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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Laclale♪ wrote: Replacement of Magical Trickster? Whatever that is(as thinking the Rogue Racket at first but then my brain said there's a feat by that name) as per rulings made the Pathfinder Society, if something hasn't been reprinted it can be used as is, see previous talks in last couple of pages of this thread about Dragon Disciple archetype for more info. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Matt Morris wrote: Your PDF will be available when you physical copy ships. That's a process that usually takes a while, so you may see people get their PDFs before you get yours. (Their books were just earlier in the shipping cue.) As I said, the people I've seen that have ARE content creators, I know they get them early but I'm not sure how much earlier. Also, why don't PDFs just all go out at the same time?! It seems like THAT would make the most sense! Whatever, it looks like I should have it shortly and before I start playing with my new group. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
When will the PDF be available for those of us who have a subscription? Is it in two weeks(August 1st) or will it be sooner? Some of the videos covering the new stuff have made it sound like the book is already available. It's made me SUPER confused, though honestly, confused is a fairly common feeling for me! ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
BookBird wrote:
So then when are they going to finish Starfinder history and remove The Gap?! Because now all I can think is, "Why The Gap?!" I hate it right with all the other people that have since Starfinder's inception! ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
MEATSHED wrote: To prevent swords that feel weirdly racist (This is the same reason favored enemy isn't a key ranger feature and is much more limited) As soon as I finished typing question I KNEW someone was gonna use the racism BS, I just didn't think it would be FIRST! ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Why is it against RAW to have... (let's just use the example the book uses) an Elf Bane weapon? Before someone says anything, I ALREADY understand "Humanoid" and "Undead" are too general for something like this. The "It's your game, you can what you want" is also VERY understood! Neither of these comments has anything to do with what I'm trying to figure out. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Brake_fart wrote: All our Characters were AL (Adventurer's League) legal and allowed me and my friends to play AL games together. Being able to run on "official" campaigns gave this feeling of progression that wasn't really there with our homebrew stuff. If you're not actually participating in... whatever Society gives players that play in it, then playing by "official" rules is just hindering your game! I don't understand how your homebrew games don't give you the feeling of progression because Society isn't really any different from "regular" play! I feel like there are too many people who have this idea that if they aren't playing AL, PFS, or whatever then they're not playing right! I have no idea where this idea comes from or why this idea seems to exist! Play how you want with the things you want. As long as everyone is having a good time you're doing it right! ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
I have been working on a conversion of Warcraft, mostly World of Warcraft, stuff for a few years now, kind of. I started it for 5e but as I grew increasingly annoyed by the lack of things I decided to do it for PF2 instead. It's been slow because PF2 has a LOT more to do upfront but it's been a great time and recently I have been getting more things rolling! Anyway, I was surprised to find so little of it on the forums, only a couple of things for PF2 and from what I can remember not too terribly much for PF1 either(I could be misremembering though). Is there some legal issue with it or has WoW just fallen out of popularity that much? I'm hoping it's just a popularity thing because I would like to turn this into a thread where I share what I have done and/or ask for advice(which is DANGEROUS on the internet!) from people about ways to make things work. To start off on the advice part, even without knowing if I can do this or not(I don't see why I wouldn't be allowed to but I am not a lawyer either), let's talk about Humans and what kinds of heritages you might have from the Warcraft setting, excluding obvious answers like "Versatile" and "Skilled" which just work! ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
There's a lot of stuff here already so the obligatory "The 'Anniversary Edition' CAN'T be 5.5 because we already have that(Tasha's and Multiverse)" might already be here! I'm also not changing what I want to play, and I REALLY hope my group doesn't get a wild hair and want to play whatever crap that WotC pushes out to great loads of money because they are "The World's most POPULAR TTRPG"(unfortunately). My love of D&D died when they announced 4E, was MILDLY resuscitated when I heard about 5E, but since then it has just dropped more and more with each product they announce(of course after a small initial bit of excitement because TTRPGs(D&D mostly) has been a HUGE influence on me for the better part of 30 years(most of my life))! I just don't have it in me to care about it anymore, "fool me once..." and all that! ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
I think I've been watching Jason too much, I'm starting to really get into the dark magic of Necromancy! Anyway, this is a REALLY good question that doesn't seem to have been touched on AT ALL by ANYONE! Does the Reflexive Dodge Feat bonus combine(yes I know two bonuses of the same kind don't USUALLY stack) with the one the Swordmaster gives you when you take the Dedication Feat, or is it considered a different bonus so they stack in other ways, or is this only half a feat as OP has asked?! ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
