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Renarin Kholin wrote:

My question is a two part

part one: can a familiar, with charisma 11 or higher, activate a silver spindle ioun stone.
I know that familiars can have ioun stones circle them, and that contiunius effects do work on them, but is activating a silver spindle too close to using a wand?

part two: assuming that the familiar can effectivly use the ioun stone, what level would it be counted as for determining caster level? is it the same as the master's level or is it 1 or something else?

This would be my take on the whole scenario.

Being that to use an ioun stone only requires the subject to hold and release for it to start doing its thing, and doesn't require the subject to understand what it's doing, or requires the use of an activation word. Just looking at the familiars in the core rulebook. I think all of the familiar's presented, could do that just fine.

Now could the familiar make use of the power of that particular stone? I think the best way to answer that would be to take a look through the various bestiaries and see if there is a monster that has either a low intelligence and / or charisma score and see if they have any spell-like abilities.

Though intelligence isn't a requirement for that stone to work, I think it comes down to. Just because you meet the requirements, doesn't always mean you understand what it all means or how to tap into said power.

IE: Just because I know if I do A + B to make C, doesn't mean I actually know what is happening, I know that if this plus this will make this happen.