Jesse Brake's page

Organized Play Member. 79 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

I'm not sure if anyone else has had this problem, but after upgrading to Windows 10, I can no longer toggle the grid and map tags off in Adobe Reader or the "Edge" program it uses.

I can't click the buttons I once could. My mouse cursor turns into the text selector from the pointer when I mouse over the buttons.

Anything I'm missing? Better free program out there?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I've always been a big fan of the non supernatural monk and vow roleplay. I decided to make an archetype that embraced it (albeit it in a very specific fashion) called the samnyasin.

The samnyasin is obviously based on it's real world counterpart and borrows some elements from preexisting kit classes. They follow the god Mnemosyne in my homebrew world, but would fit Irori very easily.

The idea is to make an archetype that allows for the flavor of the selfless monk who sacrifices everything, but doesn't make you a *complete* hindrance to the party.

I'd love some feedback, or even a playtest if possible. There seems to be a lot of folks here good at mechanics breakdowns and number crunching and I'm always appreciative.

“I have found Her, and desire Her as the only world. I will wander, leaving my home, my duties, and my desire.” The first sacred oath of the Samnyasin

The samnyasin renounce the world completely, with no preoccupation for tomorrow, who do not worry about what they will eat or wear. It is necessary for them to be like a man who can climb the tallest of towers and then can abandon himself to a fall, without worrying about his limbs nor his life. Samnyasin is he whose only aspiration is to attain to a state of peace and perfect knowledge of the self, beyond birth and death. He gives up activities that are based on material desire and the results of all activities, dedicating himself fully to the service of Mnemosyne. His renunciation makes him a martyr to commitment, he who sacrifices himself.

Code of Conduct: The samnyasin follow the sacred Samaya Scripture, and loses all class features except proficiencies, Flurry of Blows, and AC Bonus if she ever willingly commits an act against his teachings. The Samaya Scripture functions as though the monk took the Vow of Poverty, Chastity, Fasting, and Silence. This replaces the Still Mind class feature.

Samaya Scripture
Abandon love, but never kindness and compassion for sentient beings
Abandon speech, but never introspection and study
Abandon pleasure, but not happiness and beatitude
Abandon the world, it is the only way to realize reality

Ki Pool (Su): A samnyasin gains this ability at first level instead of fourth. The number of points in a samnyasin's ki pool is equal to twice his monk level + his Wisdom modifier. As long as he has at least 1 point in his ki pool, he receives a +1 insight bonus to all rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every 5 levels of samnyasin (to a maximum of +5 at 20th level).

As an immediate action, a sanyasin may spend 1 point from his ki pool to double this insight bonus on one type of roll (e.g. attack, saving throws, damage, skill check, combat maneuver, etc.). This lasts for one round.

Class Skills: The samyasin adds Bluff, Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (local), and Survival to his list of class skills.

Wanderer’s Path (Ex): At 4th level, a samyasin leaves no trail and cannot be tracked, though he can leave a trail if desired. By spending 1 point from his ki pool, he can ignore difficult terrain as though as he had woodland stride. This ability replaces slow fall.

Deny Death (Ex): At 5th level, the samyasin's conviction can keep him at the brink of death without crossing over. He gains Deny Death as a bonus feat (Ultimate Magic pg. 148). This replaces High Jump.

Staunch Ki (Ex): At 7th level, the samyasin can use mental and physical resiliency to avoid certain attacks. If she makes a Fortitude or Will saving throw against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, the samyasin may spend 1 ki point to avoid the effect entirely. This ability replaces wholeness of body.

Disappear Unnoticed (Ex): At 12th level, the samyasin may use Stealth to hide even while being directly observed or when no cover or concealment is available, as long as he is adjacent to at least one creature of his size or larger, by spending 1 point from his ki pool. This effect lasts until the beginning of the wanderer’s next turn and may be continued in consecutive rounds by spending 1 ki point each round. This ability replaces abundant step.

Manasa-vrat (Ex): At 15th level, the samyasin's vow of chasity has taught him to master his emotions. He is immune to fear, charm, and compulsion effects. This replaces Quivering Palm.

Vachika-vrat (Ex): At 17th level, a samyasin's vow of silence has allowed him to better speak to the inner power within him. A samyasin gains a +4 insight bonus to AC and CMD. This ability replaces Tongue of Sun and Moon.

Kayika-vrat (Ex): At 19th level, a samyasin has truly transcended the world of the material. The samyasin may spend 3 points from his ki pool to gain the benefit of the Greater Penetrating Strike for all of his attacks made in that round. This replaces Empty Body.

