
Jon Bristol's page

6 posts. Alias of Caquix.


"I'm not aware of a bounty, but I'm here on orders from the New Dawn so I can't collect a bounty for doing it. I could send a message and ask though. When we've got them in a cell, I'm going to head back out and see if I can find their allies, you're welcome to come with."

<Lefty>Hey I found the PKers, a couple of people were fighting them and subdued them before I could get involved. One was killed, I don't the guy meant to do it though. The rest were captured and brought to town to be locked up. One seems insane, the others seem like the were forced into and claim to have not done any of the killing, just looting. The people who captured them want to know if were offering a bounty. What should I tell them. ohh yeah the official report. 4 PK found: 1 dead, 1 KO, 2 surrender. Will resume patrol after securing prisoners. I used to make fun of people who talked like that in games... but here... its different.

"Before you lock them up, I'd like to talk to them."

Bristol walks up to the players, "I have to patrol this road a little longer. If you friends out there, it will be better for them if I'm not surprised. I'm sure you don't want your friends to die and I want to kill them, tell me where they are and I promise to bring them in alive. "

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

"Thank you, strangers. Mind if I ask these two some questions?"

Is there any sort of jail mechanic to deal with PKers or we just have to hope they don't go back to their old tricks?

I see the alignment system as helpful to keep characters somewhat realistic and tied to who they are. Also, it seems like it might be interesting in a setting where it could have effects beyond who can and can't be a paladin.

Bristol runs towards the sounds of battle, a look of determination and anger on his face. "Hey jerks, how about we level the playing field"

Activate Iron Guard's Glare:Stance—Enemies take –4
penalty on attacks against your allies.

On orders from his guild, The Knights of a New Dawn, Jon is heading to patrol the roads of Meridian Heights. As soon as he reaches the edge of the city, he draws his weapon, dons his shield, and sends a quick PM to his contact in the guild.

<Lefty>Starting patrol on MH roads. Any info on PKers out here?

When he finishes the message, he heads out on the road.

Hoping I might run into Hornfell. Also, do stances have any kind of duration?