
Jerry Dove's page

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I see your players point but unfortunately for him, I actually see your side as the right way. In my years many players adopt this "I am untouchable" mentality many times forgetting that the campaign has laws and nations that support those laws. Even in an area with the types if a seedier nature have laws or atleast a certain etiquette which must he maintained. If a player wants to act invincible then teaching him that your are not Monte Haul is not a crime in my book.

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Counter it? Lol! They are countering themselves by even coming out with a new edition this soon! I wouldn't worry if I was Paizo. They are original tsr and know edition changes so soon only alienate fans. I have heard many 4e supporters are upset and many of us are here after they switched last time.

Adnd 1e and 2e weren't that different and that lasted what 20 years? I admit I was ready when 3rd came out but not 4th. I swear its like wizards has game adhd or something. They ALWAYS say "this is the dnd we are going to have for a long time.we will be having open content(3rd ed) and something for everyone at every level (4th). ". Its always some excuse to,change every few years when they should just say, " Hey, remember when we said this would last? Well, we are so addicted to the rush in sales we get when we release a new edition and with our designers being so untalented and lazy, we are breaking our promise. Sorry but we own the dnd brand and we know you will forgive us if we reprint the backlog of products and say it was for Gary."

Pft! !! I'm over wizards and dnd. I no longer can afford to buy thousands of dollars worth of books. I'm married with 2 kids and they come first. Ill support pathfinder and that's it. With this poverty situation we need quality products not new systems. If they had put half the effort they put into making dnd next into fixing the system they are on now, maybe people would actually end up liking 4th and/ or sticking with it.

I'm glad Paizo did what they did and took the reigns, making it their own and quite fresh in the process. Regardless of what the future holds, wizards will never see a dime from me. I don't support them in anyway including buying and supporting Hasbro. They have proven their greed to me and I'm kicking them to the curb.