Jaeru's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 26 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge

TheMonkeyFish wrote:
"any advanced firearms on Table 3-4 and advanced firearms on Table 3-5 and are not permitted in Pathfinder Society Organized Play." sadly.

Responding to an old message I know, BUT, there is an AP that allows a full rebuild AND the use of a revolver after completing the final book.

Grand Lodge

Ok, to play "devil's advocate"
Does the archetype change anything if it's listed slightly different?
i.e. (emphasis mine)
Lycranthropic Wild Shape
At 4th level, when a weretouched uses wild shape, she can assume only the form of an animal of the same type as her lycanthrope aspect. However, instead of assuming a major form, she can assume a hybrid form that mixes the traits of her natural form and the major form of her aspect. While in a hybrid form, she gain a +2 size bonus to her Strength score, a +2 natural armor bonus to her AC, and all of the natural attacks and abilities listed by her major form.

So they don't technically take their major form, but a hybrid that ALL the natural attacks and abilities listed by her major form.
*note* this does not say "at the stated level"
It says nothing about the abilities (i.e. pounce, powerful charge, etc...) JUST the attacks themselves.

Grand Lodge

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Jonenee Merriex wrote:
Can we clarify whether these are weapons and affected by things like point blank shot, cluster shot, etc?

Update: Yes, these should be rays, and therefore are subject to feats like PBS, Weapon Focus (ray), and so on.

Jonenee Merriex wrote:
Also can we clarify if these are magical?
Yes, these count as magic weapons (such as for overcoming DR, affecting incorporeal creatures, and so on).

I 100% understand it taking far too long to resolve the attacks.

How about being able to target one or more creatures with multiple words, but making only a single attack per creature...applying cha damage only once per creature (thereby optimizing spreading the damage as you get to add cha more to more targets), single fort save per creature, and keeping it affected by DR.

I think not too many people would even be upset by it costing 2rds of performance per full attack. 1 round of performance per word seems ridiculous.
For a dawnflower dervish bard this gives a nice ranged ability alternative while still being able to focus on your scimitar.
I recently played a one off game at 11th level and built one of these. I used weird words a total of 4 times the entire game. That's 4 shots total for an 8hr game.
I had a blast and in one shot (9 words) did a total of 22 damage.
At most I did a total of 56 damage and that's with adding my cha to each word.
I get offended when people start talking about taking roles away from people because of what you built. If you want to play a blaster wiz/sorc then play it...you will definitely out damage this build. Why can a bard not be a damage dealer? whether it be with sword, bow, or weird words? I've seen diplomatic fighters, combat rogues, combat clerics, support druids, etc... Play what you want to play and anyone that tells you you're playing your character wrong is stupid and shouldn't be playing the game. NO class should be pigeon-holed in to a particular role. Sorry...that is a totally different rant.
Anyway...those are my proposals.


Grand Lodge

Ok I understand wanting a little clarification on the ability, but c'mon a total re-write?
I've been to major cons and minor cons and I have yet to even see one of these being played.
The only things needing absolute rulings (in my humble opinion) are that it CAN in fact be targeted all against the same target (1 attack roll per target), it IS affected by DR, it should require one save per target not per word, they are NOT weapons and cannot be affected by anything modifying weapons, and maybe JUST maybe it should only get the charisma bonus to damage once per target and not per word.

Just my 2 cents.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Ok, so my question is a little convoluted.
A huge mount (tiger) with a belt of the weasel and the rider with feats such as mounted combat/wheeling charge/ride by attack.
Can the huge mount charge through a normally squeezed area using the belt of the weasel and end that charge in a space 4 sizes smaller than itself and attack (pounce) w/no penalties?

Belt of the Weasel:
Belt of the Weasel
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 4th
Slot belt; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This surprisingly soft belt has an absurdly large buckle, made even more absurd by the fact that it’s crafted in the shape of a smiling weasel’s face.
It grants its wearer a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity, and the ability to move at half normal speed while prone. Treat the enhancement bonus to Dexterity as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the belt is worn. The wearer does not take a penalty on melee attack rolls or to AC against melee attacks while prone. Additionally, the wearer gains the compression ability.

