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![]() OK I have two questions that came up during a recent game and am interested in hearing opinions on. 1. If a character is under the effects of the spells Displacement and Mirror Image, what is the order in which an attack is resolved? (ie. do you roll for miss chance and then to see if an image is hit?) 2. Can a caster under the effects of the spell Transformation dismiss a previously cast spell? (Wall of Force was the specific situation.) ![]()
![]() Was wondering if this tracks, or in other words can anyone pick holes in my reading of RAW? Could a Monk using Spring Attack, move to an enemy, disarm them, pick up the weapon, then finish out their movement to dispose of said weapon? Disarm = "You can attempt to disarm your opponent in place of a melee attack."
Spring Attack = "You can move up to your speed and make a single melee attack without provoking any attacks of opportunity from the target of your attack." ![]()
![]() "The following familiar ability works differently for a gravewalker:Deliver Touch Spells (Su): At 3rd level or higher, a gravewalker can use her poppet to deliver touch spells. After casting a
OK I read that as "By increasing the casting time of the spell to a full round action...." but and argument could be made that the rule is saying that you cast the spell normally AND then as a full round action..... Am I right? ![]()
![]() Start cathartic rant. This is my plea to the PFS campaign staff and scenario writers. Please, please, please stop making skills irrelevant/ destroying a plausible roleplaying situation.. Again last night while playing Shadows Last Stand Part II, as we captured and NPC my character approached with the intent to Intimidate some info out of the guy. Then the DM says "Oh the module says he does not talk, your intimidate will not work". I sigh and move on. How many times have I seen this? I know the writers love their NPC's, but why are they so special that certain rules do not work against them. If the NPC's can get skill immunity, why not PC's? I mean come on, thanks for punishing me for putting ranks in the less feel good option of the social skills. If you feel the need then write in a bonus. "Nate the NPC grew up on the streets and is accustomed to threats, any attempt to Intimidate has its DC increased by 5." But please stop "box texting" away our plausible options. Ok end rant. ![]()
![]() OK my brain is not working well this evening and the portion that does math seems to be on strike so is this correct? If a 10th lvl Magus casts an Intensified Shocking Grasp (2nd lvl spell) while using the Empowered Magic Arcana (or a Rod of Empower) delivered with the Spellstrike ability wielding a Keen Scimitar.... and crits... the damage would be 20d6 x 1.5 + Weapon Damage? So 30-180 + Weapon Damage. |