Jlandreth2's page

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Fumarole wrote:

Yes, MSAbaddon has created some nice ones that I am using in my game. You can find a link to them in the post here.

Oh, I didn't mean recreations of the maps from the book, I was talking about the encounters that don't have maps like the goliath spider fight, ghost mages, etc. I plan on using the ruined buildings map from Chapter 2 for this, but was hoping there were other ruins variations floating out there for variety.

Thank you for the response though.

Has anyone made battle maps for the encounters in Saggorak during the last chapter of Fires of the Haunted City? I couldn't find any with a search of the thread.

Had this come up last night. Made a call in the moment and now seeking clarification. Can you sustain Mind Games multiple times on your turn and if so, do the Stunned Conditions for the failed saves stack?