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Not sure if I agree. I feel like the reason feats are class locked is to get people to play a multitude of classes. If combat feats become a pool what's the use of a fighter; if I can build a barbarian or whatever that's 100% better because it has better class feats and the option of combat feats. I just feel like it might make the fighter obsolete if we give out his feats to every other class.
Hello, is anyone running the lvl 1 evergreens any time soon? I would really like to get all 3 on my android before i play any of the higher level games.
Free action: Malakite stops singing, lingering performance begins.
Malakite clicks his tongue and a grey pipfox comes out of the tattoo in his neck. In a rather cute voice it says, "What's up boss? Big brouble?"
"Yeah, get the adamantine blanch."
As a move action the pipfox grabs the adamantine blanch with his teeth from Malakite's bag. As a standard it wraps it's little body around the jar and uncorks it with it's teeth, pouring the liquid onto all his arrows.
"Good job, Yrishi. Now let's see if we can even the playing field."
Current buffs: Rage and Bard song
Rapid Shot, Adamantine Arrows. Boon longbow, crits on 19
Aim at Red
attack: 1d20 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 5 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 2 - 2 = 16
damage: 1d8 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 14
attack: 1d20 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 5 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 2 - 2 = 28
damage: 1d8 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 13
Can someone explain to me how to roll dice? Or give me a link. I tried the main page but all I found was the spell postings. :/
I'm just having a hard time seeing how my character info shows up. I've never done pbp before so getting all of the statistics to appear isn't working out. I was told just to edit my character sheet on paizo, but I haven't kept up with those for years.
I tried to create a new alias but all that appeared was the name and avatar I selected? I don't know how to edit that alias the way i edit my normal profile.
IF you guys want to start, go ahead. I'm having a difficult time understanding how this works still.
yep, APL is 6.3. I'd play a lower level character if I had one.
Ah, I think I'll need to make a new Alias then, just because I never really update those. I think I get it. Thanks guys.
sorry it's taking so long you guys, I'm just trying to figure out how to get my character information to show up. :/ it may take me a while. in the meantime, i have a ranged bard level 8.
Ah, okay. Do I put those on a new alias or do I just change the one i have? Or just the picture of the alias and the info stays the same? @.@
can someone explain to me how to make the subtext with all the character info in it? I'm about to start a game but have no idea what I am doing.
Bard it is, just to let you know, he's an idiot. A very pretty idiot, but an idiot none the less.
Hi everyone, my name is Ace. This will be my first play by post game. All I have is a 7 and 8 level characters. I have a hunter that acts like a cavalier, a ranged bard, and a mesmerist. Please let me know which you feel will best fill the party.
So I've never actually played the card game before, would it be hard to start on pbp?
Never played Bronze House Reprisal but TW is great rp wise!
So just to be Sure, I need to wait for someone in here to post an available game right?
I don't really play core, but if anyone is doing regular PFS let me know! I have a poo flinging monkey and a bard with a talking bunny ready to go.
Redelia wrote: Hi, Ace. I'm Redelia, the Venture Agent for this lodge. Hi Redelia, do I just sign up for a game on one of the gm spreadsheets or do i go to recruitment?
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Hello, I'm Ace. I'm super new to play by post but I'm hella excited to start! Also congrats to 'Our mysterious benefactor' on your star!
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Hiya, I'd like to bring some of my PFS characters over to palybypost. If anyone has any openings please let me know.
So, I just wanted to make sure, if someone where's full plate no matter what their Dex is they only get a +1 from it due to the max dex bonus on the armor right? Is there anyway to get more from your dex to your AC if you wear full plate?
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3 and 4 are okay.
I would like the race boons people volunteered for, especially ones from gencon and paizocon, to be transfered over.
I think option 3 would be a good send off thank you for gming so much, or continuing to gm.
Don't be a jerk is a great rule, but when the rules aren't going to matter in 2 years time? I don't know I see both sides.
