
Ionacu's page

47 posts. Alias of Abyssal_Drake88.


Hey Ethan, I know we let you borrow the Halfling book, but did you borrow the Animal Archive book as well?

Ethan, what kind of evil are you, lawful, chaotic, or neutral?

okay, cool

Awesome! My character is just about done, may want to tweak the backstory, but he is done. As I picked rich parents, I started with 900 gold. I rolled his stats, and everything should be up to snuff! I can't wait!

I believe the vampiric companion/familiar is only for true full vampires, am I wrong?

Ansel Krulwich wrote:

I call a lot of these things, "movie plot solutions" (hat tip to Bruce Schneier). Sure, you saw that one dumb movie where that vampire chick was able to be out in the sun if she wore dark clothing head to toe or had a veil or a wide brimmed hat or a parasol or wore sunglasses or a thick layer of sunscreen (loved that one from Master of Mosquiton). Once you start getting to the point of Bill Clinton-esque nit-picking minutia of what constitutes "direct" and "sunlight" you can get wrapped up in all kinds of craziness.

Vampire characters receive huge bonuses that are contingent upon having a few very real and very crippling disadvantages: Sunlight, running water, wooden stakes, garlic, holy symbols, and obsessive-compulsive counting.

If you have a vampire player character and they're outside and the sun is out and they don't have darkness or protective penumbra some other rules-based-not-movie-based protection, you no longer have a vampire player character--you have a pile of ash. Hand them a new character sheet. Done.

If I recall correctly, Dracula walked around in daylight all the time.

Also, leather is less porous and would work better both functionally, and stylishly. Black leather.

Ranged touch is a ranged attack, so you add your bonuses, and roll against their touch AC.

Initiative 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Ionacu nods, and looks about, watching everyone's back as the supplies are gathered.
Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Ooh! I'm a ranger! I have that!
Survival 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Ionacu shakes his head. "Not that I recall, but we can't be too careful."

"With any luck, he left us something to use. Let's look, shall we?"

super-special-awesome-Stealth! 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Perception too! 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Ionacu keeps a lookout for the tomb as well.

Ionacu readies his gear, ensuring his weapons and armor are servicable.

"I agree. Shall we begin tonight?"

Ionacu waves dismissivley. "Working in the dark unnoticed will not be an issue. I much prefer it in fact." He smiles slightly, revealing teeth a little too sharp.

"Kendra is grieving enough. I think we should not trouble her with this until it is resolved."

Knowledge Religon 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
"I doubt he stole them. I have heard that some churches or organizations leave repositories for their associates. If it was for the church of Pharasma, then much of it would be to facilitate the hunting of undead." He thinks for a moment, and says, "We may want to see if we can find it ourselves if they are not aware of it."

"I will be more than happy to se this, the Professor's last wish to the end. Since we will be in town for some time, how can I be of assistance Kendra?"

Ionacu sits up to listen.

Ionacu blinks in suprise. "I'm confused. Why, with all these friends the Professor had, would he call for us? I was just a hired sword."

Ionacu silently follows, periodically looking over his shoulder.

Diplomacy 1d20 ⇒ 7
Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Ionacu steps up. "The Professor hired me to guide im through some ruins, he said they belonged to an ancient people who's name I won't attempt to pronounce. Though we ran into little trouble beyond some undead, I was paid handsomely, and I was able to feed my sister and I something better than berries and overcooked deer. He gave me a chance when others would not. He overlooked my... abnormality, and hired me for my ability, not my appearance. I will be forever indebted. Rest in peace Professor. May Pharasma judge you favorably." He bows his head, and steps back with his sister.

Ionacu looks back at Gibs. "What could this man have possibly done to warrant this treatment? Diplomacy 1d20 ⇒ 16

Is it bright enough out to trigger my light sensetivity?

Ionacu steps forward. "It would be my honor to render this last service to the Professor." He walks to his position by the casket, and turns to look at the others assembled.

Ionacu puts an arm around his sister and smiles briefly at her, trying to give some small comfort. He also keeps looking around periodically, as though nervous.
Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

Ionacu approaches the woman. "The Professor helped my sister and I get on our own two feet, and as long as I live, I shall be indebted to his descendants." He then makes is way to the casket, offers a moment of silence, and then goes back to stand next to Lilyana.

WOO! IC thread!

Oh, okay, I see it now. I forgot about that part of the Changeling.

How many traits are we allowed? If it's only 3, I think Dariyia has too many.

Welcome Dariyia!

I ran it by Mandy, and that's cool. If we have the time, her Witch will be done this week sometime. no promises however.

Mandy has a lot on her plate. She wants to do a changeling witch, and we will get on that when we can.

I changed Ionacu to a ranger, complete with partial equipment changes, skill, feat, class ability, and so forth. I chose the shapeshifter archetype, but for the most part, I'm gonna play him the same way.

My GM let me make a dhampir rogue for Carrion Crown. Personally, I think the rogue is the best way to go for the class, with the bonus to bluff and Dexterity and Charisma. The Constitution penalty is a downer, but whatever. The Detect Undead 3/day is nice too. An undead hunting ranger or inquisitor would be good too.

I also typed my backstory and appearance up on my "character sheet."

So I was thinking since dhampirs have an insatiable thirst for blood that drives some of them mad, I might take some levels of barbarian for RP purposes. I thought is might be cool. Lemme know what you guys think!

Always remember that a GM is LE. No GM "gives" you anything, it's an investment. And he will want to see a return on said investment.

rather the operation was yesterday, but she is recovering now.

Lita has another operation today, Mandy is working on homework, but she has decided for now on a changeling witch.

Lita's operation went well, she is recovering now. Mandy still has homework.

Just a forewarning, it may be some time for Mandy's character, she is swamped with homework, and Lita is not doing so well, she goes in for an operation tomorrow.
Worst sentence structure ever.

I see. Okay, re-re-revising now!

The changes have been made, and I swapped a couple of skills. I replaced diplomacy and Bluff for survival and Climb. His sister can do the talking.

I will add a point to my Con. and I will make his age 19.

Hey Allan, wasn't Lilyana going to be older, like 26-ish?

Actually, sorcerers have a hit die of 1d6. Here is the rogue. Feast your eyes, Allan!