Braddikar Faje

IBGuard2's page

19 posts. Alias of increddibelly.

Dark Archive

Hi guys,
order 3234402 was placed on october 4th; it's been a month and I haven't seen any change. Is everything OK?

Dark Archive

Hello gamers.

We need a Rogue, a Ranger, or an Assassin to round out our group.
Do you think you're up for the challenge? Here's the hook:


Our villains of the Ninth Knot are working for the last Cardinal of Asmodeus in all of Andoran. The Cardinal's long term plan is to overthrow the Andoran government.

Our villains are currently working on a 6 month ritual to release an archdaemon of pestilence from captivity. In this process, they are supported by a second group in the Cardinal's service: The Seventh Knot, led by Elise Zadaria, operating from a nearby town of Farholde.

Elise however, has been jealous of the Ninth Knot since day one; she feels she should've been the one doing the ritual. And, she intends to prove she can - by eliminating the Ninth Knot, eliminating our villains.

Fortunately, our Asmodean villains of the Ninth Knot have discovered Elise's plot, through clever trickery of their own!

Your Character:


  • You are a member of the Seventh Knot.
  • You are loyal to the Cardinal and the greater goal; that's what got you this job in the first place
  • You've just found out about Elise's betrayal.
  • You were NOT in on the plan to betray the Ninth; Elise laid out this plan herself, with the help of one other member of the 7th Knot.
  • You do NOT agree with this plan – it goes against the wishes of the Cardinal.
  • You have decided to abandon the treacherous 7th Knot, and warn the 9th Knot about the plot.
  • You have tried to convince your brother/sister (also in the 7th knot) to come with you. If this succeeds, depends on if you choose to take the leadership feat: (S)He'll be your cohort.
  • Character building rules:


  • You're a L8 ranger or rogue and/or assassin. But you’ve got this awesome idea for <class X>! That’s great! But not in this game, sorry.
  • There are a bunch of character building rules that you can find in part 1 of this campaign
  • Lawful Evil alignment is required.
  • Leadership is recommended; see Masters of the Wicked in the Campaign Info tab.
  • If you think you’ve got what it here.
    Tell us about yourself. What events from your past drove you to evil? Why do Cardinal Thorn's plans for taking over the country appeal so much to you?

    Impress us!

    Just remember: the Prince of the Nessus does not like weakness.

    "Welcome to my pleasure barge!"

    After you emerge victoriously from the Butchery of Balentyne, Tiadora guides you over a concealed path, downwards, towards lake Tarik.

    A ramshackle river barge named “Halstyn’s Folly” is tied to Lake Tarik’s western bank. The captain and three man crew of this shallow-bottomed barge are commoners, all thoroughly under Tiadora’s control. They are certainly no threat.
    Tiadora does not delay and with her silken voice, she explains next to nothing :
    "The master commands you board. You will learn more later."

    Dark Archive

    Thanks for being awesome, but I've got enough material to play for the next 5 years.
    Plus, I'm not at all looking forward to the mythic stuff.

    Dark Archive

    Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

    And we're off!! Super-excited.

    Talon, as discussed, your wings are hurting. My guess is that this pain is related to those two guards, (Dan with the freckles, and Bart with the hideously bad breath) taking a blunt saw to them - the wings will take months to grow back in any useful manner.
    In the meantime, feel free to be extremely annoyed with these guardsmen, or guards in general - I'm sure you won't forget their faces anytime soon!

    Dark Archive

    Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

    In the Republic of Andoran, many crimes may send you to Branderscar prison, but the sentence has but one meaning. You are wicked and irredeemable.

    Each of you received the same greeting when you arrived. You were held down by rough hands and branded upon the arm with a runic F by a fatter-than-usual guard. The fat guard seemed to hold some respect with the other guards, and you've clearly heard him being called
    "Sergeant Blackerly".

    The mark on your arm signifies ‘forsaken’ and the painful scar is indelible proof that each of you has betrayed the great and eternal love of Sarenrae and her chosen mortal vassals.

    Condemned, you face at best a life of shackles and servitude in the nearby salt mines. Others might await the “gentle” ministrations of the inquisitors so that co-conspirators may be revealed and confessions extracted. Perhaps, some of you will be spared this ordeal. Perhaps instead you have come to Branderscar to face the final judgment. In three days, the executioner arrives and the axe falls or the pyre will be lit. Through fire or steel, your crimes will be answered.

    You have all been chained together in the same communal cell dressed in nothing but filthy, tattered rags. Manhandled and mistreated, any finery you once possessed is either ruined or long lost. No special treatment has been given any prisoner – male or female, commoner or noble – all of the forsaken are bound and imprisoned together. Your
    feet are secured by iron cuffs tethered by one long chain. Your arms are secured to the wall above by manacles. A guard is posted right outside the cell day and night. Little thought is given to long term
    accommodations. At Branderscar, justice comes swift and sure.

