Darl Quethos

Jeramiahh's page

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 23 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist.


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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Varash Ironskull wrote:

if you have any of your work in an easy electronic version, that would be great, or if you what you used to build characters.

So like the first encounter did you use the squad rules for the archers, or was that later on.

Glad to know it can be done. what did you do for the lich? did your group attempt to fight him or work out the truce?

I have some stat blocks, but they're in Fantasy Grounds, which I haven't used for ages. Most of them were modified statblocks, or using the GMG monster creation guidelines, so it was a lot of experimentation and improvisation.

For the first encounter, no, I didn't use any squads and it was a huge mistake because I placed something like twenty creatures to make a Severe encounter out of most -4's and -3's and the fight took forever.

For the Ghostlord, I was extremely uncreative, and straight up used the level 12 Lich straight from the Bestiary, then tweaked his spell list to Primal spells. The party actually won him over, trading the amulet back to him for his aid - and were sufficiently terrified when he Chain Lightning'd the few remaining hobgoblins and absolutely obliterated them.

As for the statblocks themselves; they're a little awkward to read, because Fantasy Grounds is not meant for exporting, and these were all written solely for my use, but here's all the goblins and hobgoblins and a couple unique creatures I built, as well as most of the Wyrmlords. Azzar Kul is not included because his fight was a weird experiment that didn't work well, though I did execute a vastly improved version of the fight design in my homebrew campaign, earlier today! In addition, these were some of my earlier attempts at creating creatures, so a lot of them are... unimpressive, and wouldn't be things I'd use today, but they're good guidelines to work off of. I'd probably add a lot more unique abilities to the rank-and-file, and give more stuff to the groups, as a lot of them are just boring.

But, you can find them all here: Homebrew Monsters of RHoD PF2e

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So, I ran this at the start of the pandemic, and had a lot of fun with it!

A fair number of creatures (Hellhounds and various other fiends, dragons, etc) convert over pretty easily, without a lot of effort. The biggest thing was the hobgoblins - I built about a dozen 'base' hobgoblins, from conscripts, soldiers, sergeants, clerics, archers, and more and, when they started getting outclassed (Because the basic conscripts were, like, level 1, they started getting outclassed almost immediately!) I'd group them together into increasingly-large 'squad' and 'troop' formations - Troop rules can be found here: https://2e.aonprd.com/Traits.aspx?ID=367

For Squads, I'd have them be either 4-man or 9-man to be Large or Huge creatures, and scaled them up 2 or 4 levels, and give them some simple 'group' tactics, like a volley shot for archers that hit an area. I didn't use full-sized troops, which were +6 levels, until the Battle of Brindol, and even then it was only the lowest tiers of units.

For the Wyrmlords, I rebuilt Koth as an Alchemist, since that's fitting for Hobgoblins in Golarion. Saarvith was redesigned as a dragonriding Arcane Archer, and was encountered on the back of Regiarix (who was leveled up a bit to make sure he was Large and thus *capable* of carrying a Small goblin!). Ulwei was still a straight Bard, though I replaced the Behir with a (miserable, thanks to the heat) white dragon, who lurked inside the lair to escape the heat of the sun. The small space worked against him, so I'd feel free to give him some higher levels. The other wyrmlords and dragons were mostly left unadjusted, though Kharn was adjusted to an Evil Champion - it didn't change too much about him.

Story-wise, I made adjustments to bring it to Golarion. I set it in Isger, which worked out surprisingly well. Brindol became Elidir, Drellin's Ferry was located near Dustpawn and the Conerica River, Rhest was located in the Chitterwood, the Ghostlord was set up in the region south-east of the Chitterwood, and the Fane was located in the mountains in that region. I adjusted their patron away from Tiamat to being, instead, the Lord of the Second Circle of Hell, Dispater, making a move against the Cheliax-and-Asmodeus-controlled Isger as a bit of political maneuvering. OVerall, I thought it worked quite well, and had a ton of fun with it, though it was my 4th time running the campaign, so I know it *quite* well, by now!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hi James!

What would a post office/letter delivery system look like on much of Golarion, particularly around the Inner Sea region? I imagine there's probably a fairly strong post-office-likesystem in and around the actual Inner Sea, but what sort of entity would you contact to get a letter from, say, Brevoy to Varisia? Would there be courier networks, would there be particular religions dedicated to such deliveries, would you reach out to the Pathfinders for a (theoretically) easy job?


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Today, during Part 4 of Doomsday Dawn (9th level players), we ran into an interesting rules combination that did not have a clear answer, and I wanted to get some clarification on it, since the as-written interpretation leads to a potentially ridiculously powerful combination.

The party of Druid, Monk, Paladin, and Sorcerer led to the Druid trying out a new spell on the monk: Moon Frenzy. In short, this spell grants the target claw and bite attacks, at 3d6/d8 damage, and specifies that these are unarmed strikes. The monk has Handwraps of Mighty Fists +3, and thus began our question: Does the bonus from the Handwraps apply to the enhanced claw and bite attacks? In this scenario, it would have given him an attack for 6d8 damage, as the bite. I ruled that the natural attacks functioned as +2 weapons (since heightened versions of the spell specifically raise the dice to 4 and 5), and that the +3 handwraps would apply the to-hit bonus, and a single extra die of damage.

However, despite this off-the-cuff ruling, I want to find a more official answer, in case it ever comes up again.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

That makes a lot of sense to me, and, relayed to the Sorcerer, makes him very happy as well, as a compromise between worthless and ridiculous. Thanks!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

One of my players has always loved the idea of playing a Magic Missile Mage, so his first character, naturally, was a Draconic bloodline Sorcerer.

As he's been digging into the book, and discussing build ideas with me, one thing stuck out; the 1st level Sorcerer class feat, Dangerous Sorcery.



When you cast a non-cantrip spell that deals damage and that doesn’t have a duration, you gain a conditional bonus to that spell’s damage equal to the spell’s level.

How does this feat interact with Magic Missile? Obviously, if only one action is spent, on a first level Magic Missile, it would simply add +1 damage to that missile.

But adding additional actions, or heightening the spell adds additional missiles. And, to quote the spell, "You choose the target for each missile individually."

Does this bonus apply to every missile? To one specific one? Is it/can it be distributed among the targets? How does this actually play out... it's remarkably vague.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Wizard decides the best way to evade an angry dragon is to jump off a cliff and cast levitate. Leaving them floating in open space, slowly descending at 10' per round.

With a hungry, flying dragon.

They never recovered the body.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello Jeramiahh,

Thank you for letting us know. There was an issue with this bundle a while back that caused it to think it didn't need to ship the physical book. So it charged for it and immediately fulfilled it, like it does with a PDF. We got that resolved but it looks like your order was placed before we did. I have set up a shipment of the physical book for you which should be on its way soon.

Thank you so much! I figured that was about what happened, once I looked over the timeline of events, and I got the email notifying me that the next shipment has been updated to include it!

Thank you for the swift reply, and have a great weekend!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hello there!

On Jan 3rd, I purchased the print/PDF bundle for In the Company of Dragons. As you can see here, it shows the order as complete; however, the print copy hasn't shipped.

I checked through my emails, and show the confirmation email for receiving the PDF (which I have, and have used), but no shipping email. It didn't arrive bundled with my AP subscription, which shipped on Jan 22nd, so I assumed there was just a delay, and actually forgot about it, until I received my notice that this month's AP was shipping soon, which prompted me to check on the status of this book, which is not included in that shipment.

I'm figuring some wires got crossed, and there were problems with it being a print/PDF combo, so I'm hoping to get someone to look into it. Thanks in advance!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Sharaya wrote:

Hi Jeramiahh,

I'm sorry for any confusion with that! On our side of the system, it looks like it should just charge you once.

If seems like it changes when the order is submitted, please let us know (it should only charge when it ships).


Thank you! I figured that was the case, it just caught my eye when I saw that, and I decided to play it safe.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


I was just about to purchase a print and PDF combo item, when I noticed something odd in the message before checkout, and I want to make sure this isn't going to charge me twice.


