Joran Vhane

Jellak Garess's page

15 posts. Alias of Patrick McDade.


Good luck!

kerter wrote:

Hi i'm completely new to pen and paper rpgs are you just looking for experienced players or would you be fine with anyone?

I'm eager and willing to learn

Not the GM, but if you look carefully to the recruiting announcement, he links to another game specifically for inexperienced characters.

Serolt wrote:

"Pharasma makes cradles for us all eventually.", Serolt mumbles to himself.

"Now what? How would you rule? What would be your first edict or declaration? What law would you find most appealing to lay down before your people?"

Turning back to Serolt, Jellak nods and adds.

"The first law would likely be something to the effect that no one may infringe upon the person or property of a Citizen, and the lords of the land shall protect these rights.,,." If a person is not safe in his person or property there is no society, there is no trade.

Evan Rivers wrote:

Evan nods towards Jellak. Passion still burns his eyes, but he still responds to the man in a calm tone, trying to consolidate their viewpoints.

The summoner absentmindedly lets his hand roam through the glowing fur of his companion. "What I'm saying is depending on the exact situation given there can be different solutions that are best for dealing with bandits. As my mom used to say. 'The answer to any question is always, it depends, the trick is to find out what it depends on'."

"Any good man knows that Justice must be tempered with mercy, and not all men who come before their lord for judgment stand in the same shoes. A person pressed into banditry under threat, or a child following along with their father or mother are clearly less culpable than the bandit leader. Each man must atone for their own actions. But to begin with with mercy or "kindness" before justice is meted out is as much folly as killing any many who steals without question. We are not Chelliax where the law is twissted to feed the joys of devils, after all."

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Jellak shakes his head hearing this talk of treating bandits with kindness. Such idealism is understandable, but such softnes won't survive in the Wild. Or in a Barony, honestly.

After pondring his words, he speaks out: "It may be that all that is between a man and Banditry is a bad harvest and an empty stomach, but they still choose to use violence to steal and many folks die because of such decisions. It may be a sad story behind a bandit, but if you treat them kindly instead of with suitable punishment, word gets out. And when word gets out that a Lord is soft on bandits, it makes it easier for an otherwise honest man to break. You don't hang a horse-thief for the horse he steals... you hang him for the hundred horses not stolen because this man paid a harsh price."

Specifically he looks at the chirpy gnome. "You say you have to be kind to people at least once? Aye, that may be true if those persons are strangers and unknown. When all is balanced, kindness begets kindness."

"But if you come across a broken man, a bandit by trade. They've given up the first kindess with the last goodwife raped, the last child who couldn't eat for that which the Bandit took, or the last family without a husband and father because the man tried to keep what was his. They made their choice, and they give up their right to a first kindness by that choice. Otherwise, the next rape or murder is on your pretty little head, just as if you did the raping or killing yourself."

Kordrek Golka wrote:

"Well if these swordlords are half as smart as we held them to be in court, they would know two men of House Garess would be prime candidates for this trip." Bowing and walking towards another group of looks like would-be adventurers, Kordrek tosses one final remark back to Jallek "Did you talk to her before you left?"

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Jellak squints a bit at Kordek and simply says. "No, I haven't seen her in some time..." As his old friend makes an excuse to speak with a gnome he simply nods.

Now what was that all about, he really not acting himself...

Serolt wrote:

He takes a deep breath and straightens up. "Other than making water, what do you hope to bring to the expedition? I myself am a tracker and pretty good at surviving in the wild - and of course my bow is handy when the wild fights back... or bandit do."

Nodding at Serold, Jellak continues the conversation.

"Honestly, the wild is what I do... I am an Stonebound Druid, and at home more in the wild or caves than in the city now-days. I can commune with nature to heal wounds and keep us safe in the wold. I can also call upon the Stone to summon allies to fight with us against brigands or other enemies. With your bow and the power of the Stone, I think we could do well together to tame these wilds. Better than some of these who seem to have never set foot out of a city, in any case. Of course, there is little ale in the wilds, and I agree we should find something stronger while still here to find it."

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Jellak Garess





Councilor, High Priest, Marshall

Primary caster, secondary healer

Survival, Scout, Healer

Eastern Standard Time

I have been playing RPG's since the late 70's and Pathfinder since it first came out. I typically GM in table-top so PbP is my chance to develop characters and enjoy modules. I've been trying to play Kingmaker (never played or GM'd) on these forums for a while, but the GM's keep disappearing, which makes me excited about Giuseppe's campaign.

