Well guys, it happened! I had mass deaths and a very near TPK this weekend! Wanted to share with fellow RA fans- hey SPOLIERS, so beware.
My players (6 PCs, all 8th level) made it to the Upper Temple (level 4) after about 20 sessions in and around Rappan Athuk- including extensive adventuring in the Mouth of Doom and some trips in the Gut. We’d previously only lost one PC, but that was due to meta-plot not directly related to RA, so I don’t really count it. And then they strolled into the Temple… Not rested, some wounds from a previous fight, only partially buffed and all hell broke loose.
The guys (a psionic vitalist, a soul knife, a witch, stonelord paladin, rouge, and monk) managed to take Zehn down in one round, and stared to cut swaths through the acoyltes and clerics. The vrock summoned its brother and the numerous clerics began to heal each other, and the tide began to turn… After 4 or 5 rounds, the masses of evil humans and demons were defeated and the group all alive, but then Nadroj and his spectre posse road on in and began level draining… And damn does energy drain suck! Particularly when you’re being held by Black Tentacles, which crushes your limp body when you fall… The spectres also took a round or two to finish off some dying acolytes and priests that rose as spawn during the extended fight…. Look reinforcements for the baddies!
The rouge and the vitalist both were slain by specters and rose as spawn during the fight, and Nadroj slew the witch and the soul knife to stop them from mucking about. The witches intelligence use of her familiar and the chill touch spell kept it fluid as spectres fled in a panic, but wasn’t enough to change the outcome. The paladin was eventually knocked out and lay bleeding, but stable, while the enlightened monk/psionic fist PRC, managed to finish off the surviving spectres one by one and ended the fight as the only man standing with 4 negative levels and his 5 friends all around him… Now it’s up to seeing if the monk and paladin can get themselves out of the dungeon and raise their companions.
I know in the book it says that this is the combat that legends are made of, and I just wanted to thank the Frog God frogs and say that for my group it really was 25 rounds of crazy, finger nail biting terror and excitement. Thanks guys! It was a blast!