Payovrata (Ex): At 20th level, a samyasin undertakes a ritual in attempts to show the goddess Mnemosyne the extent of his devotion. Over a period of 30 days, the samyasin fasts, forsaking all food and drinking water once every 6 days, communing with his goddess internally. Should the samyasin survive the ritual, he no longer suffers age penalties. In addition, he gains a +2 bonus to Strength, Constitution, and Wisdom. This ability replaces perfect self.

Hello everyone. I was wanting some constructive feedback on an archetype I was working on. Thanks for your time. Any questions, please be sure to let me know.


"Death is nothing to the epicurean, for that which lacks sensation is nothing to them.” - Unknown

A connoisseur of the arts of life, the epicurean believes that tranquility and comfort is the pinnacle of human happiness, seeking the refinement of pleasures that can be experienced by the senses. Some epicureans believe that this is achieved by a simple life, with moderation in all things sensual. Others are more debaucherous, willing to “try anything once” and seeking to make everything as pleasurable and opulent as possible. While the epicurean doesn't totally reject mysticism, both sides tend to agree that nothing is better than earthly experiences and care very little for the entailments of an afterlife.

Cognatogen: At 1st level, an epicurean learns how to create a cognatogen, as per the cognatogen discovery. This ability replaces the mutagen class ability (an epicurean cannot create mutagens unless he selects mutagen* as a discovery).

Bomb: A epicurean’s bombs deal damage one die step lower than normal (regular bombs deal d4s, concussive bombs deal 1d3s, and so on). This ability otherwise functions as and replaces the standard alchemist bomb class feature.

Craft Edibles (Su): At 1st level, the epicurean learns how to create food that can bestow magical benefits on those that consume it. The materials cost is subsumed in the cost of creation: 400 gp × the level of the highest-level spell × the level of the caster. Edibles are always fully charged (10 charges) when created and cannot contain higher than 3rd level spells. If desired, a spell can be placed into the edible at less than the normal cost, but then consuming that particular spell drains additional charges from the edible. Divide the cost of the spell by the number of charges it consumes to determine its final price. The creator must have prepared the spells/formulas to be stored (or must know the spells, in the case of a sorcerer or bard) and must provide any focus the spells require as well as material component costs sufficient to activate the spell 50 times (divide this amount by the number of charges one use of the spell expends). Material components are consumed when he begins working, but focuses are not. (A focus used in creating an edible can be reused.) The act of cooking the edible triggers the prepared spells, making them unavailable for casting during each day of the staff ’s creation. (That is, those spell slots are expended from the caster’s currently prepared spells, just as if they had been cast.) Creating certain forms of edibles may entail other prerequisites beyond spellcasting. Crafting an edible requires 1 day for each 1,000 gp of the base price. Consuming an edible is the same action as drinking a potion. This replaces Brew Potion.

Note: You must calculate your caster level as though you were an alchemist (i.e 2nd level spells require a minimum of 4th level caster, 3rd level requires a minimum of 7th level) when crafting edibles.

Brew Stimulant (Sp): At 2nd level, the epicurean can imbue a normal beverage, transforming it so that when drank, it has the same effect as a blessing of fervor spell. Brewing the drink takes 10 minutes in total, making enough for one medium sized creature. The beverage is potent for 24 hours. Once a character has received the benefits of the epicurean's stimulant, he cannot do so again for 24 hours. The drink tastes normal, but magic detects it as mild transmutation. This replaces poison resistance +2, +4 and +6.

Soul Food (Su): The epicurean can create fabulous spells by cooking one meal or serving of a favorite food of the epicurean’s choice, typically a dough suitable for cookies, pastries, or other desserts. Cooking the meal takes 1 hour. Eating the food provides one of the following benefits for 1 hour: age resistance, bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, eagle’s splendor, fox’s cunning, greater false life, neutralize poison (instantaneous) owl’s wisdom, remove disease (instantaneous). Alternatively, the epicurean can shape the dough into a Small, humanlike creature, animating it as a homunculus for 1 hour. This replaces poison immunity.

Ambrosia (Sp): At 14th level, a epicurean can convert a normal beverage into a nectar-like beverage once per day that functions as per heroes' feast (this version of heroes' feast does not require a divine focus). It takes 10 minutes to create this elixir. He can create enough ambrosia for one creature per level. Once a creature has received the benefits of the epicurean's ambrosia, he cannot do so again for 24 hours. This does not stack with the bonuses granted by heroes' feast or heroic invocation. This replaces the discovery normally gained at this level.

