
Inquisitor Thrace's page

Organized Play Member. 59 posts (79 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.


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Shadow Lodge

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In a certain "unremembered realm" book series, an Alu-demon (aka Alu-fiend) has a son.
Considering they tend to be similar (especially with the more open-source creatures), the daughter only aspect is just for the Succubi and doesn't carry-over to their daughter.
So the way I see it and I haven't found anything to state otherwise, Succubi could have grandsons, and great-grandsons etc.

For those interested the Alu-demon's name is Aliisza.

Shadow Lodge

Well there is Dampen Presence.
That should help with blind sense, but I'm unsure about ki awareness (I failed my interweb-search skillcheck).

You could also try to hide in plain sight.
This can be done at least two ways, such as hiding in a crowd (PC sees/senses presence of lots of people), or a betrayal (PC knows they are there but doesn't expect a fight).
Notes: A crowd could be a crowd of people in a street/shop/city or creatures in a jungle (there's lifeforms all around). The betrayal could be an actual betrayal (their friend isn't their friend), or just a disguise.

Without knowing more details it is a little harder to think of ways around this party's defenses.
Could always try to catch them when they are asleep.

Although in saying this, you should still reward them for getting the ability to not be so easily caught off guard.

Shadow Lodge

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I personally am a fan of this form of deception. It takes much more imagination, and skill to pull it off.

As a GM, I agree that the intent is to mislead, so a bluff check should be made, but I'd look at giving them a bonus (maybe along the lines of: the target wants to believe/you have convincing proof as per the CRB).
It's the line in court (not sure which court): I swear to say the WHOLE Truth and nothing but the truth.
Alot of this method of deception is based on missing information.

I'd also add one caveat: If it's not their initial intention to mislead and their point of view (although ambiguous) is known (you've played with them before and this is a normal train of thought/speech pattern for the character/player), then it doesn't call for a bluff check.
Of course an NPC might then want to clarify any ambiguity.

Following this line of thought leads me to another question:
Can you use bluff instead of any diplomacy or intimidate check if your intent is to mislead the "target"? (i.e. you really aren't his new best friend; a balor is not on speed dial for back up.)
Sorry for the slight derailment, but we do appear to have answered your question.

Shadow Lodge

Just thought I'd add that if you're dipping for the revelations, you dip 1 level and then use the feat "Extra Revelations" to gain more. That is of course if you're not feat deprived.

Shadow Lodge

Sorry to say, but Monster Tactician is illegal for PFS. (I was also thinking of trying it)

As for retraining, it's in Ultimate Campaign, with the addition of Prestige Points to the price as per the PFS Guide.
Paraphrasing: it's 5 days per archetype, requires 5 days to "lose" an archetype, but it the archetype isn't currently modifying (or won't if applied) any abilities, you don't need to retrain (most likely at low levels, 5 is probably to high).

I also play an inquisitor, and I recommend the Preacher archetype.
Especially if you don't use the team-feats.
I've lost count the number of other PC's saved by using it (aka, "GM, re-roll that Crit.").

Shadow Lodge

I played through Skull and Shackles, with a buccaneer (bard archtype), and sung sea shanties, (not that my voice is any good, but I gave it a go).
Mainly went with 15 Men on a Dead Man's Chest, and Shiver My Timbers.
Changed up the words every now and then.

For a skald idea I've got, I'm looking at playing (phone/speakers, kind of cheating) some form of vocals with a string accompaniment, as "I'll" sing while playing the longbow (Tuned Bowstring). Haven't found the song/music yet.

Shadow Lodge

Wondering if you've read the Bolt Ace archtype for the gunslinger?
It replaces the gun for a crossbow. Just an idea.

You could be exiled for a crime (may or may not have actually committed), hence the planar/long distance travel and mind-wipe (easier to exile if they don't know how to get back or if they even know there is a "get back"). Exile is not a death sentence so you get to keep a weapon and knowledge of how to use it (and make ammo for it), and other potential survival skills. You are the first to "this" location, they wouldn't send all exiles to the same place, they might catch on.
They might even know how to get you back, once/if they later found you not guilty.

