Jeffrey Palmer |
I was hoping to get some clarification/advice on a rules question. The soulknife in my Rappan Athuk adventure just picked up the Blade skill Wing Clip. Here's the rules as written:
"Wing Clip: As a standard action, the soulknife may make a single melee attack against a single creature. If he hits, instead of dealing damage, the vibrations in his mind blade damages the creature’s ability to move, rendering it unable to move for a number of rounds equal to the soulknife’s Strength modifier (minimum 1). A successful Fortitude save negates the effect. The DC of this save is 10 + the soulknife’s base attack bonus."
It doesn't seem to have any limitations in terms of creature type, HD, or anything. The adventure has the party up against a party of specters and the soulknife is gonna wanna wing clip 'em, but it seems strange that this power can work on an incorporeal spectres. Maybe this is a case of me not attending to the RAW, which doesn't give any limitations, so I should just shut up and be a good storyteller and let it happen, but I'd love any thoughts on this. Are there any limitations on the power? Can you use it on an ooze, construct, ghost, zombie, gaseous creature, etc? Thanks.