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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 42 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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A primer a player might actually read...


...and she/he should. The book is filled with great options and ideas how to fit your character into Varisia. All info is presented in short texts and it's pretty obvious where to look for the right stuff.

As the (or just my?) typical player is not so keen on reading whole books for campaign preparation this product (and the upcoming player companion products) are designed for theyr audience really well. Well done!

I also loved the Varisia map in the book a great possible handout and a welcome artistic deviation from the much more monotone campaign setting map style.

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Pathfinders in Wonderland


Awesome adventure incorporating all the characters from the Harrow Deck. If this adventure was not already planned when the cards where designed the writer of the adventure did a great job adding everyone to the adventure.

I expected a more random adventure style, like creating the flow of the adventure by drawing cards- but that idea could be used for "Return to the Harrowing". Even without that randomness the best Module I read so far.