It might be good for your GM to come up with the crime (but it should fit your PC's personality, if you actually did it, unless the mind-wipe wiped you of your original personality, so it wasn't really you. This could get messy) and let you find out for yourself. This could be an amazing piece of storytelling or it could be terrible. This should be up to your GM.

Another potential idea is you invented the first firearm. Might be a bit of an ego trip, but no-one else thinks it's a good idea (hence no-one else using it) so maybe not.
I assume you're using the musket, blunderbuss etc (original) firearms and not modern, otherwise this is a bit of a stretch.

Shadow Lodge

James Jacobs wrote:
Pnakotus Detsujin wrote:

I'm scared now! Very scared ...

Aboleths go to hell. Which means that hell possess, technically, access to the Aboleth ancestral memory: this explains so much, i must say! All that dread knowledge available to imps! to imps ...
I wonder how many devils are tempted to colony drop Andoran ...
Nope; all souls, aboleths included, lose their memories upon being judged.

Does that mean that what happened with The Nightripper (a Nascent Demon Lord who retains his memories, and personality after dying) had something else at work, was a freak occurrence, or somehow skipped judgement and went straight to the Abyss?

Shadow Lodge

Derek Vande Brake wrote:
5. Adventuring School. Party starts as commoners, but over time you give them extra abilities and stats, until they are a first level adventuring party.

On that theme:

5a. The Grand Lodge, the three years before your confirmation.
5b. The Acadamae, cue "That school of magic"

We interrupt this to tell you the Traveling Circus is in town:

6. Travelling tricksters; you're a family of varisians traveling as a caravan. Will the next village fall to your con, or will they be on to you . . .

7. The Gold Rush; you heard there was gold to be had in them hills, you (and a whole lot of others) though there's a way to get rich quick, just pan for gold out of the rivers.
8. The wild "West"; just moved out here to settle new land, get a fresh start,
History is full of idea's to relive/spin off, groups of commoners trying settle, go new places (admittedly lead by a full-class character, but hey this is about those who followed).

Shadow Lodge

Might have a slight problem with couple of my dice sets. . .

What's dense enough that obsidian, and steel, "float" but not so thick that they move "freely"?

Guessing the steel is balanced. It looks even, and should be the same the whole way through.
Less certain about the obsidian. Looks more "egg" shaped, and guessing it's solid.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

Aasimar 1 (Peri)
Dwarf 1
Elf 1
Gnome 1
Half-Elf (Snow-born)
Human 2 (Jadwiga, Generic)
Kitsune 1 (Always in human form)

All active (well the Jadwiga is looking at seeker level modules; no rest for the wicked.)

Shadow Lodge 1/5

Bard 1
Cavalier 3
Cleric 1
Gunslinger 1
Inquisitor 9
Oracle 5
Slayer 3
Sorceress 11
Wizard 1 (just created)

Prestige Class
Diabolist 2

Across 8 PC's and the only multi-classes are Gunslinger/bard and Sorceress/Diabolist
Most also use Arch-types.

Got a long way to go to catch up, so to speak.

Shadow Lodge

On a slightly different note:
Don't use swift action bane on the first round if you don't fire. It's rounds per day and you shouldn't waste it.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

For all those low-str casters, and others, there is the Pathfinder Pouch, a pouch side Handy-Haversack. Carries 10 pounds for the weight of 1 (or 2 cubic feet). Only 1,000 gp. From Seekers of Secrets.

It's how my 8 str Sorceress carried potions/alchemical flasks, etc.

Shadow Lodge

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IMHO it depends on how quickly, often and for what, she gives out the death sentence.
And reading that last line, she's committed an evil act (or very ready/willing to), unjust death sentence for a crime (a.k.a. murder).

The more I re-read the last paragraph, more I believe she's killed multiple nobles for an unknown amount of disrespect.
Disrespect generally is not a crime worthy of the death sentence. Punishment yes, death no.
So I'm going to go with LE.