Post samples
Skorhald Warsong
Father Paidraig
Serelina Bellafini

Kordrek Golka wrote:

Surprised to see another member of the royal house so far east, Kordrek skirts around of the edge of the rapidly filling room to sidle up to Jellak. ”Master Stonecaller! Dwarf-friend and most respected son of the Garess family” Hoping he hadn’t forgotten any titles afforded a man of his position he continued on. ”Quite the varied group of travelers we be having here. Do ye think they all realize why the swordlords might be sending them south? More here than meets the eye according to ol Toval. For that matter, what be the reason for ye being here?”

Jellak smiles warmly at Kordrek, especially since he used his adopted name as well as his formal. "Kordrek, good to see you! And I'm here because Gather doesn't trust me around Golushkin Mountains any longer, afraid I'll trade away our families fortunes. Or worse yet, marry a dwarf-maid to try and raise sons that are literally "As Strong as Mountains." He forces a chuckle after that, trying to hide a bit of the hurt he actually feels at his family's rejection.

[b]"Truth is, I'm here to represent Garess for the Call of the Swordlords. And honestly, it is nice being back out of the manorhouse again. Somehow that place felt more claustrophobic than the Goluskin Deeps. While I didn't get the opportunity to become the Aldori Blademaster we yearned to be as kids, I think I've learned some skills from the dwarves that would prove valuable out on campaign. What about you, what brings you here?"

Serolt wrote:
He speaks lightly, and he keeps scanning the audience for something. "Have you seen the servant with the drinks? I'm parched, and it might calm Regin a bit. With all these people, he might just start investigating everyone himself!"

Smiling at the lion, Jellak gestures and says a brief supplication and causes fresh water to flow before the animal until it is sated.

"As for servants, I wouldn't expect any. Surely the Swordlords are looking for hardy enough company that they won't be providing refreshments." He pulls a waterskin from his backpack and offers Serolt a drink. "Here, this will help keep the dust off at least."

Scanning the crowd he adds, "There are more here than I would have expected... it will be interesting to see who is chosen among them. But then Father seemed to think there was good opportunity here, so perhaps we will get a chance to explore these wild lands together."

Of medium height and lean, a man stands tall with shoulders back as if he were barrell chested rather than wirey. Adding to the effect is a plaited, braided beard - such that you would expect on a dwarf rather than a human with the certain look of Restov blood about him. He is dressed all in leathers, with a backpack on the ground by his feet. Next to the backpack are his boots, oddly not on his feet. His toes seem to be wriggling into the dirt as he looks down, smiling under his beard. An intricately carved staff at hand completes the ensamble, but with his features you'd almost expect to see an Aldori blade in his hand as well... at least you would if it weren't for that odd dwarven-style beard.

He smiles again as he looks up at Serolt and Regin. "Beautiful lion..." He then whistles and gestures to help calm the animal.

Handle Animal Aid another: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

"Name is Jellak Sto... Jellak Garess. Here to answer the call of the Swordlords as well, then?" Oddly his speech has a slight dwarven accent. Not thick light a true dwarf, but definitely having some lilt to it.

Still working on the submission but Jellak Garess is part of the Garess noble family, but has become a bit of an embarrassment to the House.

Initial Background:

No real scandal, however. He simply took his first mission for the House too seriously. He was sent as an emissary for House Garess to the Golushkin Mountains to live with the dwarves while still a youth. The intent was his name and blood would be seen as a compliment and he would eventually help facilitate trade... However, Jellak took his role to seriously and fully adopted the dwarven ways of his hosts, including changing both his religion and vocation.

Years later, now a man, he returned to his family to fulfill his role in the house. However, instead of advocating for Garess interests with the dwarves Jellak consistently advocated for dwarven interests to House Garess. Notably, he is still loyal to his House, though he insists on the term "Clan" it has become clear that his closeness with the dwarves has made his intended role of emissary untenable.

Additionally, his insistence on holding "pagan" dwarven rituals involving caves and stone while ignoring the family's religious and social functions entirely has caused quite a stir within the realms of courtly gossip. He has refused to take any wife who doesn't worship Torag and uses his dwarf-given surname of "Stonecalled" interchangably with that of given surname Garess.

His parents and the leaders of House Garess have seized upon the Call of the Swordlords as a great way to get Jellak away from the world of courtly intrigue, where he increasingly a liability, while still possibly having him contribute to the influence and power of House Garess.


Presenting Jellak Denavrian, recent arrival from Chelliax.

I've started Kingmaker PbP twice, but never made it past the fist few encounters. Looking forward to the opportunity.

Looking forward to submitting...