Rival Explorer

Ja'Hut's page

4 posts. Alias of valliss.


Scarab Sages

Ja'hut looks up in surprise as the the crazed man smashes the table in the tavern. Definitely an unexpected turn. Looking at the man, My word I think you should listen to the woman, that kind of barbaric behavior is not normally accepted in most civilized areas.

Scarab Sages

Thirsty after Doing what he can to prepare for the coming festival Ja'Hut decides it would be good to cool down and get something to drink. Hearing the Rusty Dragon was filled with normally more open mind folks he decides to stop in for a drink. You see a 1/2 orc Dressed in yellow robes, a blue hat, and a Medallion on his neck enter the tavern. He finds an open table and sits down. He peruses the tavern and wonders if he's come to the right place, seems like a human hangout. No matter, as long as folks get along, then he is at the right place. He waves over the serving girl and orders an ale and decides to see if he can hear what folks are talking about today..

Scarab Sages

Are you going to be my rules lawyer?
Not at all I still finding myself looking thing up that i don't recall after all this time especially if its rules my characters don't normally use

How long have you been playing Pathfinder?
I've been playing pathfinder for the most part since it started, I've played almost every PFS scenario (except for a handful) and normally run a few games at the cons I go to. Also play Legend of the Shining Jewel, a Campaign that uses pathfinder rules also (have 15th level character there)

What's been your favorite module/AP/scenario that you've played for Pathfinder?
I liked the Eyes of Ten series of scenarios, I haven't fully played any AP's yet. My home group is playing Wrath of the Righteous and Reign of Winter currently.

Have any of you played Runelords before?
I have started a few PBP games her eon the forums but they all seemed to die fairly early for one reason or another, hoping I can get it here finally

Scarab Sages

Since you have said you will allow playtest classes and I've been wanting to try 1.
I present Ja'Hut 1/2 Orc Shaman of Chadali