Reminds me of Dexter, who is also most likely LE

However, if I've misread it, and the deaths aren't common, (and there's a cleric with atonement), she could be LN.
Following that line of thought, if she steals all the wealth off the nobles she kills, she could pay for all the atonements to be LG. Church might be suspicious of that.

Shadow Lodge

Unless you take the Separatist Archtype.

And re-reading your original post I think you might have already seen that.
I think it's also 3/day not 1/day for ignoring difficult terrain (3 + Wis mod (12-2=10:+0) = 3).

I'd go for the dip, personally, and try to really role-play the separatist part.

Shadow Lodge

If you do dip cleric you will need to change deity (going off your profile: Sigreth with Shelyn)

There is one potential issue with changing your current deity, as paladins don't have anything that depends on a specific deity (like domains); a GM may require you to pay for an atonement, as an offering to your new deity. Best to check with your local Venture officer.

Below is a list of deity's with the travel domain and allow your alignment of LG (following the cleric rules of being only one step away):

Otherwise some of the suggestions above might be better.
Feather step (by wand or shoes) would be my choice.

Shadow Lodge

Also demonstrated by Order of the Stick, Misspelled:

Speak with Bread (Ever wish your food could talk back . . .)
Wall of Mice (looks sort of like those human pyramids, only with mice)
Phantasmal Biller (may end up with the same effect depending on the target)

Shadow Lodge

Devilkiller wrote:
Which one's worse, Bigby's Groping Hand and Evard's Invasive Tentacles? I've (luckily) never seen either one in play, but I've heard both mentioned around gaming tables.

For the use of a variant of the second, see it demonstrated by Order of the Stick: Evan's Spiked Tentacles of Forced Intrusion

Shadow Lodge

@Kestral287 Because Dueling needs to go on a Weapon Finesse weapon. And an added benefit as a gauntlet, you can wear/wield it without any penalties (it still counts as a free hand for spell casting, etc).

It is also particularly effective for rude hand gestures (as a GM I would add a circumstance bonus to intimidate, extra if recognize the source reference).

Edit: Ninja'd

Shadow Lodge

Agreed, Hallit and Skald.
I'd also say Sylvan and Giant aren't too far behind given their non-human allies.

Shadow Lodge

If you have the extra feat or the ioun stone mentioned above, you could go for sawtooth sabres: long sword damage that counts as a light weapon for TWF.

Shadow Lodge

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+1 for the Cha-based Class.
Bard (arch-type: archivist APG) would make sense, for having moved into the library.
What did she do before the school, and more importantly, how did she go about doing it? Big, bold, "guns blazing" or staying hidden, "pulling strings".

As for the Disguise Self ability, you do know that they already have Change Shape (Small/medium Humanoid, Alter Self)?
Alter Self is a much better disguise, in that you become it, (aka, it feels real because it is real), but you lose all extraordinary and supernatural abilities that depend on your original form (such as keen senses, scent, and darkvision), (aka you "aren't" a demon etc any more).

Shadow Lodge

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Good News: The Sword Cane is finessable, as per Ultimate Equipment.
However an inquisitor is not proficient with it, (the investigator is, so if you do multi-class you're fine).

There are guides to different builds for most of the classes below that might help (some are in the first post, others spread through-out a "few" pages):
Guide to the Class Guides

The Guides are easier to find on this blog:
Pathfinder Guides Guide

Hopefully these can help with idea's about what Ability scores, feats, spells, etc you want/require.
Most give a quick overview on how the class generally plays as well.

P.S. Love the ideas, both your's, and the GM's.

Shadow Lodge

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If you're not so keen on Asmodeus, there are other potential deities for an inquisitor, who is also a lawyer.

Abadar is also a god worshiped by lawyers and judges.
Most know Him as the God of Taxes, but His portfolio is Cities, Wealth, Merchants, and Law.

Zohls is an Empyreal Lord of Determination, Investigation, and Truth.
She's fits the PI side a bit more than Abadar.

