Classes, Races, Feats, Spells, etc.: Pathfinder Beta classes, feats, races, and spells are allowed. Feats, spells, and equipment from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting will be allowed on a case-by-case basis. All other sources will not be allowed.
Stat Generation: Standard Fantasy point buy (15 points, page 5 of the Pathfinder Beta document).
Starting Level & XP: 3 & 3,300 (fast xp progression); note that this may vary depending upon the number of characters that we get, per page 290 of the Pathfinder Beta document.
Hit Points: Flat Bonus generation method (max hit points for the first die, plus Con modifier, plus 6 points, per page 14 of the Pathfinder Beta document) for first level; all other levels to be rolled at the Invisible Castle dice roller, rerolling 1s ("xdy.minroll2" is what you should enter, where x is the number of hit dice and y is the sides of the dice).
Starting Equipment: 3,000 gp; no single item may be more than 1,500 gp in cost and no more than 750 gp may be spent on consumables--such as potions and wands.
Religion: All deities in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting are allowed (pages 232 to 256, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting).