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Organized Play Member. 42 posts. 3 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters.

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Robots and Ray Guns


As a one off this would have been just barely ok, but as a sign of things to come, this is heart rending. Robots, ray guns and things that look like they were stolen from the Tau Codex fill this silly mess of a scenario.

If you enjoy time sink fights in MMOs, the kind where you have one guy hold aggro while he is healed w/o being in real danger and everyone else does proportionally tiny damage over a long, boring period, you will love these robot fights.

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Very weak


The motive for this adventure was terrible. The atmosphere somehow managed to be both boring and confusing. The NPCs were boring and one dimensional and the villains (if you can even call them that... More like pre-determined random encounters) were flat and uninteresting.

For honesty's sake I will admit I am not a fan of this fantasy meets sci if season concept. However, I went into this scenario with an open mind, hoping it would be an interesting change up. Unfortunately, it seems like the author decided the "sci if gimmick" would be able to carry the nonsensical plot and cardboard characters.

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Overly Complicated and PDF = No Reroll PFS


This is character sheet stretched over 14 pages. It seems they just padded a free resource with enough superfluous pages to justify selling it.

The electronic copy with your name and paizo's mark on it doesn't qualify for a PFS reroll. Their reasoning being that they believe the colorful, shiny cover is what makes people buy the product. I've never met anyone who has actually used this as intended.