Regalement (Sp): At 18th level, the epicurean's ambrosia ability becomes more powerful. Those that imbibe the ambrosia are cured of all poisons, diseases, temporary negative levels and ability damage. In addition, they also receive a +4 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls and saving throws against poison effects, gain 2d8+4 temporary hit points, and become immune to both fear and charm effects. This does not stack with the bonuses granted by heroes' feast or heroic invocation. This replaces instant alchemy.

Example Craft Edibles:
Some examples could be a pie of cure light wounds with 10 slices to show the 10 charges. Nothing says it has to be that big however. It could be an apple of cure light wounds that by taking a single bite out of it consumes one charge. Edibles could also be drinks, candy and pretty much anything you can think of. You could even have tobacco chew, drugs, or alcohol infused as a Craft Edible, but I'd suggest that GMs rule that the positive effects of the spell supersede the effects of the drug...except maybe the negative effects >:).

Hey all, looking for more players for my Friday Carrion Crown game and perhaps one more for my Sunday Kingmaker game.

I'm a cinematic DM with 12 years experience. Looking for story-centric players who don't mind a homebrew world-in-progress to go along with Pathfinder's APs.

- No Rules Lawyers
- No Munchkins
- ...and especially no halflings or kender.

This was in regards to Mok's post in the "Antagonize Fixed?" thread here. It is comment #220.

Mok wrote:
...The freedom of RPGs to "not be like those stupid characters in that horror movie" and endlessly act in highly systematic and rational manners means that dramatic moments flatten out. A good example is the classic "Why didn't the Fellowship just have the eagles drop the ring in Mt. Doom?" I know I'm guilty of it myself. There is this dream of being able to go into a fantasy world and "do everything right" where everything is logically broken down and systematically spammed with rational tactics. The premise and tone of the fantasy world strains and might even fall apart under this approach. I think that a big part of it is that players traditionally have this abstract control over their character that lends more to this approach, and moves away from being able to emulate dramatic characterizations and events in stories.

I was running a one shot game this weekend as half of my gaming group was out of town. We're doing KM currently and decided to have some Call of Cthulhu fun on Candlemere Island since a PC built a prison out there (See Rivers Run Red's entry on the Candlemere Tower).

The two PC's (who were playing evil prisoners) broke out and found the former abbey of the monks who degenerated to worshiping the Old Ones underneath the prison. I had described some strange happenings ala The Whisperer in Darkness and The Fungi From Yuggoth and had two encounters, one with a zombie pigeon swarm and a howler.

One of my PCs, who is a very analytical Navy guy, decided after those two not-so-incredibly-dangerous-but-scary encounters that "no sane person would keep exploring or continue to try and escape" and marched his ass back to the prison overhead and turned himself in, much to the unhappiness of the other PC who wanted to keep going.

Navy guy was playing a CE cannibal barbarian that had ended up in solitary confinement after sucking someone's eye till it popped in a yard brawl. Mind you, CE isn't Chaotic Stupid this is hard to word.

He was a party sh*tter. Plain and simple. It was a one shot game that ended on a note of disappointment because he used his own RL reasoning of "I wouldn't keep going, so my character won't" and had his murderous cannibal barbarian immediately decide that his life wasn't worth the possibility of saving. If I had driven him insane with the Mythos to believe that, it would be A-OK. I just have issues with a player who all of his characters think and respond the same way.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to discuss this with a player in a civil manner other than simply calling him a party sh*tter? Anyone have any similar stories?

I have a player who wants to play a cave druid. He's sad about not getting burn as a magma ooze, but I can't see if there is anywhere stating he does or does not receive the DR of his new form.

Hey all, I was looking for input on my prestige class. I created it using the Red Mantis as a sort of template on power levels. It has a dash of Nazgul and Dr. Who's Headless Monks as far as aesthetics go. Moving on, here it is.

