of effect without inadvertently targeting any allies. Color spray, DC 15, assuming I can target them ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() So, how far are we from the enemy? Am I able to target any of the enemies with color spray(15 foot cone) without catching allies in its area of effect? ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() "Uh... you really sure you want to be disturbing whatever's back there?" Jorrick asked, as the dwarf apparently decided to take a peek at whatever horror lurked behind the tapestry. ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() "Well, that'd explain the magic aura," Jorrick said, casting detect magic again, and focusing on the item. Spellcraft to identify: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15 ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() Well, I doubt we can fight a dozen of these things. Nor does the way out seem currently open. Perhaps we should open the chest to see if there is something of use inside? I would suggest being ready for a trap, however,” Jorrick said. ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() "What's back there?" Jorrick asked, his voice dropping to a whisper, "And what the hell's in that chest?" He concentrates on the chest to determine the power of the aura. ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() "Well... hello there," Jorrick said, casting Detect Magic and carefully scanning the room for any threats. Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16 ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() Jorrick readies to follow the group towards the creature as well. Couldn't hardly leave that thing just running around behind them, after all. ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() "Agreed, Jorrick said, scanning the area with Detect Magic to see if the enemy had left any unpleasant surprises behind. Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23 ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() "So, do we plan on going down to join them, or...?" Jorrick inquired of the others who were still upstairs with him. Either way, it would probably be best for them to coordinate here instead of further splitting the party, and presumably he would not be able to slide down the chute while Cythraul was in the way anyhow. ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() Are those of us who were upstairs aware that the people who slid down the chute are under attack, and if so, what sort of action would it be to join them? ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() Seeing that the door was unlikely to be opened, Jorrick turned around to see the others sliding down into the darkness. "You alright?" he called down uncertainly. ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() Jorrick positions himself in the center of the group, keeping his rather pessimistic thoughts on what he expected these other people would do to them to himself. Once they were in, he took out his dagger, and cast a Light spell on it. Since its a cantrip, he can be assumed to be renewing the spell regularly. ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() "Well, looks like nobody's at home. Perhaps we should stay out here for the night? No sense in wandering the open dunes, and this seems to be as close to shelter as we will get," Jorrick suggested quietly. ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
There's always a bigger fish,' Jorrick muttered. Gesturing for the others to follow, he quickly withdrew into the crevasse. ![]()
Male Human(Dual Talent) Shaman(Speaker for the Past) 1 HP 11/11; AC 17; TAC 13; FF 14; Fort 3; Ref 3; Will 6; Init 3; Perception 8; CMB +2; CMD +13; SPD 30 ft
![]() Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Jorrick looked around nervously, but, not spotting anything aside from some rumbling, waited for one of the others to indicate their next course of action. Truly, this was shaping up to be a terrible night. I also have the same question as Hollowe, regarding where the disturbance is moving