
Jominda __'s page

97 posts. Alias of Foxy Quickpaw.


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Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

"That clocktower is in danger of collapsing, isn't it? Maybe we can make it collapse with whoever tries to goad us inside?"

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

Is it my turn to post?

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8
Khamul Froghoth wrote:

Spider climb could be good way of doing it. But remember the discussions we've had about what 3d6 does to boss fights. We're also going to need as much pre-buff as you can manage. Don't know what you've got, but I figure before we go to the tower, we do some shopping - we've got some loot, and even before selling stuff, I had some 4000+ sitting from the last split, so I can front things.

I figure we need 2 spider climbs, and I'd like to get both of us some sort of feather fall item (Talisman of Beneficial Winds?), so if we have to we can retreat by jumping off the tower... Do you have some alchemicals to use your alchemical weapon ability with? I'll get some weapon balms, and maybe some scrolls? Not sure what though...

Jominda can make a spiderclimb extract for herself. And she has boots of the cat. Alchemical weapons are not great compared to bombs, so no. though falling 250 feet might be a bit much even with boots of the cat.

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

Jominda orders the eggs and bacon with toasted bread, a fruit salad, and some of the cake arranged as a buffet with two empty plates and two sets of cutlery. "Take what you want. We can order more." she offers Melly.

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

"Any special preparations for today? I usually prepare my extracts when I need them, but I guess we know about what to expect so I can do that early. Invisibility and Spiderclimb to be stealthy or more Bull's Strength for kicking their door in?"

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

"That I can afford. We count today as your first day of work for me and I pay in advance."

Fiddling two gold out of her purse she hands them to Melly. "Here is your first weeks pay. Congratulations on finding a new job. For now the job is helping me in and out of that gear and cleaning up after me. We'll see about the rest over time."

On the new day Jominda sits down with her gear and prepares her explosives. Once that is done she checks what is on the menu of the inn for lunch.

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

"Sleeping sounds good." Jominda replies with the last word merging into a yawn.

Jominda turns to Melly "What does a maid earn a week? Maybe I can hire you for the time being."

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

"Hi, I'm Jominda traveling apothecary and this is Melly. She is a newly unemployed maid since Ironbriar took a hike and she was too nice to us to return to Cheliax without fear of dire consequences."

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

I told my plan now three times. I really don't care if you like to do it different. You are on the coach steering it and if you drive to the tavern instead of setting them on their road to Cheliax that's fine. In any case I'll take Melly along, to not leave her with with Grenz or Ironbriar's guys.

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8
DM ShadowBloodmoon wrote:
Melly speaks up to Jominda. ”Ironbriar wasn’t a bad boss. A little pushy and kept to himself, but he didn’t treat any of us real bad. I still find it hard to believe he could be a cultist of some kind.” She stops and rubs her temples. ”I guess I could find some work again somewhere here, buy myself a trip back to Cheliax to see my family. I don’t want to really be associated with someone like that, or I’d go with these guards back there now. That is where they are going, right?”

"Well, we didn't get to the bottom of it yet. There is someone behind that and Ironbriar is not the head of that. But what I've heard about this conspiracy so far, it has turned quite some people into crazy stuff and to their demise. On the other hand, evil people are nice to their own too. So who knows."

"My job isn't to judge who does what here, only to stop the murders. And with Ironbriar gone, we're one step closer to that."

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

"I don't care. We have a lead to Miss X. If you want to face the guard, feel free. I won't. We have an inofficial contract and nothing to show for it. Lock the guys you want to keep in the basement. But we have no one that can impersonate one of the guards that can persuade anyone to leave."

"We have no clue if the guards here and the city guards to come are drinking buddies and will recognize strangers and ask stupid questions. My idea was to let it look as if they finished their plan of leaving to have all witnesses of what happened here gone. I'm fine with every other plan too, as long as I'm not here when the guard comes."

"And Melly, if you don't want to meet Ironbriar again, you can tag along to the tavern and find yourself a new job here." Jominda continues on her path.

"If you want to talk more, then while loading the coach." She moves to the carriage house and loads all the knocked out and bound people into the coach.

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

My plan was to take all loot we can carry and get Melly and the lot of unconcious guys out of town with the carriage and all the stuff that isn't really portable to make sure the guard finds Ironbriars plan completed and no one left to question about us. I won't be caught selling that framed in gold portrait of Judge Ironbriar.