Prestige Class:

Hit Die: d10.
To qualify to become a Ten Swords templar, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil
Skills: Intimidate 5 ranks, Craft (Weapons) 5 ranks, Stealth 5 ranks.
Feats: Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Dazzling Display, Weapon Focus (any sword), Quick Draw
Class Skills The Ten Swords templar’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex), and Survival (Wis).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 4+ Int modifier.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +1 +0 +1 Blade Bond, Black Mount
2nd +2 +1 +1 +1 Sneak Attack +1d6
3rd +3 +2 +1 +2 Reforge, Black Mount (Woodland stride)
4th +4 +2 +1 +2 Sword Scrying
5th +5 +3 +2 +3 Improved Blade Bond, Black Mount (Fly)
6th +6 +3 +2 +3 Sneak Attack +2d6
7th +7 +4 +2 +4 Black Mount (Ghost touch and wounding)
8th +8 +4 +3 +4 Penetrating Strike
9th +9 +5 +3 +5 Sword Storm, Black Mount (Etherealness)
10th +10 +5 +3 +5 Sneak Attack +3d6, Greater Blade Bond

Blade Bond (Sp): The Ten Swords templar can infuse his personally crafted weapon with sacred or profane power, similarly to a paladin's divine bond ability. As a standard action, the Ten Swords templar calls upon the aid of a spirit for 1 minute per Ten Swords templar level. When called, the spirit causes the weapon to shed light as a torch. At 1st level, this spirit grants the weapon a +1 enhancement bonus. For every three levels beyond 1st, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +4 at 10th level. These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon bonuses to a maximum of +5, or they can be used to add any of the following weapon properties: axiomatic, brilliant energy, dancing, defending, disruption, flaming, flaming burst, ghost touch, holy, keen, merciful, speed, unholy and vicious. Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property’s cost (see PCR Table 15–9). The spirit imparts no bonuses if the weapon is held by anyone other than the Ten Swords templar but keeps them in the case of dancing and resumes giving bonuses if returned to the Ten Swords templar. These bonuses apply to only one end of a double weapon. A Ten Swords templar can use this ability once per day at 1st level, and one additional time per day for every two levels in Ten Swords templar, to a total of 5 times per day at 10th level.

Black Mount (Sp): As a full round action, the Ten Swords templar can conjure a Large, corporeal horselike creature that bears you or a person you designate into combat or overland at great speed. A black mount has a black body and head with sharp, silvery eyes, no mouth, and smoke-colored, insubstantial hooves that make no sound. It has no saddle, bridle, or bit, but it is exceptionally alert to the nudges and balance changes of its rider. A black mount cannot wear armor or magic items and cannot have spells made permanent upon it. The black mount is not capable of speech, has no skills or feats, but can project it's feelings similar to the empathy ability of an intelligent weapon.

The black mount is considered to have the following stats:
Str 26, Dex 20, Con 25, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 14 and CMB +11.
For defense, the black mount has a CMD 26 (30 vs trip), AC 19 (–1 size, +5 natural armor, +5 Dex) and 40 hit points +8 hit points per level in Ten Swords templar. It attacks with its hooves at a +9 bonus, dealing 1d6+8 points of damage. It has undead immunities despite not being an undead creature.

A black mount has a speed of 20 feet per level in Ten Swords templar, to a maximum of 200 feet. It can bear its rider’s weight plus up to 10 pounds per level in other gear. Black mounts gain certain powers according to the Ten Swords templar's level. A black mount’s abilities include those associated with any lower levels.
3rd level: The black mount ignores terrain elements such as undergrowth, rubble, or mud that would slow its movement as per woodland stride.
5th level: The black mount can fly at its speed (average maneuverability). The black mount gains a +4 deflection bonus to AC.
7th level: The black mount's hooves have the ghost touch and wounding weapon special abilities. The black mount's deflection bonus to AC increases to +6.
9th level: The black mount can use etherealness on behalf of its rider once per day (as the spell, caster level 9th). The black mount's deflection bonus to AC increases to +8.

The black mount remains until you dismiss it or when it dies. In the case of the black mount dying, a Ten Swords templar can reform the black mount by performing a ritual requiring 24 uninterrupted hours of meditation, requiring a focus of four silver horseshoes worth 1000gp or by gaining another level in this class. A Ten Swords templar that was formerly a paladin cannot summon in a divine bonded mount and black mount at the same time. A Ten Swords templar can use this ability once per day at 1st level, and one additional time per day for every two levels in Ten Swords templar, to a total of 5 times per day at 10th level.

Reforge (Su): At third level, a Ten Swords templar can use maximized make whole as a spell like ability (caster level equal to levels in Ten Swords templar) a number of times per day equal to his/her Constitution bonus (minimum once per day) as a move-equivalent action. This ability can only be used on items crafted by the Ten Swords templar.

Sword Scrying (Sp): Once per day at 4th level, a Ten Swords templar can cast scry, using his/her blade as the focus for the spell (caster level equal to templar level) on an individual he has wounded or touched with his blade in the past year. Otherwise, the spell is the same.

