John Almond's page

13 posts (68 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.

Greetings. I intend on running The Forge of Fury WotC module, set in the Forgotten Realms nation of Damara, using the Pathfinder Beta rules.

For more information, please see the OOC thread. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!


This is the planning/OOC thread for the Trouble in Damara Pathfinder PbP game.

I will be running The Forge of Fury adventure module, with additions to it of my own design, set in the Forgotten Realms region of Damara. I don't mind players who have played or DMed the module, as long as player knowledge can be seperated from character knowledge.

I intend on this being a fairly fast-paced game and will be posting at least daily during the week; on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) my posting may lag due to other personal commitments. I would appreciate it if players were also able to post at least daily on the weekdays, with the understanding that I am willing to NPC your character for you given at least twenty-four hours' notice of any forseeable lengthy absence.

Character Creation Rules:

Classes, Races, Feats, Spells, etc.: Pathfinder Beta classes, feats, races, and spells are allowed. Feats, spells, and equipment from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting will be allowed on a case-by-case basis. All other sources will not be allowed.

Stat Generation: Standard Fantasy point buy (15 points, page 5 of the Pathfinder Beta document).

Starting Level & XP: 3 & 3,300 (fast xp progression); note that this may vary depending upon the number of characters that we get, per page 290 of the Pathfinder Beta document.

Hit Points: Flat Bonus generation method (max hit points for the first die, plus Con modifier, plus 6 points, per page 14 of the Pathfinder Beta document) for first level; all other levels to be rolled at the Invisible Castle dice roller, rerolling 1s ("xdy.minroll2" is what you should enter, where x is the number of hit dice and y is the sides of the dice).

Starting Equipment: 3,000 gp; no single item may be more than 1,500 gp in cost and no more than 750 gp may be spent on consumables--such as potions and wands.

Religion: All deities in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting are allowed (pages 232 to 256, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting).

I will be holding the applications open until Friday, 9/5/08, at 23:59 US EST. This will not be a first-come, first-serve application process: I intend on hosting four to six players, and will be vetting characters on concept. I am disallowing Chaotic Evil characters and preference will be given to Good-aligned characters in general. Knowledge of the Forgotten Realms is a plus, but is definitely not required to play.

Let me know if you have any questions!