
Johnny Destroyer's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 22 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.

(Crossposted on Reddit. If you play in a game where Mike is an orc and used to be a frog and before that was Wonder Woman, you are looking at spoilers.)

So there's Viperwall. What is an appropriate level for a party of about five (four to six depending on the week) to go in there? I've heard a lot of complaints directed at me about staging recent adventures at higher difficulties than the PCs can handle (before Restoration and Remove Disease were available). So what levels of divine and arcane can handle an all-poison all the time dungeon?

While we're on the subject, what do you think we find in Viperwall? What kind of dangers?

Let me know what you think.

Has anyone ever named this river, the one from the northwest down to Elidir?

Can I?

I need some GM brainstorming help, please.

I've got a city-state of just under 120,000. The city hall building is suddenly destroyed, all leaders and most nobles evacuate and the city guard abandons their posts because they don't know of they'll be paid.

What are the next bunch of things that happen to this city? Complete anarchy leads to what events?

Can Abundant Ammunition be cast on the 5-bolt cartridge on the top of a repeating crossbow?

Hey, all:

I'm looking for an African-looking spellcaster, like Somali, Ethiopian or Eritrean. Maybe that sounds like Osirian?

I'd really appreciate any suggestions you might have.

Good morning:

I'm having trouble and I'd like to hear from GMs. Tell me about the time you kicked a player out of your group and why (or post a link).

My details are unnecessary. I want to read about your experience.

Thanks in advance.

Is there a spell or enhancement or feat anywhere in d20 that draws the attention of monsters onto a specific person? We play 3.75, so Pathfinder stuff can work as well.

Thanks in advance,
Johnny D.

Could someone recommend a trap-heavy published dungeon? I'm running out of time and need to exercise my players' rogue.

3.0, 3.5, Pathfinder... I'll even convert 1st or 2nd edition if I have to.

Thanks in advance!
Johnny D.

Established group looking for one or two players, just off 50th street & Anthony Henday. We play Saturday nights, from 7 pm to midnight.

Ages range from mid-20's to early forties. We play mostly 3.5 and mix in Pathfinder where appropriate. We are currently working on the Fortress of the Stone Giants.

Send e-mail to Johnny Destroyer at shaw dot ca

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So a cleric gets a handful of dust thrown in his eyes and is threatened by three ogres. He agrees that he is blinded.

He casts Sanctuary defensively. Can you cast defensively while blinded?

There appears to be no reference to casting while blinded. It would seem analogous to casting while three invisible characters threaten you.

Help me out.
Johnny D.