
James Marshal's page

1 post. Alias of Lokiel.

Hello, I am looking for 3-4 players to join me in a grand expedition to the Stolen Lands. We'll be using Roll20 for the game and it'll be text-based with a few house rules. This game will be on Tuesdays between the hours of 11am to 7:30pm central time. That is the slot and the group will decide when during it to play.

The house rules are as follows:a Nat 20 on a skill check gives a +5 to the roll while a Nat 1 imparts a -5. Magical items resize to fit the user.

Rolls for determining your stats is 4d6 drop the lowest, reroll 1s. Race options are no evil races or races deemed villainous. No evil alignments. No 3PP.

Please have a at least one paragraph character story.You can have more,but not less. Also please mention what role you'd like for the kingdom. That is all, thank you

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Never thought i'd be one to make a thread like this, but it seems my current group of adventuring buddies are adverse to the idea of an all kobold game.

What i'm looking for and will hopefully find is 4 other friends to be my fellow kobolds and one great sky dragon for us to follow the words of, aka, a GM.

I'm pretty well open to any campaign, minus the city-heavy ones.

My -big- favorites would be:
Skull & Shackles
Jade Regent

Because there is nothing like a kobold-run city, ship, or dynasty.

Anyway, here's hoping this game gets a good look and the flock of like-minded kobolds come in.

Hello again everyone, it's your lesser-known GM here, GM Insanity, and boy do I have an offer for you. A friend has convinced me to start up a starfinder game on sundays, time is TBD.

What does this mean for you, the reader? Well, it means i'll be recruiting 4-5 people to play with myself and my dear friend whilst I lead us through a land of terror and adventure, first going through the first part of Dead Suns to get a feel for the system before we dive straight into the homebrew setting.

Now, you have until the 2nd of September to build characters and a story for said character. I'd like at least 1-2 paragraphs about them, along with a description.

Character Creation Rules

  • 10 - Point Buy
  • 1000 credits
  • Enjoy yourself

That should be it, and if you're wondering what the Homebrew will present, I hope you enjoy planetary dungeon delving and mystery solving.

So, i'm looking to run a RotR game bi-weekly on Tuesdays around 2 - 5 or 6pm Central time. It'd be run on Fantasy Grounds, so you'd only have to install the demo version in order to join.We'll be using skype for chat in order to co-ordinate the game, but you don't have to talk, just so long as you can type. So, with that little start done with, here's what i'm looking for. Also, recruitment will end July 16th.

  • 4-6 players
  • 4d6, drop lowest. 6 times
  • Maximum wealth
  • 2 traits, one campaign
  • Max health first lvl, roll for every other lvl, don't accept below half
  • All paizo material is allowed, 3rd party will be reserved on a case by case basis.

With that, you should be able to design your initial characters. I'd like for you to have at least 1-2 paragraphs of backstory for your character, along with a brief description of their person and their personality.

I should also mention that i'm a story focused GM and run things from more of a flavor angle, so if you want to try something, just ask me. worst I can do is say no.

Final bit for thi post is the houserules I use for my games.

  • Quick crafting: You can immediately craft an item by adding +5 to the final dc, failure loses all components and you must start fresh.
  • That's it, I allow crafting!

Hello! It is I, GM Insanity, here to run my first Roll20 game for you!
What i'm looking for is 2-3 consistent players for my CC game. I currently have 2 players with guaranteed spots in my game, one is a Changeling Inquisitor, and the other is a Tiefling Alchemist. I'm looking for good role-players before min/maxers, so i'm hoping to find a balance in the characters i'll be viewing, but now on to the part that you all need to know, the requirements!

  • Rolling for stats, 2d6+6, reroll stats that fall below 10.
  • Third-party content will be allowed on a case by case basis.
  • Crafting is not only allowed, it's encouraged.
  • 2 traits, 1 must be from the campaign.
  • No Evil or Chaotic Neutral.
  • Max starting gold

    Now for the more flavorful parts of the story. I'd like a few things from each submission.

  • At least 3 bullet points of interesting things for your character.
  • One living family member.
  • A family heirloom of MWK quality, I'll grant automatic proficiency with it, but please, don't go crazy.

    With all that sorted, i'd like to hold the game on a Tuesday or Thursday at 2pm Central time. I'd like to run for at least 3 hours or so, but may occasionally go longer or shorter depending on player RP.

  • Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

    So, I've just started prep for a Kingmaker game and i'm wondering what sort of side quests I can offer in order to make things fun for my players. I'm looking for interesting kill quests, gathering quests, and possibly religious quests.

    As far as group composition goes, we have a Gnomish fighter(Aldori Swordlord archetype), A half-elven Cleric of Erastil, A half-elven summoner with a Lillend eidolon, and a ratfolk occultist.

    The occultist and fighter are the frontline, with the summoner as support, the cleric serving as both archer and healer, and the summoner serving as our buffer.

    I'm also seeking suggestions of things to add so that I, the GM known for rolling 5 20's in a row, don't kill them during our first forey into the unknown.

    Thanks in advance for any and all help!

    Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

    The title pretty much describes the situation we're in. These two days have opened up for games and we'd like to fill the time slot with fun and adventure. Any DM that'd enjoy to have a group that meshes well and enjoys to rp often should send me a PM so I can introduce you to the group.

    Thanks in advance for giving us a look and happy gaming to all!

    Grand Lodge

    I'm currently running this lizardman in a kingmaker game and I want to be effective in keeping the enemies where I want them. What feat chains are good for keeping the enemy in one place or atleast keeping them from going past me?

    Grand Lodge

    Hi, i'm currently working on a lizardfolk fighter of the savage warrior archetype. I'd like some help on what feats I should take to maximize my usefulness to my party.

    I've already acquired multi-attack and am looking at eldritch claws. I know i'll be getting an Amulet of Mighty Fists also.

    Links to suggested feats would be much appreciated so I could get them all written down in one place. Thanks ahead for the help.

    Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

    I'm looking for ways to use the Brawler archetype to make a grappling character. I'm looking for ways to do this well and still remain viable with other party members. Options for race, feats, weapons, and thematics are much appreciated.

    Assume a 20-point buy and all core races/featured races allowed