Shadow Lodge

Mark Moreland wrote:
We specifically changed the scale of the map for the Pathfinder Society Field Guide because it was too small in Guide to Absalom, so the latter scale is the one to use.

That doesn't make sense, I thought Guide to Absalom was printed first but it has the bigger scale.

So for the moment I'll go with:

James Jacobs wrote:
In all cases Absalom... bigger is more accurate.

That makes more room for the Keeps, palaces and manors within the walls, none of which are small.

Shadow Lodge

deuxhero wrote:

Clearly worn magic items are like magnets and will repel eachother (I know that has problems with how you two hand a sword when wearing two rings or grapple someone when you both have magic items)

But for a serious anwser, I recall a feat that let you wear four rings, two on the toes, and could take an action to swap between your two sets of rings, but don't remember where it is from. It might have had a "normal: You explode if you try to wear 3 magic rings at once" kind of line in it.

Not sure about a feat, but there is a magical belt that does that:

Meridian Belt

Shadow Lodge

Has anyone else noticed the maps of Absalom in the Guide to Absalom and PFS Field Guide have massively different scales?

To give an idea of the size difference, using the scales, the length of Pilot Island is approx.: 4600ft (GtA), 400ft (PFS FG).

Which is correct? Is there another map to confirm this (or even give a third size)?

Shadow Lodge

Yes, you can.
You can ignore the eidolon's creature type (outsider) and the range of personal (a.k.a. "you" only spells).
But only the eidolon's summoner can cast the spell (be it from spell known or wand), and it must appear on the summoner spell list (which enlarge person does). It also must be a spell not a spell like ability.

(at least that is my understanding of the share spell ability)

Shadow Lodge

Most AP's could be done with an evil member ("ends justifies the means" style or similar) and possibly full party (or close to it) of evil, depending on the motivation for evil actions (hence evil alignment).
Champions of Corruption covers this fairly well. In that you need a reason for the group to not full apart.
It helps if all members (good or evil) see the greater goal/benefits of working together to get what they want, just their methods and reasons are different.

Another way to put would be: evil doesn't always mean villain (enemy of the party, etc) or vice versa.

Shadow Lodge

Simple answer "kill it"?
That's too kind and nice . . .
Ever head of "to the pain". . That's how we'll start..
And killing sends them to Pharasma's Court first, I prefer to skip that and take them straight to Hell, or the Abyss. Can't really decide. Abaddon is also an option.
Hmm, I've got some really good ideas for my private shadow demi-plane. . .

And you shouldn't really compare evil PC's and PFS Pathfinders.
They are both motivated by evil. There's just limits on how much you can show.

Shadow Lodge

For a City that says EVIL, Whitethrone. (The main road is made of humanoid skulls. . .)

For potential adventures, hidden places, something new round every corner, Kaer Maga, (although Absalom comes close).

Shadow Lodge

+1 for the addition of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. (quest for the Shrubbery, a black knight guarding a creek . .)

Also Gamers and The Gamers: Dorkness Rising are good sources.

The trick with a good easter egg is finding something the player's will know (and like/love), and weaving it into the location/setting.
Any Movie, TV series, youtube video, game (elder scrolls, dragon age, etc), book (+ 1 for Game of Thrones Easter egg), etc will be good if your players know it.
If you've played with them before, their old characters, old NPC's, things they did having a wider effect, are gold.

Shadow Lodge

All you need is a good Bluff, Disguise, Perception and Sense Motive. Maybe the knowledge skills (particularly local) and Diplomacy.
A class that give bonuses and/or abilities that makes these better is the cherry on top.
Inquisitors, Investigators (infiltrator archetypes for both are good), Slayers, Rogues etc are all good. Even the Swashbuckler class has the archetype Daring Infiltrator that could work.

Westphalian_Musketeer wrote:

As for the rogue, the class doesn't have quite the "I'm doing this for a reason outside of myself" motivation that I want for this character.

