With the monstrosity completed and gently parading around the hallway, Melinoe and Tisaera come strolling down, and inspect it from all sides.
"awwwww, cuuuuuuute!" says Melinoe, poking in the flesh-thing.
Tisaera inspects one of the legs. "Oh look, Mel! Look at these sutures! They're made to resemble a string of Zebubs! Truly a masterpiece!"
Their good mood quickly ends as they resume their intended task; to bring the 7th knot to the Cardinal, so he can file a formal complaint.
They curtly nod to Caladwhen. "It would seem you have met your contractual obligations. Now we must needs deliver the accussed to the plaintiff, so we may meet ours."
The Erinyes do not wait for an answer - the next step is obvious and they do not need your guidance.
They awkwardly hold hands with the flesh-thing, and guide it outside the horn. Wobbling slowly and grotesquely, Dostan's legs slowly carry the stumbling giblets of the Knot Hibernal outside.
Melinoe looks back towards the horn for just a second, and smiles her fearsome, toothy smile. "Catch you later."
They teleport away.
Immensely pleased with some internal joke, Melinoe and Tisaera throw Elise towards a slab of stone in the lab.
Unfortunately, their aim is just a little off, and Elise's face slams onto the hard stone edge. Sighing with mock frustration, Melinoe and Tisaera roughly lift her up and fix her to the table.
"*sigh* can't you do anything right?"
looking dispassionately at the head bouncing down the battlefield, Melinoe tightens her whip's grip on Zadaria's throat, leaving her gasping for air.
"You will speak when spoken to."
Tisaera steps in, bluntly reaching down Elise's open mouth.
"But no more - you annoy me."
A short, succulent tearing sound later, the front of Elise's perfectly white dress changes into a sea of red, as Tisaera throws the witch's tongue to one of the goblins.
"Pet! roast this. With garlick."
While at the same time, Tisaera's whip curls around Elise's throat, leaving just enough room for the winter witch to breathe. Sometimes.
Tisaera smiles eerily towards Elise:
"Come now. Stay a little while...longer"
casually, Melinoe's whip curls around Elise's waist, gripping her tight and sending her spell fizzling harmlessly into the ether.
With mock concern, as if berating a puppy, the devil softly speaks:
"No, no; Where were you planning to go then, honey?"
As soon as she hears the Ceustodaemon speak, Tisaera (but who knows, really) Walks towards the exit of the Horn, loosening the ferocious whip to her side.
She's grinning.
Meanwhile, inside the horn, Melinoe* interrupts her conversation with Caladwhen and looks to the southeast, in the direction of the seventh. She smiles smugly and snaps her fingers. For a second, she shimmers faintly - before reappearing exactly where she stood before!
Seething in rage, she hisses through her teeth "Elf! The Horn of Abaddon is warded against Extramural Teleportation."
She draws her sword, walks to the nearest window, and jumps out, spreading her bloodied wings.
* at least, I think.
well played, Cole :) Your zeal is exactly the reason you're not on the receiving end of the punishment.
Ever since they heard Cala's plan, the sisters watch the interaction with obvious interest. After Cole's last comment, it's clear that the meeting is veering off in the direction of a religious debate, and one of the Furies intervenes.
"Your cardinal wishes to punish the disobedient minions, demonstrating his devotion to the Laws. Your plan will suffice, Elf Aldimae(*)."
(*)Note how they stay strictly to the bare minimum facts to describe individuals. No one being spoken to has any doubt who they intended - even though they couldn't have been more vague. These 'ladies' are clearly accustomed to the entangling word-games of the nine pits.
"Indeed, sister."
They don't waste words, do they?
Speaking coldly and decicisvely, two Erinyes emerge from the forest. The left one is wrapping her impossibly long whip (ah, not a snake, then...!) as the right one looks up at the horn, clearly looking for someone.
After mere moments, their patience is spent, and they fly up.
In a booming voice, both scream "FELLOW ASMODEANS! YOUR CARDINAL HAS SENT US."