Eric Morton wrote:
Erastil's Footprints:
This was in the official Top 89, and was in my personal Top 64, but not my Top 32. I thought this was a clever, flavorful item. I also think it would have been better if its effects were a little more potent. A line of undergrowth or a single square of heavy undergrowth are both relatively insignificant on a battlefield when compared to the effects of even low-level spells like entangle and fog cloud.
Thanks for the feedback Eric.
It's funny most people found them underpowered, because when I made the item I thought they were the opposite. I thought they'd give you many of the benefits of those AOE battlefield control spells--setting up opportunities to hide, hampering movement, blocking charges--without the drawbacks of catching your own party, even in tight spaces.
But the feedback shows that's not right. I guess they're only a single round effect, in that next round the enemy will probably breach your cover. So spending a standard action to hamper your enemy for a single round isn't terribly powerful. Maybe making them a free action to activate instead of a standard would have made them more competitive.
Thanks to everyone who gave feedback by the way. I've found it 100% helpful and 0% nasty or ego-shredding.