Only if you read the traditional blurb on them. Motivation doesn't stay the same for each class.

A class is HOW you do something, not WHY.
if you stuck to the core classes, James Bond is a rogue (maybe multi-class to monk for hand-to-hand), and there is no way he does not have the motivation "I'm doing this for a reason outside of myself" (sorry for the double negative). He does it for England.
Most movie/book/tv hero spies (the good-guys/the hero/heroine of the show) would be rogues by class and their motivations are almost always bigger than themselves.

Same can be pretty much said for all classes.
Rogues, bards, and fighters are especially board in their ability to be almost any job, for any reason/motivation.

Sorry if this makes it harder to choose.
Maybe look for an ability you really like the sound of, or method of combat you prefer (sneak-attacks, judgements/bane, studied target etc).

Shadow Lodge

- Slayer: "Half-monk, Half-hitman" (well that's not quite right, no monk what-so-ever, but it was a nice line), more of the agent that focuses on keeping secrets, not making them. Cleaner archetype could be good. Very much the assassin/spy.
- Rogue: The original spy class. And a few archetypes to help (Chameleon, Charlatan, Sanctified rogue, Spy)

There is the prestige class Master Spy as well.

What does this character plan to do with their secrets and ability to deceive?
Information broker, spy-for-hire, keep the church secrets?
Do they hide in plain sight, or shadows?

Shadow Lodge 1/5

By human heritage I'm guessing you mean Racial Heritage (the human feat, Advanced Players Guide).
And I thought that was the whole reason of that feat (other than Kobold is a non-legal race, and undine is chronicle legal), so you, as a human, could take elf/dwarf/humanoid (even kitsune) traits, feats, how spells and magic items affect you, and so on.
(but my example is undine (native outsider), so that way isn't possible)

I'm guessing the one way is UMD out of the ring?

Shadow Lodge 1/5

I've noticed that the Ring of Spell Knowledge allows sorcerers (and bards, etc) to add add spells (including non-spell list spells) to their spells known (at one level higher).
Does this allow for racial spells as well? (such as a human sorcerer now gaining nereid's grace via level 2 ring)

I realize that the sorcerer needs to encounter the spell, and can't buy the racial spell (as a scroll/wand etc) themselves.
So what ways can you encounter another race's racial spell in PFS easily?
The obvious one is finding another PC of said race (but the example is undine, so not easy).

Shadow Lodge

The best (or darkest, depending on your point of view) artifacts, when not in use, should be stored on their own demi-plane.
Everything there is under your command, no unwanted interference of ANY sort.
The entrances to all the different demi-planes is itself a demi-plane and is hidden in the vaults (for the lesser items of a dark nature) beneath the Grand Lodge.

This method means that when the inevitable (be it deliberate or accidental) happens it is contained and easily cleaned (or left where no-one will ever find it).

Shadow Lodge 1/5

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I've gone for the Kansas-City-Shuffle (which is also very much in character).

I am applying the boon to a brand new PC.
But the class idea and persona of the 1 XP PC are going to transfer to this new PC, and a new persona taking over the 1 XP.
All thanks to the Level one rebuilds.

This way it is legal (no questions asked), and I can keep my characters back story.

Still wish it was clearer.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

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I have a quesion about the New Recruits Boon from 5-99: Paths We Choose

How new is a "Newly Created PC"?
- Not yet made on the Paizo site
- No XP
- 1 (or 2) XP and still level 1
- or is it based off dates

Main Reason for the question is for my PC's backround.
I have a level 1 (1 XP) PC who is a close friend (well as close as spies get, but that's an other story) to the level 7 PC who just got the boon. They are both the same faction (SC).
It seems like this boon was made for them.

So does a level 1 with only 1 XP count as newly created for the boon?

Shadow Lodge

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We enter a room, full of cages and one guy waiting by a switch. He gets a surprise action, flicking the switch, opening all the cage doors.
I then go first, cast mage hand, and flick the switch back.

The following fight ended up one-sided, with us taking on the one guy (who kept trying to get his backup). And when it did arrive, it was in twos, due to the fight over the switch.

