Warcraft / WoW Conversions


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I have been working on a conversion of Warcraft, mostly World of Warcraft, stuff for a few years now, kind of. I started it for 5e but as I grew increasingly annoyed by the lack of things I decided to do it for PF2 instead. It's been slow because PF2 has a LOT more to do upfront but it's been a great time and recently I have been getting more things rolling!

Anyway, I was surprised to find so little of it on the forums, only a couple of things for PF2 and from what I can remember not too terribly much for PF1 either(I could be misremembering though). Is there some legal issue with it or has WoW just fallen out of popularity that much?

I'm hoping it's just a popularity thing because I would like to turn this into a thread where I share what I have done and/or ask for advice(which is DANGEROUS on the internet!) from people about ways to make things work.

To start off on the advice part, even without knowing if I can do this or not(I don't see why I wouldn't be allowed to but I am not a lawyer either), let's talk about Humans and what kinds of heritages you might have from the Warcraft setting, excluding obvious answers like "Versatile" and "Skilled" which just work!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Looks like the reason the past threads like this have gone quite due to the lack of popularity between the two properties.

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