"We're lacking someone who could wear a guards uniform and sweettalk whoever is coming now."

Seeing Melly be unhappy, Jominda puts a hand on her shoulder. "We leave everyone alive we can. But those who are not as reasonable as you have to deal with the consequences. I can't slap them into unconsciousness while they are shooting me with iron sticks. He can though, so these guys might be lucky."

She bags the horn and then drags two unconscious guys towards the carriage house. "Don't forget to ask about the fence."

As she passes Zarque, she hands her the horn. "How about you quickly check where the guard comes from, and then lure them past this estate by blowing the horn again further down the road?"

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

CD: 1d6 ⇒ 1
CD: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Did I mention, that I don't like the cascading dice? That's the 4th? bomb. And now I have one left that will be gone at the end of the fight, if I use it or not by an arsenal of 10.

Jomida steps out again and walks a bit closer if necessary and throws another bomb at the guy with the horn. To the others she tells "I'll make you the same offer that I made the others. You can drop your weapons, walk over to the packed coach and be gone from Korvosa to Cheliax to be never seen here again. Or burn in hell."

"You have the advantage to have seen that I mean that literally and I'm serious about that."

Bomb: 3d6 + 8 ⇒ (4, 2, 3) + 8 = 173d6 + 5 ⇒ (2, 1, 6) + 5 = 14

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

Defense: 3d6 + 7 ⇒ (1, 2, 4) + 7 = 14
Defense: 3d6 + 7 ⇒ (2, 3, 2) + 7 = 14
Defense: 3d6 + 7 ⇒ (6, 1, 6) + 7 = 20
Defense: 3d6 + 7 ⇒ (1, 2, 1) + 7 = 11

Jominda makes a nice target for crossbow training. "Sorry, I'm busy here myself." She throws a bomb at one guard that allows her to catch most of them in the blast. Then she moves for cover , if she can reach some.

Explosive Bomb(Touch;Dmg): 3d6 + 8 ⇒ (1, 1, 2) + 8 = 123d6 + 5 ⇒ (6, 1, 1) + 5 = 13

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

Jominda throws another explosive bomb at he guy rolling on the ground.
Explosive Bomb: 3d6 + 8 ⇒ (1, 4, 3) + 8 = 163d6 + 5 ⇒ (6, 6, 1) + 5 = 18
CD: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Yes, Jominda confusion. If you could remove the wrong Jominda from the players list of the campaign, that would help, because then the right Jominda would turn up first in the selection list again.

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

"Melly, we're trying to convince those gentlemen to disable the fence. Please help here. If that works you'll be in that carriage in a minute and out of town on your way to Cheliax in half an hour."

"Hello there. Melly told me, that you are the gentlemen, that deactivate the electricity on the fence? The carriage is packed and we are ready to leave. So please switch that off."

Bluff or Diplomacy, whatever you prefer.
3d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 4, 3) - 1 = 10

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

"Let's check the obvious locations for a mechanism first." Jominda suggests and leads the way to the guard house to search for a mechanism to disable the fence.
Perception: 3d6 + 8 ⇒ (5, 4, 3) + 8 = 20

Then she continues on to the carriage garage to take a look there too.
Perception: 3d6 + 8 ⇒ (6, 5, 6) + 8 = 25

If some device is found in one place or the other Jominda will try to deactivate the fence either by operating it, if it is that simple, or with Disable Device(+10) and Use Magic Device(+7), both things that should be usable repeatedly without negative consequences if there is no trap on the mechanism.

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

"According to Melly, the guards know. We'd have to wake one to ask."

Jominda ruffles through her pockets, sits up Melly and holds the smelling salts under her nose. "Let's go to the house. Hopefully Melly will be back with us soon to give us a tour."

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

"I still don't fully trust this. I'd prefer to have all that Ironbriar wanted gone gone. And us too with the valuables. Then we can be back in the morning and see what the guard makes of it."

"Otherwise we'd have a dozen people complaining that we raided the house for no reason and they can deny that they wanted to leave." Jominda argues.

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

"That sounds like someone is mocking us. And also pretty sure of themself." Jominda comments.

"But about the practical implications... if Ironbriar is gone, I suggest we pack all of the guards and servants into the carriage, drive them out of the city and relieve them of all easily transportable valuables."

