
Johan Reinhart's page

10 posts. Alias of mbauers.


Awesome, great news!

Congratulations everyone and thanks to Nate for taking the time to run this game and do all the work that goes into a recruitment of this magnitude!

I have to say, I thought I had a good chance to make it until Rin applied. Great application and I knew two Occultists wouldn't get chosen, so I kinda heard the death knell of my own application early. :-)

It's disappointing, but those who made it deserved it. Good luck and have fun!

Updated my appearance slightly and my personality more dramatically (last version seemed too backgroundy). I'm sticking with what I have now.

Good luck to everyone!

Ebon Pennyfeather wrote:

Ouch, the new Ultimate Equipment update has hurt me a little bit. The Brawling armour I was going to use went from 5100gp to 17100gp. I was sort of counting on that to help bypass some damage reduction... Oh well, more money to spend elsewhere I guess.

Edit: Amulet of Mighty Fists to the rescue.

I don't know if you or I will get chosen, but Johan can grant weapon abilities to people's weapons for a minute. I'm planning on holy and bane weapons to help tough fights, so hopefully I can help in that regard!

nate lange wrote:

@Johan- the vignettes are fine as long as you keep the characters/locations fairly vague/generic (and accept that if that history ever comes up I'll be doing with it as I see fit). I kind of like the idea that you know more about the items than you do about yourself.

Ok, cool. Yep, I tried to represent a variety of locations but leave it vague enough to be fluid. I updated my equipment slightly and I changed the description of Johan's appearance (hence the new avatar!).

I kept his personality/outlook unchanged because I believe it adequately describes what I'm going for. Here's the new Appearance description and the (unchanged) Personality/Outlook. If you can, let me know if there's anything I'm missing or that you'd like further fleshed out. Thanks again for running this game and for the feedback! I know it is very time-consuming!


27 years old, 6’0”, 180 lbs., Violet Eyes, Black Hair

Lithe and strong, Johan walks with long strides and a quick pace, switching his leather rucksack from hand to hand. His clothing he chooses for comfort and ease of travel. It is dark-colored and well-worn, but good quality: a wide-brimmed slouch hat to stave off the sun’s heat, a crimson bandana around his neck sometimes pulled up over his face in dusty environments, often-mended woolen breeches, mud-stained leather boots, and a long brown duster coat that only partially conceals his weapons. The hilt of a dark-metal blade and a horn longbow displaying eagle feathers protrude from the back of his coat.

Sparse facial hair on his chin and cheeks and an unkempt mop of black hair protruding from his hat show Johan’s indifference for personal grooming, at least for aesthetic reasons. His striking purple eyes and clearly Elven ears (more prominent than most half-elves he knows) draw frequent comments of interest or praise, which he swiftly, but courteously, dismisses. To Johan, function is much more important than form.

Personality and Outlook:

Johan is a strong combination of traits he inherited from his elven father and his human mother. As a child he was impacted greatly by his father’s appreciation of history and his drive to preserve knowledge despite having already lived for centuries. He also was struck by his mother’s resilience, perseverance, and unwavering love towards her family.

As a result, Johan is perceptive, intelligent, and deeply sympathetic to the struggles of other people. He strives to find items of historical and magical significance with a goal of enlightening the uneducated and helping the unfortunate. If an artifact would prove dangerous in the wrong hands, he has no problem doing what he can, even outside legal methods, to prevent wanton destruction. Of particular interest to Johan are items belonging to people who, at crucial times in history, displayed remarkable bravery.

Though he cares for others and seeks lasting bonds of friendship, Johan finds it difficult to talk about his emotions. This is partially due to his pragmatic nature, but it is more a result of something that even he doesn’t understand. Johan can unlock power from items with strong psychic bonds to a past bearer, but in so doing he invites a portion of that person’s memories and emotions into his psyche. Though he is passionate about the items that he bears, the fractured nature of his personality from the items’ influence makes it difficult for him to articulate on matters of the heart.

nate lange wrote:
@Johan- looks good. There are a few things that are pushing the bounds of background (like saying your hodge-podge of gear is from your travels).

I agree--when I wrote it originally I was trying to keep it flexible since I didn't really know the world we'd be in. Now that I know what you want, I will change the appearance (and possibly personality) to reflect more of the setting I envision him from. Since I geared up before the Ultimate Equipment errata (which changed/nerfed a lot of items), I will probably be changing my gear anyway. I'll let you know when I've made the changes.