Shadow Lodge

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Guns for hire: All take an archetype that uses firearms (like Holy Gun for Paladins, and Spellslinger for wizards, etc).

Shadow Lodge

An Anti-paladin would serve Besmara rules wise. While the alignment is CE, your DM could change that to CN for the campaign and change some of the abilities to be more chaotic (replace good for law, evil for chaos). Think someone has a homebrew like this on d20pfsrd.
This shouldn't bother the other players so much.

There's a "pirates code" listed in the "Pirates of the Inner Sea" player companion. I think Captain Jack Sparrow is a "good" example of a follower of the Pirate Codex.

I also agree with Sunset Psychosis, with the choice of weapon and the idea to dip into Swashbuckler.

Shadow Lodge

I agree with you, LazarX that in a logical sense they over lap, but RAW they don't with untyped bonuses.
And I know you need a decent bluff (aka maxed), but looking like, say, the guard's boss will possibly give you bonuses (they want to believe you, and you have proof).
Guess it would come down to the GM, choosing between RAI, or RAW.
Not that I mind so much, was wondering what the general view was.

Shadow Lodge

Is it just me (and I've misread or fumbled my maths) or is the title combo really good at disguises?
e.g. The kitsune changes to a specific human form (kitsune change shape ability +10 racial bonus, and realistic likeness +10 circumstance bonus) and then drinks the disguise self extract (+10 bonus to disguise, illusion-based), for a total of 1d20+36 (the above plus 1 rank, class still and +2 ability mod) minus any gender/size/age/etc change (note they are reduced due to infiltrator) at level 1.

And at 4th, replace the disguise self for alter self (no longer illusion, and now add the 2nd level infiltrator ability mimic mastery to add a further +10 bonus for a specific idv. total +20 from alter self) bringing it to 1d20+49 (increased ranks to 4).

Can also add inspiration, get a disguise kit, or other mundane items to increase it.

Most of the insane bonuses will be negated by true seeing (in fact all the +10's will be negated being magical in nature), but that's basically an 11th level caster

This is PFS legal.

Is this the ultimate spy? The being able to walk into any room through the front door (need a good bluff mod, you "are" the boss) as the owner?

Shadow Lodge

It does.
See .4:1 against crashing the site at 12:10 PDT as the file servers get to work.

Or it might be: .6:1 against crashing the site at 12:07 PDT as the personalizer starts getting put through the wringer.

Shadow Lodge

Banned for talking about classified information on unsecure channels.

Shadow Lodge

Granted, however the wisher will be unable to wish, in spirit, letter or any other form of communication, that is understandable by any being in existance, real or otherwise. This includes but not limited to, ancient wishing methods (upon a star, blowing out birthday candles, etc), conversing unintentially with wish-granting beings (be it angel, devil, demon, geni or god etc), or even casting the spell themselves (be it through knowledge or item).
That is until, 2 seconds before the end of all time, when they'll be able wish as per the spell, with the added component, their soul (which will be used to power the lowest level of the abyss, and their torment).

I . . . I . . supposted do something, just don't know what.
Can someone take my place?

Shadow Lodge

Threeshades wrote:

The problem with this theory: Do goblins also hate house cats and farm animals, like chicken, cattle etc.?

As far as I know they don't care about those any more than any other animal (meaning they are in one or more of these categories for goblins: scary, food, useful or entertainment)

I also thought about this, but house cats and other farm animals aren't quite the same. They don't form the same level bond with humans (or other humanoids) as quickly or easily.

There's a reason dogs are known as mans best friend, and horses aren't too far behind.
You can tame other farm animals, but you work harder and resaults aren't as good. Cats, well, you never tame them.
Of course there are exceptions.

As for believing, this is a theory that fits, the rest is up to you.

Shadow Lodge

I think you might be on to something.

Although if she was going to create a monster to deliver her wrath to dogs and horses, goblins don't seem the best choice.
Or maybe that's the point.

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