Jaff's page

2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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CrystalSeas wrote:
Jaff wrote:
sent an email, but have gotten no response.

Check out the Customer Service Forum

Do 2 things there
1. Make a post saying you need to change the physical shipping address (don't put the actual address in the post).
Posts are answered from the bottom up, so bumping your post (or anyone else's for that matter) puts you at the back of the queue. Don't add on to anyone else's post; don't impatiently bump your own.

2. Keep an eye on the Customer Service Status thread to see when they will be getting to your email.

If they get to your email before they respond to your post, then you can bump your post with a thank you to let them know the matter has been handled.

Thanks for the comprehensive advice! Will do.

Is there any way to change the shipping address for the physical copy? I ordered this through the humble bundle and the wrong address is listed for shipping. I called their phone number which I learned is down, then sent an email, but have gotten no response.