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![]() First and foremost, I'm excited to play Starfinder pbp. But I'm curious about a couple of aspects. The first is I watched the Starfinder playthrough and it seemed that ship combat is linearly driven by the roles - pbp is already very slow and my current pbp uses block initiative to speed things up. Any ideas to speed things up in Starfinder? The second is I'm sure there will be a learning curve as we all jump on it. But this will leave the first pbps in a mess as everyone, including the GMs, try to figure out what they can and can't do (which is related to my first concern about the speed of play). Any thoughts on how to keep the energy going? ![]()
![]() Looking for ideas. During ship combat, the roles of captain, engineer, gunner, pilot, and science officer come in to play. I'm wondering how these responsibilities look during the gaming session. I'm sure some sessions will look like this. And I heard that ship combat may only be a small part of the game. But how do you keep ship combat tense, lively, and engaging, while still giving all players a chance to do something? Disclaimer: Never played Skull and Shackles, nor have I played Bridge Crew. ![]()
![]() Believe me, I'm not asking for the servers to keep crashing. But they kept crashing on me yesterday. I can't quote you a specific number of times it went down, but I got to see those Goblins messin' with the server multiple times. That picture is so funny! My request: How 'bout some new images for maintenance/crashing? Maybe follow the adventures of those pesky Goblins. Or maybe the Golem doesn't got it. Perhaps some of those iconic product covers? To sum up: If the servers never go down, I'm fine with that. If you never change/rotate images for maintenance/crashing instances, I'm fine with that too. But if I have to stop biting villagers, well that's where I draw the line. ![]()
![]() Specifically, in situations involving entering or hiding on a ship, will Starfinder's tech hurt Stealth? In Pathfinder, you enter a cave and hide. Sure, you might step on a string of cans or the entrance might even be magically trapped, alerting its denizens. But for the most part, you enter the cave, wait, and kill the chieftain. In Starfinder, however, I imagine the ship's AI will sound the intruder alert like Atari's Berzerk. You'd have to defeat the AI, not something easily done at the cargo bay door despite what R2 says. And the code might be based on syntax that you're not aware of. Even if you had a cloak that projected the background image there are multiple ways to detect your intrusion - movement, heat, ultraviolet, carbon dioxide, weight, just to name a few. You'd have to own a lot of techy coats and figure out which tech is targeting you (ignoring the fact that the AI can employ all those and more). The Chieftain is not easily amused by your intrusion. ![]()
![]() Do the contents of your backpack add to your AC? This is not necessarily a rules question, but maybe speaks to how you and your DM play with this issue. I ask this because we almost never drop our backpacks when we enter combat. And yet if you look in our backpacks, some of us carry cast iron pans, additional weapons, gold, bedrolls, food, and a sewing kit. The enemy, especially a flanking enemy, still has to get through all that before they even get to your armor. For the record, I don't count any of that. But it's an interesting thought. Bonus thoughts: What about breakables? If you're flanked and you have glass vials of some type of precious liquid, are they damaged during the attack? ![]()
![]() You are the King/Queen/Leader/Lich/whatever you are. You have minions/henchmen/followers whatever they are. Give them an order! The next poster will report back to you, but will have misinterpreted your orders. That poster will then give their minions an order. Example: Poster 1: Henchmen! Raise the gates, open the ports! Poster 2: We've raised the dead, Sire, and opened the dark portals. Minions, bring me the head of my enemy! Poster 3: We have brought you the head of your Mommy, your Majesty. Minions! Prepare for war! |