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Should there be a save against the shaken aura and/or fear effects of this spell?

Tobias wrote:
How much time do you expect to spend underwater?

Quite a while, it's a part of the campaign I haven't fleshed out too well, so I'd like to take the time to explore it more thoroughly. Thanks for the suggestions btw, I will certainly look into them both!


I am simply asking for suggestions for reference materials, or ideas for under water dungeons.

I've been considering running an under sea adventure for my group and books in that setting have been challenging to find. I welcome any ideas from the wide world of the Paizo internets!

BigNorseWolf wrote:

I believe...

We house ruled the poison thing to end a rather long and stupid debate about semantics.

Thanks for completely missing the point of the thread.

A rogue and wizard get into an argument and the rogue decides to get back at him by spiking his "dwarven holy water' with some sleeping powder...

The wizard's PC laughed it off, very assured his dwarf was more than capable of handling it; he had forgotten about the "poison stacking" rules with alcohol, making it very VERY funny when he (surprize!) failed his DC 30 fort save the second swig. The aftermath was hilarity.

This was one of several such amusing tales that happened during this campaign, I was really surprised at what the group would come up with all on their own.

Anyone else have any tales of random PC's action (or inaction)? I love hearing anecdotes from other players!

Bascaria wrote:

Are you talking about Monstruous Physique??

Yes, I am. Wrote this while very tired and slightly inebriated... You are right about the stat changes and such, I was reading it wrong. Still, it could be very funny in-game.

Mikaze wrote:
dhampir paladin


Would this not self destruct? :P

A convo with a friend led to us looking up possible "Monstrous Form" candidates in the Beastiaries. This is how it played out...

Friend: "A doppelganger technically qualifies as a medium monstrous humanoid."

Me: "True..." *realizes this could get messy* "But why would you want to turn into one?"

Friend: "Well, if you got their spell-like ability... you'd get all their bonuses while walking around as yourself!"

After I picked myself up off the floor, I began to think on it. It seems legal according to the wording of the spell...

I'd like some outside input on this subject, silly as it is. Also, has anyone else run across these kinds of things with this spell, or ones like it?

stringburka wrote:
Make them "champions of balance" that can use their powers against "extremes"; chaotic evil, chaotic good, lawful evil, lawful good.

I like this suggestion. It does help pin down a 'cause' for the pally to fight for, even if they are 'neutral'.

LazarX wrote:
Part of what balances a Paladin is the strictness of the Lawful Good alignment.

If a PC could give me a convincing argument for a non-lawful paladin, I *might* grant it, as Stringburka pointed out above, it could work.

I should amend my first post though: I have a stipulation that Paladins be Lawful, simply because of the level of commitment it takes to become one.

This is also why I had the note about "within one step of their patron's alignment", allowing a Lawful Neutral paladin to serve either a Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Good/Evil, or Lawful Good/Evil god; they couldn't serve a Chaotic Evil/Good god under this rule. I have a very small pantheon to choose from, so it allows for a little more creativity and wiggle-room for players.

I do see your point in that it could make for a broken/overpowered character if the GM allowed them to do either/or, again, another pitfall of not being able to play-test with my power-gaming friends...

Some call me Tim wrote:
When you say clerics can use any domain they wish...

Essentially it's a slightly modified "Spontaneous Conversion" The cleric chooses their two primary domains and prepares their spells normally at the beginning of the day. If they need to, they may swap out one spell per cleric level from their prepared Domain Spells for one from another domain of equal level, they loose the spell once cast and cannot prepare it again when they prepare their spells normally.

Some call me Tim wrote:
While it would be nice to have spells get stronger or weaker depending on the actions of a cleric, that could lead to a lot of bookkeeping ... it would seem that all PCs worship death and mayhem.

I was thinking a simple tally system based on action (x - strikes (toward good/evil), equals x subtracted from your heal/harm effectiveness.) Yes, it could get very bogged down in math and semantics, but that's up to an individual DM's decision. Certainly something to think about.

Some call me Tim wrote:
If paladins are are supposed to be paragons of 'virtue'...

I tend to view Paladins more as old-fashioned "knights" who work their asses off, dedicating their life to serving something (be it an ideal, god, virtue, etc.), if they chose to serve a neutral or evil cause that is their choice. I see your point that PC's could take the 'neutral' option as an 'I can do whatever' idea... it would take the right kind of player to make it work right.

Some call me Tim wrote:
I've always imagined clerics serve the entire pantheon...

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who thinks this way!

The campaign setting I set up for my PC's is dependent on a polytheistic system, with 8 dieties handling multiple portfolios and the populace calling on whichever god will meet their need at the time. (god of Luck when you're gambling, god of Mercy when you're broke afterward)

Making it up myself made me think about tweaking Clerics and Paladins a bit:

- Your cleric is not beholden to a single god. They act as conduits of divine power and can use any domains they wish, even if they are from two opposing dieties. Alignment is up to the PC's actions, if they have a 'good' and 'evil' domain, if they act more evil, the good domain spells falter and become less powerful, and visa-versa.

- Paladins must pick a single god to serve. They can be of any alignment as long as it is within one degree of their patron, and can choose a single domain of that god and add those spells to their paladin spell list. Evil aligned pally's use the Anti-Paladin build, Neutral Paladins get the choice of channeling heal/harm, good/evil based on the situation, but should try to balance their actions and stay within the tenants of their patron.

My issue is I haven't had anyone play-test these ideas yet (nobody wants to play a pally...), so I'm curious if anyone can come up with some pit-falls or issues I might come across in the future. I'd appreciate some input from everyone, especially game-breakers.