As you can see in the link, it says that I'll be charged $76.48 for the purchase, but it's only the one bundle, for $38.24. Is this a bug in the display, or what? The shopping cart and everything else shows the total as $38.24, I just want to make sure this isn't going to be a problem.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Great! Thank you very much!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thank you!

EDIT: It seems like the Starfinder AP subscription starts with #2, even though #1 isn't available. Is there any chance that I can get the first book added to the order, as well?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hello there!

I was a Pathfinder Adventure Path subscriber for a few years, but a year ago, I decided to end my subscription due to a number of circumstances. However, with the launch of Starfinder, and the next AP, I wanted to both pick up my Pathfinder AP subscription, and add both the Starfinder Core, and Starfinder AP subscriptions.

Unfortunately, when I went to attempt to do so, today, I discovered that I couldn't add the Pathfinder AP subscription, because 'you already own this product'. I wanted to make sure I had that in place, to get the subscriber discount, before I ordered the other products. Any help would be appreciated!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm extremely disappointed that Nocticula didn't make the cut, what with all the foreshadowing and hinting that she's trying to ascend.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I was the DM for it; I used it to replace the gargoyle gunslinger on the bridge, as I felt he didn't pose nearly enough of a challenge to my party. Even putting him and Ophelia together only slowed them a bit.

The dual-initiative was the best part, as the party had to scramble to try and keep this thing away from them, as he tore through their front-liners, gleefully, which, fortunately, were only summoned monsters and an animal companion. The reflection was also put in, specifically to frighten the gunslinger, who'd become FAR too comfortable with sniping things for oodles of damage.

Overall, I give it high marks, if only because I think the party was more afraid of it than Unity.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Excellent, I just got the email. Thank you!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hello, just checking in on this, as I've not received any notice of #108 being prepared for shipping, and there's nothing on my account showing it available. Did something go wrong with this request, or am I just missing something?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thank you!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm in the same boat; I'd like to receive the finale of Hell's Vengeance, but I'm not interested in Strange Aeons. How can this be done?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Long story short, I liked Zaiobe, and so did my players, especially one PC who came out of character creation mostly mute, himself; still able to talk, but usually not more than one or two scratchy words. After protecting Zaiobe following a critical hit while fighting Kikonu, the two became pretty much inseparable.

Now it's 4 adventures and months and levels later, and the party's just starting Part 5, and I'm advancing up all the NPCs up to close to the party's level, including Zaiobe, bringing her up to 7th level Oracle. Unfortunately, since the Mute Oracle curse doesn't actually exist outside of this one-off NPC, there's no rules for advancing it. Any suggestions for what the 5th and 10th level powers should be for the curse? I'm thinking 30' telepathy, for the 5th level bonus, but I'm not sure what's fair for both of those abilities.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The way I'm planning to do it seems to be working well for the low Cha PCs; they gain +1 relationship point, automatically, for a good gift/insult, and then, for acting out an interesting scene with the NPC, they can make the Diplo/Intim check to gain an additional 1-2 points, per level.

It does mean that the high-cha Oracle pursuing Ameiko has a score of close to 20 at 5th level, but it also means that the poor samurai with a negative cha, trying to seduce Zaiobe (who he couldn't get the campaign trait with) has a chance.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

In my game, they'd retreated the day before, after a few tough fights, and I had Ameiko give the clue about Zaiobe. When they finally arrived, before they could attack, I had her hold up her hands in a 'I'm unarmed!' gesture, and gave them all sense motive checks, which enough of them passed to call off the rest of the party.

It actually turned out really interestingly, as one of the PCs, the samurai, took being almost-mute as a background flaw (he had his throat slashed by a former lover, and could only speak in a raspy voice.) He ended up communicating with the harpy, and actually really enjoyed the connection between the two of them. After killing Kikonu, he came to her aid to offer her a healing potion, since she took a crit scorching ray from Kikonu. The two of them then retired to her library to, ahem, 'read some books'.

They'll probably end up bringing her along, especially once she gives him her Telepathic bond ability. Plus, it makes for interesting roleplay, and she's a more interesting character than Spivey, though I'll give them the chance to use Diplomacy and convince the two of them to not try and kill each other.