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

@DM ShadowBloodmoon
I'm assuming that a non combat NPC servant doesn't have 17 CMD. A quick calculation with standard NPC stats and a cursory search for commoners and experts in the NPC Codex gave me the impression that that is a safe bet. I took the freedom to write the post on that assumption, without waiting for your confirmation. I don't like to write posts with options for both outcomes, and only giving the grapple and waiting for an obvious result seemed like a waste of time. Please tell if you agree, or if I should wait in future posts.

And about Jominda being large - how much time has passed since we entered, as the spell only lasts 5 minutes?

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

Grab: 3d6 + 7 ⇒ (5, 3, 1) + 7 = 16

Jominda reaches for the woman again. "Where do you think you go? I'm the nice one just holding you and asking questions. You think you'd like my companion who puts you into a pocket dimension better?"

Hearing the guard deny the Lord Mayor's authority Jominda's interest is piqued. "And there I thought the law applies to all the same. but if on this property the law of the city doesn't apply, does that mean, once we bound up all of Ironbriar's guards, that we are the law?"

"And if the staff here insists, that city law doesn't apply, does that mean what you are doing here is unlawful? And that you assume that we are here in the name of city law? That sounds a lot like someone's bad conscience showing when they are caught red handed."

"Would you like to comment on that?" she asks the woman.

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

"Sorry, force of habit. Clumsy me. Are you ok?" Jominda inquires.

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

"The tooth fairy. Have you lost some teeth lately for me to collect?" Jominda replies while trying to get a hold on the woman.

Grab: 3d6 + 7 ⇒ (2, 1, 2) + 7 = 12

"Just kidding, I'm looking for Judge Ironbriar."

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

Khamul's attempt at being stealthy is somewhat ruined by a clumsy giant following along.

Stealth: 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 4, 3) + 1 = 10
Perception: 3d6 + 8 ⇒ (2, 1, 1) + 8 = 12

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

Jominda walks over to the carriage house. "I have no clue how to get those guys out of the pit again. That's is Zarque's thing. But one of them is not knocked out."

"But anyway, it doesn't look like Ironbriar is here. How about we take a closer look at the house? The servant is no help so far and I don't think we have the authority and the gear to make him talk."

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

"Wanna mount the coach, to see where it goes?" Jominda asks Khamul.

She grabs the guard at his armor and takes him like a carelessly carried doll to the pit to join the other catch.

How long does that pit last?

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

I stepped carefully close to the pit. I can look in without stepping on the slippery 5' as I'm still large.

The 15s used for picking up and moving a bit closer. No malus on rock throwing because 'throw anything'. If the guard drops from Khamul's stones she doesn't throw.

Jominda picks up a two stones and starts throwing at the guard.

Throw Rock: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 1, 3) + 6 = 151d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

Noticing what is coming Jominda checks if there are any sticks or stones lying around that would be good for throwing. Because words won't hurt them.

Perception: 3d6 + 8 ⇒ (6, 4, 3) + 8 = 21

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

He still has normal skills :D

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

Bot Zarque
Diplomacy: 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (2, 6, 4) + 4 = 16

Zarque plays the good cop to Jominda's bad interpretation of a bad cop. "I'd rather be somewhere else too instead of guarding you here in this pit. But with no other lead and no one else to interrogate I can't help it."

"If you could give us some pointers in regards of your master, we would suddenly have better things to do than to hold you."

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

Bluff: 3d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 2, 4) - 1 = 9

"You'd better talk, or I'll summon warted toads in that pit to keep you company."

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

"Only if you tell us what's going on here." Jominda objects.

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

"I can imagine that this gentleman wants to get away from here. The content of the bag looks like the spoils of theft." Jominda states. "Which raises the question, if this is a burglary. Or a servant quitting the job paying himself a gratuity."

Jominda ponders the options. "Or, ... this is a very loyal servant trying to bring his master everything that can quickly be liquefied."

"You can make this pit swallow him if he tries to lie to us, right?" she inquires from Zarque.

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

Jominda stays at a safe distance from that hole to not fall in too, but picks up the package and looks what's inside.

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

Jominda hurries to see who is trying to leave.

Perception: 3d6 + 8 ⇒ (6, 2, 5) + 8 = 21

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

Jominda looks closer to see what that shadow was.
Perception: 3d6 + 8 ⇒ (3, 1, 4) + 8 = 16

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

Jominda gets bored and walks over to the main house.

