
Riyah's page

16 posts (145 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


Basically the idea is that the elves near Dragon Wood, and humans near Anvil each have a separate organization of scouts. Eventually while working together a romance bloomed which created my character. They tried to use this as a source to form a common bond, but the human faction has seen this as a chance to spy on their "allies".


As I said I did this with a while running around with a copious amount of beer mixed in so I'm not surprised.

You are correct, I'll correct it tomorrow when I sober up, as well as expand a bit on the history of my character/org.


Not entirely sure yet, bouncing some different ideas in my head. I'll be able to sit down and figure it out tomorrow morning.

Where will the campaign be taking place, near the frost ranges?

I don't think people being unframilar with the system should be a problem. 13th age is similar to pathfinder, but a bit more simplified.

Is everyone doing the "One unique thing" from the 13th age char creation?

You speak of madness.

Was thinking bowed Ranger, but I'm going to take a gander and the 13th age book and see if anything else leaps out at me.


Any other character creation I should know about? Will we be using traits from the Reign of Winter Player Guide (obviously re-skinned for the different setting)?

Reading the link now.

It's your call. if you're up for having me, great! If you're looking for someone with more posts/experience on the board, I won't be offended.

Oladon wrote:

I don't think it's that he's only looking for experienced players, just that he doesn't want to end up with someone disappearing partway through the game. :)

Out of curiosity, what sort of writing do you do?

I write radio commercials. It's a slow spiritual death.

Oh, I'm familiar with the classes, and the game itself. Played in a few campaigns with friends, and a couple standard modules.

Fairly new wasn't the best description. Fairly new when compared to RPG's I've played enough to memorize the books backwards and forwards.

No experience playing pBp, so if that's a problem I understand. Can't really sell you too hard on myself though, as I'm fairly new to pathfinder (although probably 15 years experience with tabletop RPG's as a whole).

I write for a living, and have no problem keeping up with the board. However if you're looking only for experienced players, I totally get it.

Sorry, been in meetings and work stuff for the last 24 hours. I wouldn't be able to finish anything till Monday probably, so I'll politely bow out if someone wants to take my spot and wish you all good luck!

I'm into this! Got the 13th age book and looking to try it out! Love to join in if you'll take me!

4d6: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 4, 2) = 10 = 9
4d6: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 3, 1) = 10 = 9
4d6: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 4, 4) = 14 = 13
4d6: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 6) = 12 = 11
4d6: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 4, 6) = 21 = 17
4d6: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 5, 4) = 12 = 11


Generic Dungeon Master wrote:

Riyah – there is room, as long as you do not mind a large cast of characters.

Thanks, how do I add myself to the characters/playing part of this thread?

I'll upload a character/background in the next day or so.

Sounds like this campaign is filled? If not let me know, I'd love to join in.

I'm interested in joining (if there's still space that is).

Let me know if you have the room, as it looks like a lot of people have already signed up.