I'm just being inquisitive,
I feel like people are just going to throw their characters into stupid or dangerous situations now. Some people have a feeling that their character isn't going to matter so who cares? In doing this, that player may put the rest of the party in danger by pissing off a lich or
jumping on a dragon. Are people hearing things like "my character just doesn't care anymore?" or "I'm just going to Leeroy Jenkins this."
I've been hearing stuff like this a lot lately, personally I'm not really against it. I understand of the feeling of kind of giving up. What kind of concerns me is if this happens, the player won't be punished. And, if they are it probably wont effect season 2. Also, new players that might want to come in to PFS may have this as one of their first experiences and it might leave a sour taste in their mouth. I just thought I'd bring it up.
I don't think it's asking much to simply move race boons over. Especially one's earned through GM at cons and even more so GenCon. It takes a lot of time and effort to GM at GenCon. Most people who play didn't so they already know what it's like to play with 1 person in their group with a catfolk boon.
A new slate is great, a new story even more so, but it's kind of deprecating to say that those types of boons will be worthless in the new season.
It's even worse for those of us who haven't applied those race boons to anything yet because we're trying to come up with the perfect character for them. Now those of us that did have to rush to get a character together just to get it up to some sort of substance before PFSv1 ends.

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Tallow wrote: PFS1 will not "end" at the end of season 10. They will stop producing scenarios for it. But you will still have well over 400xp worth of playing opportunities with PFS1 that will still be available for the "indefinite future" (quote per Tonya in the PFS2 FAQ). That's really just not true. Currently there are 251 scenarios and 35 playable modules.
251 scenarios = 251 xp
roughly 30-40 scenarios in season 10 = 35 xp
about 70 of them go up to 11, including specials that are very hard to play.
That may seem like alot but it's not actually.
those 70 games have to be shared across someone's entire character list from levels 8/9-11. That's 4 levels at 3 xp each which is already 12 scenarios.
Which means a player (at this moment (mid to end of season 9)) can only get 5 characters to retirement. (through scenarios only) and that is just for people who haven't played any 7-11 or 9-11s yet.
So for people with race boons that they haven't even touched yet, this may seem like a hard feet to accomplish.
Your right, PFS isn't dead but if our characters never develop into their full grown potentials it might as well be for them. It sucks when a character dies in a campaign, or for a campaign to be called off for any reason when a character is mid way through it's development. This is that for me and other people but 4 to 10 times worse.
I didn't include modules because modules are a whole different beast. They are longer and yes you get more xp for them but even then there are on 35 modules (don't know if they're all sanctioned) which equal out to be 140 xp. Yes you do get more xp for playing one book over 1 scenario and that's great. But, all it does is level up your characters at a faster rate to sit and wait for a scenario to come around and push them to retirement. which means using one of those 7-11 games. I've already got people saying they're just going to quit or wait for 2.0 to release. It's just a really defeated feeling.
That's not specifically true either. My personal lodge will probably keep running PFSv1 which is fine, but that was not what I was referring to.
I've personally only been playing 2 years, I know several people who have only been in PFS for about the same amount of time. Most of them have multiple race boons and characters that are no where near retiring.
If PFSv1 ends at the end of season 10 that only leaves a little over 40 new games left to play as far as scenarios are concerned. Many of us have played over 100 scenarios and it is very unlikely that all of our characters will reach retirement with the remainder of PFSv1. That doesn't even include race boons not yet used. That's what I was referring to. The numbers just aren't there.
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CHAAAAANG!!!!! wrote: I would like to see at least the race boons carry over. Most people do put forth a good amount of time and effort to acquire them and it be a shame to not get to use them. I agree, I'm all for level playing fields, but maybe we could implement the race boons at a later time?
There are just several people who have dedicated SEVERAL hours to this organization and the boons they received were there thanks. I just feel like it's kind of a slap in the face to say, "Thank you very much for the last 5 years, but we're starting over from scratch so it doesn't matter how much work you put in everyone's on the same playing field now."
I get it, they want to get new people interesting in the game and that's great. But, I feel like pathfinder will lose many veterans in the process.
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It was to push people to GM, in my area at least, it was hard to find GMs for a while.
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I still think the idea of all those race boons going to waste is a bit sad.
