Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Just an update for you. I've had Meniere's disease for 30 years now. I haven't had a bad spell in over 5 years but last week it flared up again and put me on my back. It's fading again and from experience I should be good to go in a day or two. Thanks for your patience. I've been posting this on all my games, good to hear we're back. :)
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Going through a busy patch myself, real life always does its best to drag you back.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Jathal keeps an eye out for more trouble, sure it would soon arrive in this rotten hole. "Should just burn the dead!" She grumbles. "Why give cultists and Necromancers a well stocked playground?" perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 Typical. If we've found any spears we can use those and a cloak to make a litter.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Seeing her former comrade rise as undead causes Jathal to hiss a curse. She swings hard at the thing that was once a teammate. Wondering if the same fate awaited them all in this blighted tomb? curve blade: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
With cold determination Jathal steps into combat and swings her curve blade at the damned thing. Moving so she is flanking with Rhona. attack + ST: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 1 = 7 :(
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Posting rate is fine. Leveling up rate is sad. :(
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
If there is enough light to use low light vision? Jathal drops her bow, drawing her curve blade and studying the undead lord intently. His foul existence will end here. Making the undead her studied target this round.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Sorry for my silence, a family matter has had me away from home the last few days. Things are settling and I"ll be back to regular posting tomorrow.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Jathal keeps up her targeting the Skeletons with blunt arrows. Bow + PBS at Red: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 5 + 1 = 16
"Get the leader!" She calls. "I'll keep the bones off you."
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Jathal moves into the room on her turn, targeting Blue. Blunt arrow + PBS: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 5 + 1 = 24
"How long has this hole been festering?" She mutters darkly.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Drawing another blunt arrow Jathal takes a shot at the only Skeleton she can see. Orange. bow: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 Her haste cause her to miss badly and she mutters something deeply unpleasant under her breath.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Still alive, just not very well. A nasty cold is keeping me tired and aching, with a nasty cough. Drops away until I get optimistic, then slams me back down again. I hope to resume posting over the weekend, thanks for your patience.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Jathal searches her pockets, but can't find her sap, so she improvises and readies the hilt of her dagger while standing behind the boy. Ready to knock him out if he gets too heroic. We can say he passed out from exhaustion or something.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Jathal advances until she can see the Elf skeleton and launches another blunt arrow at it. Bow + PBS: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 5 + 1 = 19
"Get the short one before he reloads!" She calls out.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Jathal reacted, noting with pleasure the immediate response of the others. Some things you had to do. Blunt arrow + PBS: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 5 + 1 = 19
Shooting whichever of the Skeletons is still standing.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Jathal moves up to the opened door by Cecilia and scans the corridor ahead.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Go me! Still holding her blade ready Jathal listens carefully for any footsteps coming closer?
"Can anyone heal the Dwarf?" She hisses.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Drawing her curveblade for the first in a long time Jathal advances on the Goblin and swings at him.
She tries to get between the Goblin and Morgrym.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Jathal aims carefully at the Hobgoblin. Bow - Shooting into melee + PBS: 1d20 + 4 - 4 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 4 - 4 + 1 = 14
I'm going to actually have to go to melee I think.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Since I don't have Precise shot yet. :( With the confusion of melee swirling around her Jathal picked out a solitary target and fired. Firing at the Red hat. Bow: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 Saying something foul in Elven as her shot flew wide.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Shooting at Green hat. longbow: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Still here and following the gameplay. 2019 has hit me like a hammer so I'm very busy at the moment. Which is why I'm so quiet and contenting myself with glaring nastily at people behind their backs. :)
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
attack with bow: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
"I'll say this, these things are good target practice!" Jathal says, happy she's not in there with them.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Bow: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Taking careful aim Jathal shot at one of the vermin, muttering something under her breath in Elvish regarding those who rush in.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Jathal gives Zalindra a grateful look for taking the burden of talking from her. She had summarized it nicely.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Jathal tilts her head sidewyas as she concentrates, trying to remember what she had heard of the various human nobles? Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Sorry if I'm quiet, I'm away from home these two weeks and time is taken up much more than normal.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
We've found a few Dwarfs, but no Elves so far?" Jathal responds quietly, still keeping an arrow strung on her bow, but not drawing it back or aiming it just now.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Knowledge local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8 Points arrow at head, fires! Jathal doesn't have the faintest idea which humans are important?
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Jathal moves to where she can see this Mage. Muttering something unpleasant under her breath about fools with gold fever as she does. She has an arrow ready in her bow but holds from firing.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Muttering something unpleasant under her breath Jathal has an arrow ready but watches to see what happens before starting combat.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Jathal innocently discards a stick she had in her hand. "There's a mage in there doing something wicked. The question is do we get out now, or deal with her in our pitiful condition?" "You used the last of the healing by the way." She adds comfortingly.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Jathal is worriedly poking Aelion with a stick, as everyone offers their opinions she looks up and gives hers. "We're out of healing, and we've got civilians to get to safety. I vote we head back and get supplies, allies and rest up before returning to clean this hole!"
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Quickly switching targets Jathal shoots at the last Drake.
"Funny time to be flirting?" She mutters as Morgrym misspeaks to Cecilia. Oh well.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Jathal steps away from the shaft bottom to allow more people through, she aims at the creature that felled Aelion. Longbow + PBS: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 4 + 1 = 18
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
"Fools rush in headfirst it seems." Jathal mutters in resignation.
Slinging her bow Jathal grabs one of the ropes and slides down as fast as she can.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Arrow + PBS: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 1 = 10 Welcome to 1st level, where household pests are your biggest threat.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
I suggest we check what's behind the door before using the hallway.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
"Grave robbing done?" Wondering again at the priorities of some of the people she was working with Jathal follows Aelion quietly, keeping a careful eye out. It had been too quiet for too long as far as she was concerned. She will grab one of the MW longbows though. Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Ditto. I'm hoping we can get moving again.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Fingers crossed.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Jathal is indifferent to the actions of the others, wondering why they had suddenly become so greedy in the middle of a hostile area? "Perhaps we should get the people we've rescued out of here before we're discovered?" She asks impatiently.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Yes, look after yourself first. I hope things get better for you.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 What a keen eyed pair we are :). Jathal keeps looking around with poor results.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Jathal makes blue her Studied Target and takes aim at him.
"Nearly there, keep pressing them." She calls, feeling better despite her wound.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
'Clear the field so the main threats are alone!" Jathal recites mentally as she aims now at the Brown capped Goblin.
He skip of pain as Zalindra wounds him saves him from her arrow.
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Wincing as she's hit Jathal slips behind one of the sarcophagi and shoots back at the turd colored Goblin (Brown)
Elf: "Your hat looks like someone shat on your head!"
Female Elf Slayer 1. Hp 11/12. AC15. F +3, R + 5. W + 1. Init + 4. Perception + 8. Portrait
Jathal slips around to one side and takes aim at the hideous Goblin dog.