    Escape seems hopeless. You have all been well searched and every attempt to conceal anything on your person has failed. And if you could somehow slip your bonds and fly out of this prison, where would
    you go? Who from your former life would want anything to do with the forsaken? Despised, alone and shackled – all that you can do now is await your doom.

    For each of you, your old life is over. For each of you, hope is a fading memory. For each of you, justice will be fairly meted. And who can blame fair Andoran after what each of you has done?

    Welcome everyone to this tale of fire and fury! Please take a moment to describe your physical appearance. What do you look like, how do you smell, are you tall, small, thin or stout, rude or erudite? Don't bother with describing clothes or gear; it's all been taken away, sorry. That's what you get for ending up in Branderscar. Enjoy your crude linens for now.

    Dark Archive

    I'm checking to see if there's any interest to play Way of the Wicked, Fire Mountain Games' awesome Evil campaign.
    5 player spots available.

    You're in a cell in the worst place of all of Andoran : Branderscar Prison. This is the place where the most dangerous criminals go, for the short rest of their life. You and your cellmates have only a few things in common: You've been caught. You're guilty. And in three days from now, you'll be hung, beheaded or beyond all hints of civilisation, deep in the nation's Salt mines.

    Your mind is already working on a plan to not let any of that happen.

    character generation
    Check out the official player's guide for the character generation method.

    We'll be using the Focus & Foible method described in that PDF - please post your 4x 1d10+7 rolls when signing up. If you end up with a total of less than 44, you'll get a reroll until your total reaches 44+.

    Characters are required to be of Lawful Evil alignment. Check out this link for excellent inspiration.

    Please consider in your backstory the reason or the life event that caused you to turn evil.

    house rules
    rule #1 If it's fun for everyone, it's likely to work.

    I prefer to play by the rules, but if your character comes up with a great in-character solution to a situation, that moves the story forward but requires bending or breakage of rules, then the rules shall go bye bye for a little while.

    Along the same lines, if during a battle the party is clearly on the winning side, I'll propose to move things forward, unless the story benefits from playing things out to the bitter, messy end.

    The original module runs outside Golarion for copyright reasons; However, to make people feel more at home, we'll be playing in Andoran instead of Talingarde, and we'll have to worry about Sarenrae instead of Mitra. Some more hacks will be necessary along the way, but I'm sure we'll get by.

    I'm a software developer by trade. I've been a tabletop GM for almost 10 years, but this will be my first PbP game.
    Feel free to suggest anything, but once I've posted a decision, it'll probably stay that way (and your tip *will* be remembered for the next time.)


    Dark Archive

    contains spoilers.

    Beyond the doomsday door arrived in the mail today and after reading the foreword I had to stop and post here.
    I'm simply too shocked to read that so much flavor on my favorite fey - Redcaps - got cut! This cut section simply *screams* to be made into a downloadable PDF...So, paizo, pretty please with sugar, honey, and a freshly picked cherry on top, PLEASE would you tell us what Tito Leati had in mind with the redcaps?

    Dark Archive

    I love the game and I'm happily buying more Pathfinder books than I'll ever be able to inflict on my players. However, one thing keeps disappointing me : The quality of the softcover books i.e. adventure path / campaign setting.

    I've had this problem with for instance the original Rise of the Runelords and Council of Thieves; most of these books have come apart: one moment, the page is in the book, and the next, as I turn it, I'm holding it in my hand with a sad face.

    There's no way I can be more gentle to the books and there's no way to tell if it's going to happen, but so far, out of all softcover Paizo books I own, about a dozen have a loose stack of paper where the first quarter of the book used to be.
    That really stings me. I think the books are beautiful and I want to keep them that way.

    I'll be happy to send pictures if you need more details but I'm not sure how you will be able to help.

    So, I guess I'm saying, please tell the Chinese printers to use better glue?

    Dark Archive

    one of my players has an alchemist, who has found a suitable site for opening a store. He has most of the lab equipment - but I need some sort of price for renting the store building (store is on a corner of town square, small town +/- 1700 inhabitants).

    My gut tells me that it would cost 500 gp a month, paid up front, with 2 months deposit - so 1500 gold for the first month and 500gp every next month (*)

    The party has 5k in cash so this is very doable - I just don't want to make it too easy for them, so perhaps I need to double the rate?

    (*)spoiler Way of the Wicked:

    although in all honesty they won't be staying in Aldencross for all that long - they'll probably steal back every penny before they leave. I just want to put a serious but fair drain their budget, so they can't have a shop AND still afford to create a dozen scrolls.

    Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    [rant apology='sincere']
    If there's one thing I hate - truly passionately hate - about Multiplayer games, it is the constant jumping of player characters. Please make it not possible to jump.
    If you refuse, then pretty please make it impossible to jump in a city.
    Or, have the guards drag the jumping git to the local healer's shop, have them examined, have them pay deerly for the healer's services, and sent on their merry way.
    If you refuse even that, pretty please with sugar on top, mercilessly banhammer those morons who cannot refrain from sharing their chronic case of Jumping Git with civilised people.


    Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

    I'm looking forward to wasting my time on this product :)

    Here's an idea.
    I think I'd like it if players could setup a party - much like a WoW party. The party leader could take on the role of GM, the rest of the party would play their PC.

    The GM gets a window in their screen with GM tools which they can use to create events / monsters / NPC's / traps where desired - I humbly suggest you look into incorporating (a simplified version of) a tool such as StoryBricks ( Using the The GM could quickly setup events as the party trudges along.
    Other players in the world might be either invisible or reduced to NPC's...but that's a little shaky. The reason I'm saying this is that it may be helpful to make the events only visible/effective to the party, to prevent ninja-ing by other players and to prevent spiteful GM's from assassinating players outside the party using Spontaneous Red Dragon Just Behind You)

    I imagine it would be very helpful if the GM could have a pool of some common moods or reactions (fight/flee/assist/go to person/go to place/say/cast spell/use skill) and perhaps the option to create their own reaction as well.

    a bonus would be for the GM to be able to choose from pre-generated lines of speech when the PC's speak to their NPC. i.e. when an NPC is spoken to, a list appears, the GM picks a line that looks like what they need, edit it a bit and send it to the party chat.

    we'd need some way of saving the state of the ongoing campaign as well, but I'm sure your brains are big enough to figure something out :p

    Dark Archive

    Lots of spoilers, RotR players should run off.

    I'm trying to setup a tough encounter where Kazavan fully tries to get his revenge on the players, with as many references to gluttony magic as I can squeeze in.

    Here's what happened:
    The PC's went through the minions in the gluttony wing reasonably quickly, although their spells were drained once they reached Kazaven's area. Under the effect of greater invisibility, Kazaven lazily chased my players out of the gluttony wing with ghost sounds and some chain lightning. The PC's will not recognize him if they should ever encounter him again and they are now taking a nap across the hall in the envy area. Also, Arkhryst has escaped and may decide to come back into the story later - I intend to save him for Wrath though.

    Now, how to proceed?
    First trick that came to my mind would be for the necromancer to heal all his minions and lie in waiting - makes sense from his point of view, but would it not be a bit lame from a player's point of view to fight the same monsters they fought last time?

    Another idea was to have Kazaven pretend he's one of the corpses on the floor in the abbatoir, pretending to be near death, waiting for the players to come to his 'rescue' so he can catch them off guard. However, the PC's did a thorough sweep the room, well enough to immediately notice an extra body in a corner.

    These ideas don't feel like a bad boss battle yet. There's no gluttonous deeds in either idea, so I'm looking for some more pointed boss behavior. Give me your best shot :)

    Dark Archive

    Hi all,

    some friends are moving over from 3.5 to Pathfinder (yay! more believers!) and one of them is rolling up his first druid.
    He asked me why Knowledge Arcana is a class skill for Clerics, but not for Druids...and I don't have an answer. apparently, neither does this board - I couldn't find any discussion about this topic.

    I like that druids don't get arcane knowledge as a class skill - there's nothing natural about arcana. Druids have divine spellcasting. That's all fine.
    But I'd say that the same goes for clerics as well, yet Clerics *do* have knowledge(arcana) as a class skill. That just doesn't make any sense to me.
    I'd only agree with know(arc) being a class skill for a cleric if the cleric would happen to be a follower of Nethys, god of magic. Not for any other sort of cleric.

    so, what's the logic behind this?

    Dark Archive

    Hi folks,

    one of the players in my Council of Thieves campaign has suggested an excellent side quest:

    short quest description:

    His character, a dwarven innkeeper / rogue, has caught a rumor of a recipy for a magical ale that effectively functions as an elixir of truth.
    I intend to provide a side adventure that allows the party to find this long-forgotten recipy.

    However, before I start writing up my own adventure, I thought I'd ask around to find out which was the most fun Treasure Hunt-style adventure that you've ever played, and please do tell why it was such great fun. I'm hoping I can borrow some elements from your stories.

    it's ok if the module was set in 1e or 4e or a totally different game system altogether, I'm mainly interested in the name of the published adventure and a little note explaining why that particular story was such great fun.

    I'm looking forward to hear from you :)

    Dark Archive


    I sure feel like a nitpicking wiseguy now...but still, I'm pretty sure there's an error in the template for the round 1 woundrous item:
    Shouldn't the second occurrence of 'Aura' should be replaced with 'Weight'?


    Aura ZZstrength ZZschool; CL ZZth
    Slot ZZslot; Price ZZ gp; Aura ZZ lbs.

    must...not...mention rule #10 oh nooo - couldn't resist