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

I'm great at sneaking. Literally, like 10' great. And I don't have non lethal bombs. I could punch them in the face. But that's not very effective.

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

The face in the ground opens its mouth wider and wider and swallows the dwarf. A short scream and then silence.

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

"But you can't get to the door without these statues jumping you. And if Radek didn't bring a really good mining pick, fighting those things will be no fun."

Jominda ponders the situation. "This is a bad idea. I expected an abandoned house. Worst case some maid or butler left. What are we going to do if we meet some guards? If they are no evil cultists, we can't simply murder them. And they won't let us go because we ask nicely."

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

"Can we ignore the guard house?" Jominda inquires.

Know(Arcana): 3d6 + 11 ⇒ (5, 3, 3) + 11 = 22

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

Jominda currently has a hard time being stealthy. Above and beyond her usual issues with that.

"Hehe, I can look into the 2nd floor windows!"

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

Acrobatics: 3d6 + 7 ⇒ (3, 4, 6) + 7 = 20

With the fence trap down, Jominda grabs the fence and jumps over. You'd expect the ground to shake when she lands on the inside, but it doesn't. More like a very lareg feather falls to the ground. "I hope we haven't locked ourself in now."

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

Are there any adjacent trees? Neighbour's gardens that don't have electrical fences? Also, how many dead kids, dogs, mailmen and other visitors die here every week?

While looking out for some environmental aids to climb over the fence, Jominda tries to persuade the fence to turn off (under the assumption that during day people are allowed to pass and they don't disable it with a human sacrifice every day). She does random gestures and incantations in hopes to disable or open the gate without touching.

In between she asks Khamul "Do you see something to switch it off from the inside?"

Use Magic Device: 3d6 + 7 ⇒ (2, 2, 4) + 7 = 15
Use Magic Device: 3d6 + 7 ⇒ (5, 5, 1) + 7 = 18
Use Magic Device: 3d6 + 7 ⇒ (6, 5, 1) + 7 = 19
Use Magic Device: 3d6 + 7 ⇒ (3, 2, 2) + 7 = 14
Use Magic Device: 3d6 + 7 ⇒ (6, 5, 6) + 7 = 24
Perception: 3d6 + 8 ⇒ (3, 6, 3) + 8 = 20

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

Question: Is it an option for Jominda to jump over the fence like they do in high jump competition? And if it is possible, what is the DC?

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

Jominda kneels down in a shadowy corner away from that trapped door sets her backpack down and starts working with some flasks and a book. After a minute she is done, packs everything away again puts on her backpack on again. She downs the extract and grows to double her size in each dimension.

She grabs Khamul, and lifts him up. Looking at him she tells "You little people are really cute." She moves him over the fence and lets him down as far as her arms reach. Then she lets him drop to the ground.

"You're next?" she asks, looking down on Radek.

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

Lifting and Dragging: A character can lift as much as
his maximum load over his head. A character’s maximum
load is the highest amount of weight listed for a character’s
Strength in the heavy load column of Table 7–4.
A character can lift as much as double his maximum
load off the ground, but he or she can only stagger around
with it. While overloaded in this way, the character loses
any Dexterity bonus to AC and can move only 5 feet per
round (as a full-round action).[/ooc]

[i]Bigger and Smaller Creatures: The figures on Table 7–4
are for Medium bipedal creatures. A larger bipedal creature
can carry more weight depending on its size category, as
follows: Large ×2, Huge ×4, Gargantuan ×8, Colossal ×16.
A smaller creature can carry less weight depending on its
size category, as follows: Small ×3/4, Tiny ×1/2, Diminutive
×1/4, Fine ×1/8.

With a Str of 12 that is 260lbs for lifting over my head or 520 when lifting and staggering around.

With Radek weighing 205 + 50 Armor and some gear, I assume DM Shadownbloom will cut me some slack here for a nice RP.

Especially, as it would work for sure to just give him a leg up.

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

"My offer still stands. I only need a minute to prepare an extract." Jominda comments on the interrupted attempt to take the main entrance.

Female Human Alchemist (5) - AC17/12/15 F+7/R+7/W+2 Init+4 Perc+8

"I could lift you over it." Jominda offers.

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