Are you ok with the vignettes about the implements? On the one hand I could see how they're approaching background, but on the other hand I think it adds to the character to know the significance of the items.

nate lange wrote:


I haven't read anyone's revisions at all but just to be as clear as possible- I'm not looking for you to tell me what setting you see yourself being from, I'm hoping you'll show me! instead of saying "I'm from somewhere like 1500s Europe" describe your clothes and equipment as if they're from there/then, and work some enlightenment ideals into your outlook. If your thinking of a Roman centurion type, describe the armored kilt instead of greaves, and the shin plates... or for something getting into like Victorian horror describe your waist coat and ascot, pick appropriate weapons (like rapiers and simple firearms), and be paranoid and superstitious...

Ok, I get what you're going for and I'm excited to further flesh out my character without being constrained to one type of medieval fantasy setting. I will update my appearance and personality to reflect this, but first a minor question associated with that--my character has a mithral breastplate, which obviously doesn't fit all settings (and certainly not the one I'm intending for him). Can we flavor it as something else that fits our setting, but with the mechanical stats of a breastplate?

I'd like feedback when you get the chance, GM. Thanks!

nate lange wrote:
Wow, that slowed down quick... We went from 100+ posts in the first 36 hours to 6 in the last 18...

Did you see my submission on the previous page? I had a couple minor questions there (are wands with less than 50 charges allowed and was having stories for my implements too "background-y"). Things usually slow down over the weekend.

I was going for an interesting character who is about middle-range of power level. If you have any feedback, I'd love to hear it!

Mbauers here--I have everything completed. In addition, I added some vignettes about the four "implements" that Johan has and what their significance is. I know you want no backgrounds, but I find it interesting that Johan remembers the significance of his items but nothing else of his past life. Let me know if that's too "backgroundy". Also, minor crunch thing: do you mind if we do wands with less than 50 charges? I just bought a 10 charge wand of CLW.

I'm including all of my non-crunch here in case anyone would like to read it. Thanks for considering me!

Personality and Outlook:

Johan is a strong combination of traits he inherited from his elven father and his human mother. As a child he was impacted greatly by his father’s appreciation of history and his drive to preserve knowledge despite having already lived for centuries. He also was struck by his mother’s resilience, perseverance, and unwavering love towards her family.

As a result, Johan is perceptive, intelligent, and deeply sympathetic to the struggles of other people. He strives to find items of historical and magical significance with a goal of enlightening the uneducated and helping the unfortunate. If an artifact would prove dangerous in the wrong hands, he has no problem doing what he can, even outside legal methods, to prevent wanton destruction. Of particular interest to Johan are items belonging to people who, at crucial times in history, displayed remarkable bravery.

Though he cares for others and seeks lasting bonds of friendship, Johan finds it difficult to talk about his emotions. This is partially due to his pragmatic nature, but it is more a result of something that even he doesn’t understand. Johan can unlock power from items with strong psychic bonds to a past bearer, but in so doing he invites a portion of that person’s memories and emotions into his psyche. Though he is passionate about the items that he bears, the fractured nature of his personality from the items’ influence makes it difficult for him to articulate on matters of the heart.


27 years old, 6’0”, 180 lbs., Violet Eyes, Black Hair

Lithe and strong, Johan walks with long strides and a quick pace. His clothing, arms, and armor is an amalgamation of different styles, borrowing from the variety of cultures he’s encountered in his travels. Sparse facial hair on his chin and cheeks and an unkempt mop of black hair protruding from his hat display his indifference for personal grooming, at least for aesthetic reasons.

His striking purple eyes and clearly Elven ears (more prominent than most half-elves he knows) draw comments of interest or praise, which he swiftly, but courteously, dismisses. To Johan, function is much more important than form.

Implement: The Lost Compass of Zaire al Hassan:

I’m not surprised you’ve never heard of Zaire, the explorer says, looking at the compass a bit before putting it back in his pocket. He spurs his horse on a bit to catch up to the sentries before continuing.

His expedition was out of food and low on water, and deadly predators were closing in on their position. He gave his compass to his companions, saying it was foretold that whosoever possessed it could always find their way home. ‘I know this jungle,’ he told them. ‘I’ll find my way home without it, and I’ll drive back the beasts first to give you the time you need.’ Return he did, but the remaining members of his party, along with the compass, were lost to the unspeakable dangers of the jungle.

