Kutholiam Vuere

Jeffrey Palmer's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. 207 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Gotta say my wife and I have played the first 3 intro scenarios and, while we've won all three, they've been crazy tough! While I hear that people don't like the difficulty, I've found it kind of exciting and brag worthy when we're able to survive! We did them all with arcanist, the inquisitor and with either the summoner or the shaman as a NPC/third player for backup. We just finished The Wardstone Patrol last night and it felt like there were henchmen every turn and the Elven Entanglement was even worse with those damned stumps- felt like we had EVERY animal in the set come up in that one. In short, maybe because we lived, we've walked away having a ton of fun and feeling like we've accomplished something rather than just easily taking care of business (something I sometimes feel with RotRL). Hope it gets better for those who aren't having fun yet.

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Just finished reading the DropBox PDF for the 2 session's you've had and just wanted to say that it was great reading it and bravo for your dedication! Can't help but admit I'm pretty jealous! Look forward to seeing how future sessions play out!

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I started my lads at 2nd level. Had 6 PCs (3 players, 2 characters each) and started them with a paid mission to explore and map the Mouth of Doom for a guild of mages seeking the healing fountain rumored to lay hidden within. Post clearing, the Mouth became a hermitage for the guild and a home base for my PCs. Good luck, it's a great adventure!!

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Well guys, it happened! I had mass deaths and a very near TPK this weekend! Wanted to share with fellow RA fans- hey SPOLIERS, so beware.

My players (6 PCs, all 8th level) made it to the Upper Temple (level 4) after about 20 sessions in and around Rappan Athuk- including extensive adventuring in the Mouth of Doom and some trips in the Gut. We’d previously only lost one PC, but that was due to meta-plot not directly related to RA, so I don’t really count it. And then they strolled into the Temple… Not rested, some wounds from a previous fight, only partially buffed and all hell broke loose.

The guys (a psionic vitalist, a soul knife, a witch, stonelord paladin, rouge, and monk) managed to take Zehn down in one round, and stared to cut swaths through the acoyltes and clerics. The vrock summoned its brother and the numerous clerics began to heal each other, and the tide began to turn… After 4 or 5 rounds, the masses of evil humans and demons were defeated and the group all alive, but then Nadroj and his spectre posse road on in and began level draining… And damn does energy drain suck! Particularly when you’re being held by Black Tentacles, which crushes your limp body when you fall… The spectres also took a round or two to finish off some dying acolytes and priests that rose as spawn during the extended fight…. Look reinforcements for the baddies!

The rouge and the vitalist both were slain by specters and rose as spawn during the fight, and Nadroj slew the witch and the soul knife to stop them from mucking about. The witches intelligence use of her familiar and the chill touch spell kept it fluid as spectres fled in a panic, but wasn’t enough to change the outcome. The paladin was eventually knocked out and lay bleeding, but stable, while the enlightened monk/psionic fist PRC, managed to finish off the surviving spectres one by one and ended the fight as the only man standing with 4 negative levels and his 5 friends all around him… Now it’s up to seeing if the monk and paladin can get themselves out of the dungeon and raise their companions.

I know in the book it says that this is the combat that legends are made of, and I just wanted to thank the Frog God frogs and say that for my group it really was 25 rounds of crazy, finger nail biting terror and excitement. Thanks guys! It was a blast!

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Backed for 65 bucks, bring on the adventure! :-)

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Backed at 65 bucks. Good luck!

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Andreas Rönnqvist wrote:

Just wanted to pop in and tell everyone that Akashic Mysteries is being polished in layout and we hope to have the subscription and first release ready real soon! :D

- Andreas Rönnqvist
Dreamscarred Press

Just finished reading the Paths of War compilation I picked up at GenCon and really liked it! Can't wait to pickup the next book! Thanks guys.

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I'm running a D20Pro online game with 6 PCs and have run about 22 sessions. I started the group in the city of RIddleport and had them paid to provide a room-by-room map of the Mouth of Doom, focusing on finding the healing fountain on the bottom floor. Took 5-6 sessions to clear that mini-dungeon, which then became the base of operations for a mages guild (Cyphermages) and a base of operations for the group. They were then paid to check out the exits (Teleportals and the Gut) which led them to Rappan Athuk. By this point I've got meta-plot stuff driving them on, two NPC friends have been geased to go deep into the dungeon, so the PCs are chasing them, and a paladin is having visions about Orcus, etc. So no more paying for exploration, it’s become personal.

I've used medium XP and some side adventures to break stuff up and the guys are 9th level and have a decent amount of treasure, but not too much. They're currently on the 3rd level of Rappan Athuk and looking at level 4.

One other thing, I didn't really like level 2 of RA, so I substituted the Thassilonian labratory from the Shards of Sin adventure, but I kept some of the NPCs and scenary peices. That also helped me ground the place in Varisia and make a case that the upper levels had a place in history.

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brvheart wrote:
Looks like we are going to lose another one. Oh the pain!

Yeah, I was looking at the Well again and initially was like, "Hell, my players can take this! They're some seriously heavy hitting 8th-9th level guys." Then I kept reading and my smile faded. Then my joy was gone and I saw the horror, and was all "Nevermind. They are NOT ready for this."

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As a subscriber of both, let me say thank you for your honesty and your forthrightness. I'll keep on giving you my money and buy your books. Thank you,

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Louis Agresta wrote:
While I imagine it looks something like this, largely for my own amusement.

God, that made me laugh! Thanks Louis!

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Backed, just wish I could think my way around the nuclear edition!! I backed Rappan Athuk and Razor Coast and have Slumbering Tsar. I love the books that you guys do. You're a credit to the 3rd party universe and a model of how a Kickstarter should work. Thanks and keep it up!

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Another +1 on the Dreamscarred psionics rules. Also love the idea of a Darksuns-esque campaign setting with new archetypes, prestige classes, feats, random psionic talents, mantis people and desert survival! Can't wait!

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Just passed 17K, that's all the adventures in hardback! Excellent!

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Thanks guys! I've bought every thing you've put out and intergrated psionics into my Pathfinder campaigns. Keep 'em coming and would really love to see Third Dawn done up right for Pathfinder! Thanks and looking forward to more quaility stuff. Thanks,

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Any chance of Hero Lab files for the classes and races as a stretch goal? I'm using Hero Lab and D20 Pro for online gaming and my guys wanna do psionics. I've pledged 100 bucks and am looking forward to the book, no matter what, but wanted to throw it out there!

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Richard Leonhart wrote:
after the signal kite I thought "weird, but perhaps useful", but when I read the terror kite description I just asked myself what you are smoking. I'm not saying I dislike it, nore do I like, I just think it's crazy. But I always like minigames in games, but this took me perhaps a little bit too much by surprise.

Just to throw something in about kite fighting, my wife and her family are natives of Hong Kong and her father talks foldly of kite fighting as a favorite adolescent hobby. So, while I too am a bit surprised by an item specifically for this, it is a time honored Asain game of chance/competation and fits well into an Asian themed campaign...