HumbleGamer wrote: Leaving apart mortality stuff, since a divine spellcaster worshipper of some kind of god wouldn't party up with a follower of the laws of mortality. Firstly SUPER sorry for a REALLY bad necro but I am making a character that I think I might have take Mortal Healing and even make a follower of the Laws of Mortality and have been looking up various things about all of it and I keep seeing things like the quote(mostly from the same person as well, I believe) and then things about how people from the original area wreck religious structures and things, burn texts, exile the holy people even though NOWHERE in the actual text of the Laws of Mortality does it say that followers participate in this activity, in fact followers of these ideals can even be LAWFUL and NEUTRAL GOOD(any non chaotic), characters of these alignments would NOT do those things and can still be PERFECTLY with the tenants of their religion, one of which I want to bring PARTICULAR attention to, "...provide a PEACEFUL and autonomous society..." Like EVERY set of beliefs there will ALWAYS be those that twist and/or take things too far in order to get people to do what THEY want them to do. The CONTINUAL comments like the quote is like saying that EVERYONE who lived in Germany in the '30s and early '40s were cruel, evil, and anti-semitic because Hitler was, that is simply and completely a HUGE load of BULL! Again I am VERY, VERY sorry for the necro but this REALLY irritates me! ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Nighthorror888 wrote: The Tryziarka (Alien Archive 4, page 126) Look visually similar, at least in my opinion. Their whole theme is tattoo magic and flexibility though. Yeah they do!!! Archpaladin Zousha wrote: If they ARE they won't be githyanki, but something else: the gith peoples are D&D copyrighted, and Paizo has been trying to distance their worldbuilding from D&D's for a while now. I believe they meant that Paizo might do the Samsaran NOT that they would do any of the actual Gith from D&D, though I could be wrong! I also want to point out that the Samsaran HAD been done in the Alien Character Deck though, looks like it came out Early 2020(January) from what I can find! ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
I know it is internet faux pas to make comments on threads that have been inactive for so long but I can't find an answer to this anywhere else and I don't use twitter. Are they any plans to bring this and Pathfinder Fridays back since the world is... well, LESS of fire than it has been the last 18 months?! I am new to BOTH games and have been binge watching Starfinder Wednesdays and will likely be watching Pathfinder Fridays soon as well. I love the videos I have seen so far and hope that these shows come back in the future! ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Blake's Tiger wrote: ...(if you require real world logic, think of it as trying to shout instructions to your fighter ally so that they can sneak attack). ... But you don't have to shout to tell it what to do: "Your connection with your eidolon allows you to communicate with it telepathically at all times, even when it isn’t manifested."(SoM page 53, paragraph BETWEEN(cause someone is going to argue this is part of --->) Act Together and Share Senses) Boy I'm dumb, pointing out something like this is only going to continue the argument! I'm a glutton for punishment! ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
I have a hopefully SIMPLER question regarding Meld Into Eidolon, probably a dumb one but I mostly want to make sure I'm not the only one reading it this way: If I take the Meld Into Eidolon feat can I still summon it normally or does the meld COMPLETELY override the regular manifest action?! The first two sentences are what is really confusing to me. The first sentence reads: "Your physical form CAN combine with that of your eidolon, granting benefits but limiting your capabilities." but the second is: "You Manifest your Eidolon, but INSTEAD of summoning it into an adjacent open space, you become it." There is nothing that states this is a different action than the regular manifest or if overrides, there might be errata/clarification somewhere but I'm not aware of it at present. Maybe this ISN'T a simpler question after all?! ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
graystone wrote: Seems pretty clear to me. Must not be since this whole thread exists! Also having the Trait: Archetype MAKES THEM archetype feats! If they NEVER were they would be like all other Skill feats and NOT have the tag! The Raven Black wrote:
But NOT with regular class feats? In this instance the two things are the SAME. So allowing the Free feat to be used but NOT the class feat makes not sense! Guntermench wrote: Archetype feats with the skill trait can be selected in place of a skill feat if you have that archetype's dedication feat. can is the important word here, does NOT say they HAVE to be. To avoid this becoming I have said my piece and am, mostly?, in the ballpark with The Raven Black. The beauty of ttrpgs is that they can be done in many different ways. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
So consensus is that Archetype Skill feats CANNOT be taken with class feats(or free archetype feats) but with skill feats?! There's an argument on reddit about whether these ARE or are NOT archetype feats and which feats you can be used to take them, I'm calling them BOTH and will allow BOTH kinds of feats to be used because BOTH tags are there. Even the whole thing on page 219 of the CRB doesn't say they are NOT it just gives cases of WHEN they WOULDN'T count! Again having both tags I'm going with both! So a level 8 character with the Dandy archetype CAN take Party Crasher if they didn't do so at seven using their skill feat. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Magnus the Armored Swordsman wrote: Can we get a second deck? Firstly, thanks for commenting so I don't have to feel bad about doing so myself. Secondly, YES PLEASE?! I Absolutely LOVE this deck, I just got mine in the last two days(I am a late bloomer!) and have already been having a BLAST, I was up WAY too late last night making my first random system. I will say that I understand another full 100 card deck might be unlikely but having smaller expansion like things would be AMAZING, we did recently get another Alien Archive with new stuff and having more non-terrestrial or oddly shaped worlds would be cool! ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Ok that makes more sense, I have been looking at the Breath weapon ability in the ARG and I don't feel it is useful enough at higher levels. Anyway, it sounds like you have everything at least mostly figured out its just gonna be find a CR. This is going to be the hardest part, imo. First though you are going to need to decide what you want to be static: the abilities of the CR. When you have that figured out it's just about play-testing it and adjusting the variable. It essentially becomes a science experiment: try something, tweak it a bit, try again, tweak a bit more, repeat until you are happy. Honestly it is something that may technically never be JUST RIGHT and will always be getting tweaked, especially when new products are released. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Beyond what Magus has already said I would honestly just suggest using something along the lines of a Dragonborn for a playable race. I am presently working on a Dragonborn myself, using the race creation rules in the Advanced Race Guide(ARG). The Dragonborn have a breath weapon but its not at-will, the best it has been is labeled an encounter power in 4E. If you are not using it for a playable race then you might just have to throw something together that you like and play test it until it feels right to you. |