Improved Blade Bond (Sp): While wielding his/her bonded weapon, the Ten Swords templar gains DR 5/good or evil, depending on their alignment. A neutral templar decides which DR to receive and can never change it after making the choice.

Penetrating Strike (Ex): At 8th level, a Ten Swords templar gains Penetrating Strike as a bonus feat. You may only use Penetrating Strike with a weapon you have crafted if it was gained in this way. If he/she already has Penetrating Strike, the Ten Swords templar may choose another fighter feat instead.

Sword Storm (Su): At 9th level, a Ten Swords templar may use still blade barrier as a spell-like ability three times per day. This version of the spell can deal subdual damage instead of lethal at the caster's discretion, but the effects are otherwise the same as the spell.

Greater Blade Bond (Sp): While wielding his/her bonded weapon, she inflicts 1 negative level with a successful attack. No matter the amount of attacks he/she has, no more than two negative levels can be inflicted this way per round. Each negative level inflicted in this manner grants the Ten Swords templar 5 temporary hit points that last for 1 hour. The save DC to remove these negative levels is equal to 20 + the Ten Sword templar's Constitution modifier. In addition, the Ten Swords templar's DR increases to DR 10/good or evil.

So far, the feedback I've heard is...

* the combination of abilities may be a little OP
* the Black Mount may need to be scrapped because of it not fitting with the theme in favor of more craft or sword-centric powers.

Examples could be:

Removing Black Mount, adding other abilities:

1st level: Improvised Blades (Ex): With one minute and a Craft check of 20, a Ten Swords templar can wield an improvised weapon as a type of blade depending on the size. With For tiny objects, treat it as a dagger. For small objects, treat it as a short sword. For medium objects, treat it as a longsword. For large objects, treat it as a bastard sword. The GM has the final say on what can qualify for this ability and can also substitute basic sword types for others under certain circumstances (i.e. it might make more sense for certain objects to be a rapier instead of a longsword).

A Ten Swords templar wields these weapons as though as he had the Catch Off Guard feat. Feats that effect these types of weapons normally apply to an improvised blade (E.g. if you have Weapon Focus [Longsword], it would apply to your improvised longsword). An improvised blade does not count as a personally crafted weapon for the purposes of Blade Bond and cannot be used with Sword Scry.

3rd level: Forge Ring (Ex): A Ten Swords templar gains Forge Ring as a bonus feat, even if he would not be able to normally do so. For example: a fighter who joined this prestige class that used Master Craftsman to gain Craft Magical Arms and Armor may now use Master Craftsman to craft rings as well. If a Ten Swords Templar already has this feat, he may choose another item creation feat instead.

5th level: Accelerated Crafting (Ex): A Ten Swords templar can create personalized weapons for himself at a much faster pace. When you make a craft check to represent a weeks worth of work, if the result × the DC equals the price of the item in gp (instead of sp), then you have completed the item. Also, the time to create an Improvised Blade is reduced to one full round action. Weapons made with the accelerated crafting function as broken, non-masterwork weapons in the hands of anyone but the Ten Swords templar and sell for as much.

7th level: Superior Composition: An improvised blade created by a Ten Swords templar is treated as a +2 keen sword and has hit points and hardness equal to a magical steel sword of its type.

9th: Extra Ring: A Ten Swords Templar gains an additional ring slot as though he was wearing a hand of the mage. this ring must be one that he has created himself. This extra ring slot does not stack with a hand of the mage.

I'd love to here what people think from a flavor and game balance standpoint! Do you like the Black Mount variant or more towards the additional swords and crafting? Thanks ahead of time for reading this!

Concerning this post by Sean K Reynolds..

First off, this is not an attempt to troll or flame.

Sean's post is everything my gaming group and I have loved about tabletop. I've been more of a lurker than a poster on these boards because, while it is useful from a developer's standpoint to have individuals who attempt to "break" mechanics and find the power creep in new published material, I'm just not that interested in it.

Those that are complaining about the Vow of Poverty I feel are missing the point. Roleplaying games are not about "winning or losing." I imagine most that are complaining about it might not play a game like Call of Cthulhu because there is no "winning" against the Old Ones or they might play it with an illiterate character (so he can't accidently lose Sanity by reading a tome) that carries 50 sticks of dynamite in 1920.

Somewhere along the line, the "loot over skill/story" that is so prevalent in video gaming has taken a much greater hold with tabletop gaming than it has in the past (well, save some munchkin Battletech and Rifts players I know). Loot in the tabletop sense covers not only gear, but feats, races, bloodlines, etc. I understand that not everyone wants to play no to low magic games, but even high magic games do not require the amount of minimaxing I've seen in a lot of these posts.