Implement: The Untested Blade of Ser Godfrey Alabaster,Poet-Knight:

The highwaymen draw their weapons and advance upon the half-elf, slowly fanning out to encircle him. Give us your gold and you can keep your life, the ugliest of the bunch says with a rotten-toothed grin. He and his thugs pause for half a heartbeat, though, when the lone warrior draws his dark metal blade.

Recognize this? It belonged to one Ser Godfrey, in days past. It’s called the “Untested” because, though many challengers both humanoid and monstrous sought to defeat him in combat and claim his weapon for themselves, he never had to resort to battle.

The half-elf tests the balance of his blade a few times as the would-be robbers continue their advance, slower now and with less confidence.

Yes, legend has it that his voice was more beautiful than the nightingale—any who heard him would weep from joy, repent their sins, and strive to live righteously . Sadly, I’ve no talent for song, so It’s even more important for you to change your ways like those swayed by the good Ser Godfrey’s verse. If you don’t, I’ll be forced to send you to your final rest.

Implement: Headband of the Nameless Sage:

Bah! Every time! Can’t I win one bloody game! the bearded man slams his fist animatedly on the table, sending the game pieces flying. His kohl-rimmed eyes narrow in mock indignation before he smiles, clapping the half-elf on the back. He points at the half-elf’s headband and rubs his chin pensively: Ever since you’ve worn that woman’s headband you’ve doubled your skill in senet. I am thinking this is not a coincidence—tell me, Johan, what’s your secret?

You’ve a good eye, friend. It once belonged to a woman so smart, she could discern what events would occur before they occurred! She foresaw an army of demons descending upon her city, laying waste to everything in their path. Her insight also provided her with the means to destroy them! You see, the demons knew of her abilities and wanted to use them for fell purposes. The woman offered her soul, intellect, even her name up to her gods to spare her people. In their wisdom they complied, but in so doing even the memory of her was wiped from the minds of those who had long sought her counsel. She wandered the streets, babbling and insane, begging for scraps while those she saved spurned her and cursed her very existence. Sometimes it is better to be ignorant, no?

Very well, Johan! If that’s the price of your skill in senet, you’re welcome to it. Here’s to your Nameless Sage! The men raise their glasses and drink solemnly.

Implement: An unadorned silver ring:

Markus! Johan yells as the cave ceiling collapses. The two men dive to avoid the cave-in but Markus’ legs are caught in the collapse, shattering bone and shredding tissue.

The slight man’s breathing is labored as he reaches into his vest and produces a ruby the size of a child’s closed fist. Here—it’ll be some time before the drake returns, and there’s yet another tunnel to the exit. Take this to market, sell it, and give my half to my family. Make sure they know it was me who talked you into this job, I don’t want ‘em holding any grudges.

Johan takes the gem and shakes his head, trying to dig the rubble out.

Markus coughs up blood, and speaks again: No sense in both of us dying, I’m not gonna tell you again. But before you go, I gotta say, of all the things we’ve seen, mystical and valuable, I’ve never seen you without that cheap ring of yours. I know it means something to you, ‘s one of those objects you can draw power from, but you never speak of it. Sate a dead man’s curiosity--whose was it?

Johan crouches, taking the man’s hand and nods slowly. It belonged to a unique woman—the bravest the world’s ever seen. Her husband hadn’t returned from some trip for over a year and they’d fallen on hard times, and she had many mouths to feed at home. She spent her time working what jobs she could and scrounging whatever food she could. She’d been beautiful, and strong, but she wouldn’t eat a morsel of food that could’ve gone to her kids. She wasted away slowly, from both toil and lack of food, but she didn’t want her kids to worry. She told ‘em the ring filled her belly with all manner of delicacies and she was too full to eat with them. ‘It only works on adults, I’m afraid, so you can have it when I’m older’. She passed not two days before the children’s father returned, but she’d seen them through their hardships.

Gives me hope for my family, grim as that story was. Tell me—what was her name? Markus’ question is barely audible, so Johan moves closer.

To me, it was always ‘Naneth’—it’s Elven for ‘Mother’ Johan squeezes his friend’s hand as his breath fails, closes Markus’ eyes, then takes off at a run for the exit.