Friendly Fighter

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Organized Play Member. 19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Liberty's Edge

IMO the class could work fine with out spells, is just about seeing the spots to make it fit, take this as an example:, take a good look and make up your mind,IMO the work of this guy is really a good point of view, I'm still studing this proposals to make one good solid assessin class without spells. take you chances and let mi know.

Liberty's Edge

improving BAB, is getting in to the melle characters land, better leav it with his regular BAB and make him more usefull at his skills, there is no need of another melle character and less with that buffing capabilities.

Liberty's Edge

on the "mages of the shores" page yo u put avenger and they show you an assesin that is named avenger, take a look at it Isaw it and really buy it mostly because I´m really tired of the sociopath, "evil" assesin cliche, and think a lot about the killer who is responsable for his deeds and do it for a good reason.

Liberty's Edge

honestly, I think the scout could be improved, especially on the speed movement, how about 10 moore ft., for a total of 30ft. something like this:
at 3rd level. 10 ft.
at 9th level. 20 ft.
at 15th level. 30 ft.
it will boost a litle bit the mecanic of the class.

Liberty's Edge

please I already saw some of the paladin, can you droop something about the ranger.

Liberty's Edge

well I think, that a good sword & board figther it is not made on dexterity, so the TWF is out of topis the requirements sholud be of combat experience I mind BAB. the feats I see on this forum are really kickass but think about it dex is not in need as TWF. I personally like the sword & board style but the are no good feats or even trees taht I saw usefull. I hope to se more interaction on the batle aspects of the game for the final version, a litle love for the figther, wich is better now but there is stil a long way to put more balance in game, especially spellcasters vs, combat oriented, things aboit fulla tacks, movement & of course super deadly spells that take only one standar action. those are my two pennys.

Liberty's Edge

I've played soulknife a cpuple times, so I adapted in this way:

B.A.B = good
saves: fort=poor; ref=good; will=good
take out the weapon focus and the greater weapon focus.
4 skill ranks per level(leave or consolidate the skill it have)
and change any aplication atained to bab

Liberty's Edge

well for those who not see athletics as a consolidation of swim, climb & jump, I give one litle example of a unification of this, is even a great show on sport chanels is an event called IRONMAN!!! if that is not a good point so then get lost. HEY BULHMAN LISTEN TO THIS TREATH!!!

Liberty's Edge

please, stop it with the dark elf reason. is just a quick & swifth batle tactic, you attack faster & more times. is usefull on an ambush, is a fact on history, the more closest thing in real life to a ranger, to me are the native-american scouts & pathfinders. so just obliterate of your minds the thing with the drow.

Liberty's Edge

DING, DING, DING, WE HAVE A WINNER!!! Kirth Gersen, I thank you. and by the way that wass fantastic. everyone should check it out.

Liberty's Edge

well, I know this will popup soon or later, this hapend before on the forum of you know "mages of the isle", that figthing style is really a controversy, but hey just enjoyed, so it wass used in the real worl by some of the native-americans, of course with weapons more adapted to the enviromen, daggers & handaxes, do some research on the webs or you people in the U.S, you have reservations go there and learn about it, it wass a quick and deaddly guerrilla metod, when the tribes figth each other.
and please let it die(I'm also agree with more styles,speciale spear one<wich to function properly is better with twf> but LEAVE THE TWO WEAPON FIGTHING ALONE!!)jajajajaja

Liberty's Edge

I cant focus on my tesis men, GIVE IT TO USS!!!

Liberty's Edge

Jason released now please!!!!

Liberty's Edge

well this is something that makes me think a lot because you see, some clases dont have acrobatics, skill that now concer about jumping, I think maybe if we look it in other way maybe is better.
you can build a new skill, named athletics, and this skill, is concern about: jump, swim & climb, those 3 are all about strengh & give the choise to make jumps also with acrobatics, why??? easy one thing is the raw brute jump of the figther or the barbarian, and other diffent thing is the jump of the rogue, bard, monk & ranger, which they use is up to the player, but I see it moore fair, athletics represent the developing of what it would be an IRONMAN yes like the contests, and acrobatics is moore sutil and stylish. but is just a tough.
again from this country "VENEZUELA" thak you

Liberty's Edge

I do like tosee armor ass DR, because it makes more sense, so ass many others say it is in UA an OLG,ass a way to solve the problem about nothing do damge to an enemy in full plate, is easy remenber any armor had a weak spot, or a weakness, and is easy to see, for example, full plate may protec from slashing & piercing damage but as in the real world be sure it will not save you from bludgeonig, same whit the chain shirt, or the chain mail, they will save from, slashing bludgeonig but not piercing, an so on it is pretty simple. tahs the way I see it in that way you can aply the UA sistem of DR and find a way to do damage over the DR.
again from VENEZUELA, team paizo thankyou soo much

Liberty's Edge

I dont see whats the problem whit the new skill sistem even the f#%$& PHB recomend to do that whit skills, paizo only make it the norm or the rule, but is fine to me, a not a 12 lv player is not better in smithing just because he get a bonus skill, is better because qhen he decides to lear smithing he discovers he was good at it, did that never happen to yuo... that you discover been good at something you never tried????

Liberty's Edge

I do think we need the bard, but whit ofcourse a lot of changes the original bardsare the celtics ones the dire storytellers or pipe and drums players, they were good as warriors as well, and the other idea of the bard is the romantic idea of the singer, poet, instrument player & even a jester. i do think that the redisign of the class should permit the player custumaized to his onw preferences, something like the packs in 2e, i do reccall:the jester,wich could distrac the enemies and make them lose controll;& the blade,wich wass a fearsome oponent in batle, but his songs do not progress like the bard core class, those are another tipes of bard wich I think, the player may have the choise to build up, as class.
again.. from VENEZUELA to the team paizo, thank you!!

Liberty's Edge

to me there are two/2 things that bother me about paladins,
#1 a paladin Is a defender of a cause or an object, the nature of this object has no meaning, in other words, LG paladins are good for LG causes, but that do not must bind paladinhood to LG. ex: a defender of a king, the king may be LE or NE, but the paladin protec him. the paladins should probaly be bind to the legality factor but not to good. they should be allowed to be: good, neutral or evil, any of those, and legal.
#2 the mount, do I have till this moment,to give my reasons????
again to the paizo team from VENEZUELA, thankyou soooooooooooooo much!!!!

Liberty's Edge

by the circunstances, I do vote in favor of the iterative atacks, but may it be another solutions, one already mecioned is the way it was treated in 2e, only melee-combat oriented clases get extra atacks, but they get it whit out penalizations!!

To the paizo team from VENEZUELA thankyou soo much for doing this!!!!!