The creature can move through an area as small as one-quarter its space without squeezing or one-eighth its space when squeezing.


Grand Lodge

A belt of str/dex/con would in fact boost the Eidolon's physical stats when worn. It's basically the same thing as casting Bull's strength on yourself while fused. Share spells moves the benefit to the Eidolon, but since you are using YOUR mental stats the headband int/wis/cha bonus stays on you. When your Eidolon goes away the belt then functions on YOUR physical stats as normal.
A belt of con would only affect your Eidolon's stat until it went away THEN it would affect yours.

The increased ability score wouldn't affect you until you get Aspect at 10th then you can use that evolution for that purpose.


Grand Lodge

So does the Eidolon simply reach inside itself to extract a wand/potion/scroll/staff/backpack, etc... for use?

Does the equipment the summoner is wearing get transfered to the Eidolon when it is called so IT is wearing the equipment instead?

Does the summoner quaff a potion and it affects the Eidolon or vice versa?

LOL...do you have to feed these things? I am definitely NOT cleaning up after something that is HUGE. I'll take the cohort feat just to get a stable boy I swear.


Grand Lodge

So you think that if the Eidolon is wielding a weapon the summoner can't even cast a spell from inside because the Eidolon's "hands" are full?

Seems a bit over-restrictive to me.
I saw where the summoner "directs" the Eidolon's actions, but it doesn't say he mimics them. He could be simply sitting in the middle of the armor sipping tea while the Eidolon does all the work around him.

"While fused with his Eidolon, the synthesist can use ALL of his own abilities AND gear."


Grand Lodge

Hopefully a quick question:
If you have a gnome wearing a medium sized Eidolon that wields a greatsword (2 arms only), can the gnome be holding a wand "inside" the armored Eidolon? He's not actually doing the wielding of the weapon so his hands are free.
A normal summoner wouldn't have this problem as his Ediolon is separate, but I see no reason why my summoner inside the suit couldn't be holding something else to be used as needed.
i.e. a wand of rejuvenation or some other useful wand, or for that matter a wand in each hand. You couldn't attack with the sword AND use the wand in the same round, but you also wouldn't have to switch between the 2 either.


Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just a thought.

If this is a home campaign, which it sounds like, and he is outdamaging the other characters, simply build some encounters to showcase their abilities and downplay his.
I almost totally decimated a few mid level groups with well placed low level ambushes.
Ranged attacks from a tree line drawing the characters charging through waist high grass filled with poisoned steel jaw traps and punji sticks in to a muddy clearing (dirt saturated with kerosene), when they entered the clearing they noticed the smell just in time to see torches being lobbed in to the area. By the time they could even reach the ambushers they were hurting bad.
I had hit them with about 5 different ranged ambushes.

If he is going huge, just put some encounters in areas where his space is limited so he can't be that big.

So many evil things for DMs to do to players and so little time.


Grand Lodge

I have looked all through the FAQ, and I've read this exceptionally long post, but I'm still confused.
So a 4 armed synthesist eidolon with bite and with BAB +11 and +13 from str (+24 total) (large) wielding 2 longswords.
1. How would his attacks play out?
2. Since in PFS we can't use multiweapon can he take TWF and ITWF?
3. Does multiattack reduce the -5 on his natural attacks to -2?

I see a large eidolon wielding dual normal sized Longswords with ITWF: +22/+22/+17/+17/+12
Then natural weapons (4 arms with 2 wielding longswords)
claw/claw/bite: +22/+22/+22
(if you could manage 7 limbs you'd get all 5 natural attacks at +22) They are secondary, but multiattack reduces penalty from -5 to -2.

How's my math?

Grand Lodge

I bought the books to support Paizo, but that app is amazing.
Thank you so much.
It will make game play so much more fun being able to look up anything at a touch.