I've had ideas for multiple characters, just not the time to play them all.
Now I won't have scenarios for them to play in. Either way it's disappointing.
I agree, there are a lot of people that GMed a lot at Gencon for a rare boon.
there are even more people doing the retail gming for the tiefling or asamar(I think??)
Could we possible get a boon that allows us to bring a race boon over from V.1.0? Like for GenConGM boons, limited boons, or like the ones to make the merfolk.
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Question regarding charity auction race boons:
For those of us that have 1 of a kind race boons could those transfer? I'm not speaking for everyone but I know some people have held onto their specialty race boons. I mean donating 200-700 for a character to play over a long period of time then saying it is only viable for the next two years is a little harsh.
I mean at least with usual race boons there's a chance to re-earn them but for things like the wyvern, goblin, android, ect the people that donated to have them essentially paid for a piece of paper that is going to collect dust after 2020.
I don't know it just makes me sad.
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Heya, I made this chart cuz I've been really into making charts lately. Hope someone finds it helpful.
It has DayJob, Scroll Cost, Spell Casting Services, Prestige vs. Item Cost, and other stuff.
Actually I'm doing the magical child build because they get improved familiars anyway. That is based on class level but i 2 level dip isn't bad.
Thank you!
But I was thinking more about the fact that the fighter familiar gives feats to the familiar. Would that still happen if I take more levels in vigilante?
So the Magical Child archetype for the vigilante gives you a familiar with your vigilante level = to your wizard level.
The Eldritch Guardian also gives you a familiar where your fighter level = to your wizard level.
Would the abilities for the familiar stack? Or, would I have to pick a familiar for one class and only take the abilities for one of the classes?
I'm thinking of making a co-operative trip build with a familiar and I think this combo would help a lot. Any advise would be appreciated.
Didn't see that part. Good to know.
So say you got a familiar from a sorcerer bloodline or a witch class or something like that.
Would your familiar than be non-existent?
Duettist bard gives you a familiar.
Arcane Duelist gives you a bonded weapon at a later level specifically stating: "At 5th level, an arcane duelist gains the arcane bond ability as a wizard, using a weapon as his bonded item. He may not choose a familiar or other type of bonded item. He may use the hand holding his bonded weapon for somatic components."
Will this get rid of my familiar from Duettist?
I would say no as well. Though an alchemist can use both hands to throw a bomb he still needs both hands to prep each bomb. The volatile mixtures are not mixed until the bomb is thrown. If you can come up with an argument on how that is done with one hand you might be able to do it. But again, just logically I don't see how.
Truly? I'll have to look into that. Thank you very much.
Thanks but I know what the definition is.
I guess I was just holding onto hope that for some reason it might work with "ranged touch" attacks like rays too.
So according to the magus' description they can put a spell with "a range of"touch"" into it's weapon. I'm guessing it has to be a "melee touch" spell?
Tattooed Mythic needs Craft Tattoo 5 ranks, but I know crafting is illegal.
Could I take skill points in it and just not use it? I ask because I don't think the prestige class itself isn't illegal... so how else could you take it?
That's what makes the most sense to me. But I understand the confusion when the only real requirement is skill checks.
Thank you. Sorry I was so impatient.
Is that posted somewhere? I thought so but I can't find a ruling.
This is for PFS
So say you're a sorcerer going into dragon disciple. Requirements for dragon disciple are minimal. 5 skill ranks in knowledge arcane and the ability to cast non-prepped first level spells.
If you are building a character say:
5 sorcerer, 1 dragon disciple
Could you pay to retrain your sorcerer levels into dragon disciple since you know have enough skill ranks? As long as you keep 1 level in sorcerer?
1 sorcerer, 5 dragon disciple
Are there notes on this? is it posted somewhere? Because, how it's read it seems possible.
So another question. In the final encounter *spoilers* it says an enemy makes a touch attack dealing 1d4 wisdom. But, it also says the enemy has a special attack that deals 1d4 wisdom damage if they pass a save. So, if they don't pass the save, do they take 2d4 or is this some kind of typo??