Friendly Fighter

Ithindar's page

18 posts. Organized Play character for garmon.

Plz dot and delete

We will use this channel to answer small questions or leave messages about inactivity

I wanna Gm the complete storyline of Blackros Museum

ill post tomorrow i have a job travel and i cant post

Hello, I am a fairly new Gm on the Paizo platform, although I have used other systems, with your help I will try to make sure that we all have as much fun as possible

This game is included on Gameday IX, recruiment on file


Looking people interested to play this amazing adventure

Hello everyone!! I'm going to try to master my first game on this channel, I'm an avid player but as a pretty new Gm, I'm on my way to get my second star and I'm going to direct The refuge of time, interested be welcome,