James Laubacker's page
Organized Play Member. 69 posts (99 including aliases). 6 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 5 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.
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I thought the action in this one was excellent. The character interactions between the paladin and his companions were interesting - but sometimes over the top. Some of the Hellknight principles and the eventual final setting were a bit Dragonlance-ish, but didn't detract from the flow of the book.
Ed Greenwood brings his novel style to Pathfinder! That's a good thing if you like an adventure that almost never allows the adventurers a good 8 hours sleep. The heroes - a fighter/rogue with a stolen mask that bears a curse and a escaped halfling slave/rogue flee from the authorities in Molthune only to run into more authorities that force them to plunder a wizard's tomb. This tomb turns out to bear an item that was owned by the same wizard who owned the mask - surprise! Meanwhile they are still being chased by the authorities, Nirmathas troops, Molthune troops, a Nirmathas recruiter, random encounters, etc. Non-stop action, not a lot of character, plot or scene building.
The 'novels' selected for Planet Killers are classic 1950's sci-fi. Clean, simple stories featuring aliens, alien planets and spacemen. The science is relatively simple compared to today, and the outlook is optimistic. If you are interested in reading stories from 'back in the day' that in a way show how we arrived at today's sci-fi, this is a great way to do it. All 3 are very short by today's standards, but they also avoid the problems of long, drawn out sagas. Great reads!
This module is very well written, but the combat encounters are both underpowered and boring. CR2 Goblins at Tier 7? That's just a waste of time at that level. Both part 1 and part 2 suffer from the same problem as so many Pathfinder Society mods - its a 'Humans and Humanoids' adventure, 99.9% of the Bestiary is ignored.
Kaer Maga is an original setting to be sure, but only if you have the book describing it, all that detail is completely left out of the mod, and for the most part, the locations suffer a lack of description.
Individually, these stories are good examples of early, innovative science fiction/fantasy, or more accurately, science fiction/horror. However, too many of them have the same plot and theme to really make this anthology great. If you are interested in H. P. Lovecraft style horror blended with science fiction elements, you'll find this worth buying, even if it is repetitive.
This mod has too much over the top content, some of it going past the bounds of what you'd reasonably expect to find in a Paizo product. It will need some editing to be suitable for most groups. In addition, it flows very poorly. Its difficult to keep the Runelords theme in mind, and will be difficult to keep the players remembering that with this mish-mash of what feels like random encounters.
There are some creative things done in this mod with ogres, but the good things are far overshadowed by the bad. Like the some of the other Pathfinder mods, it also suffers from a lack of important detail, so expect to put some work into this before you run it.