Character roleplaying and sacrifice should serve as it's own reward for investment in the story, helping to engross other players while engaging the GM to help with story ideas and progression. The first instance I can remember of something like Vow of Poverty in tabletop was old school Battlesystem for TSR's Bloodstone Saga. A character named Kane, Master of Spring was written up as an "iconic character" that only owned a Carpet of Flying he used as a bedroll plus his dirty robe. He slept outside the city walls and took manual labor jobs to pay for food. As the series progressed, eventually with Kane reaching 100th level, he stuck with the same items.

I guess this post is just saying, I'd like to see more RP centric material in the future in the midst of all the super new abilities/bloodlines/variants people love so much. I'll take the human monk with 15 point buy stats any day.

Question: Can a Chaotic Neutral cleric of a Chaotic Good god cast "good" spells?

Edit: Since a cleric can't cast spells of an alignment opposed to her own or her deity’s, I told a player his CN cleric can't cast "good" spells. I wanted a second opinion.

Hey all. My group just finished the RotRL campaign (started in January this year, ended in November) and we've decided to take a break from the Pathfinder system and run Serpent's Skull in the Star Wars SAGA system (mostly because Serpent's Skull RIFTS seemed cruel and unusual).

The story hasn't had to change much (other than races for the NPCs and some enemies; no undead in Star Wars worth mentioning). I'm running it during the KOTOR time period right after the Great Sith War but before the Mandalorian War breaks out in full conflict (they are still sacking Outer Rim planets).

I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas to throw at me about various parts during the third part of the story so far. ones that are hurting my head are what to turn Yog'oltha (Part 3) into (I was thinking a Sith Worm, but it isn't as intelligent and complex as Yog'oltha), The Nightmare Dancer (maybe a Force Sensitive knobby white spider?), The Radiant Muse, and Tentagard. I'd also like to turn the Mantis Blade into a sith alchemy treated blade, but was wondering if I should inhabit it with a spirit? Honestly the biggest problem I have is converting all of the undead into something else (can't do droids everytime!)

I already thought of...

*I changed the Serpentfolk race to the Kissai. The City Seven Spears is now an ancient Sith city.

*All the monkey people in "Racing to Ruin" are Wookies. Palefur is just a badass albino Wookie.

*The charau-ka are degenerate cannibal Ewoks because...because.

*Grugonoth is a Massai Sith mutant.

*You know The Green God has to be a rancor with tentacles.

Just wanted to see if anyone thought of a winner winner chicken dinner.

/one time bump

Hey all, first post here, but been reading for a while.

I had a TPK in the Catacombs of Wrath last game session. As a DM, I am wondering what to do about the storyline with Foxglove and his obsession he had with a female PC along the 'lust' scenario. I wanted to post my idea and see if I could get some feedback.

After the party was killed in the Catacombs, the Mayor had the entrance via the Glassworks bricked up (the town guard assumed the PC's died when a gnome PC's wolfhound mount ran out of the tunnels half dead and bloody and the PC's did not follow suit during the rest of the night). Unfortunately with Hemlock out of town requesting soldiers, there were not enough men to send to recover the bodies. I was thinking of having Foxglove sneak into the Glassworks and break through the wall, stealing the dead female PC's body once he heard that she had died and the town left her body down there. Then when the Skinsaw murders happen, his notes are along the 'wrath' scenario, using the new PC's as scapegoats since they are the best the town has to offer. As apposed to what was written and have the notes target one PC, I figured just target all of them. Foxglove wants to see these new heroes hung for daring to outshine his dead beloved PC and the town in general punished for the lack of respect for his 'love'.

Fast forwarding towards the encounter with Foxglove, I thought it would be a sick twist to have the dead female's PC body dressed in his dead wife's clothing, maybe something slinky, when they encounter him. I'll spare the readers of how dark I would take this, but if you're ever seen "Aftermath" by Nacho Cerda, you get where this is going. Another idea I was toying with was to have the dead female PC return as some sort of undead...maybe have her skin animated (ala Forsaken Shell from Libris Mortis) and have it tear off of her dead body and attack the PC's after Foxglove gives her a kiss...or maybe just zombified and chained to a bed Zach Snyder Dawn of the Dead style.

Either way, I really enjoy the connection that the adventure has for the PC's to Foxglove. Does anyone else have ideas? Criticism on my idea? All is welcomed. Thanks for taking the time to read this.