IronShihan's page

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I do understand that the RAW states that certain spells are evil (descriptor), however, animating a body only effects a piece of meat. Much like animated objects. Enchantment spells deprive living sentient creatures of their freewill. This has always seemed like a much greater act of evil than walking a meat puppet around.

You could have him slam through a series of barriers with increasing hardness/hitpoints. He would have to do sufficient dam. to break each one.

Have his fellow companions form a gauntlet (two lines of opponents that you run between), they roll to hit for nonlethal damage while he makes a series of fort and reflex saves.

I love clever equipment ideas. I was reading a post about carrying torches and using them as improvised weapons, which made me think of this...
Iron Torch
This device is type of aspergillum designed to hold oil in its reservoir. A wad of cloth or batting can be stuffed into the top and lit. It gives off the light of a torch and burns as long as a flask of oil would burn.
If used as a weapon, the first attack splashes burning oil on the target if it hits.


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